43 research outputs found

    The impact of surgically induced ischaemia on protein levels in patients undergoing rectal cancer surgery

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    The goal of targeted therapy has driven a search for markers of prognosis and response to adjuvant therapy. The surgical resection of a solid tumour induces tissue ischaemia and acidosis, both potent mediators of gene expression. This study investigated the impact of colorectal cancer (CRC) surgery on prognostic and predictive marker levels. Tumour expression of thymidylate synthase, thymidine phosphorylase, cyclin A, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), carbonic anhydrase-9, hypoxia inducible factor-1α, and glucose transporter-1 (GLUT-1) proteins was determined before and after rectal cancer surgery. Spectral imaging of tissue sections stained by immunohistochemistry provided quantitative data. Surgery altered thymidylate synthase protein expression (P=0.02), and this correlated with the change in the proliferation marker cyclin A. The expression of hypoxia inducible factor-1α, VEGF, and GLUT-1 proteins was also different following surgery. Colorectal cancer surgery significantly impacts on intratumoral gene expression, suggesting archival specimens may not accurately reflect in situ marker levels. Although rectal cancer was the studied model, the results may be applicable to any solid tumour undergoing extirpation in which molecular markers have been proposed to guide patient therapy

    An alternative and more cost effective method of delivery of radiotherapy in age-related macular degeneration

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    AIMS/BACKGROUND—In the past 5 years there has been a dramatic increase in the use of radiotherapy to treat subfoveal neovascular membranes (NVMs) in both Europe and the USA despite the high cost. An alternative, more cost effective method of delivery using x ray simulation and bite block head fixation is described.
METHOD—15 patients were recruited with classic subfoveal NVMs. Head fixation was achieved with a customised Perspex mask for eight patients and a bite block for seven. An x ray simulator was used to check the field of irradiation. No computerised tomography (CT) was performed. All patients received a total dose of 13.3( )Gy ionising radiation. Visual acuities were charted before and after treatment over a 24 month period.
RESULTS—After 24 months, 5/8 (67%) in the mask group showed stable visual acuities (less than two line change on Snellen chart) compared with 3/7 (43%) in the bite block group. This difference may be attributed to a variation in the pretreatment visual acuities in the two groups. From several studies it has been estimated that 24 months after diagnosis 28% untreated individuals would have stable vision compared with 53% patients in this study.
CONCLUSIONS—These results compare favourably with other studies and show that teletherapy can be a safe and effective form of treatment for subfoveal NVMs. The authors have described an alternative method of head fixation and shown that CT scanning is not essential. This method of delivery is considerably less costly than that traditionally used and may allow greater numbers of patients to benefit from radiotherapy treatment.

 Keywords: radiotherapy; age related macular degeneratio

    Iridium-192 implantation for node-negative carcinoma of the penis: the Cookridge Hospital experience.

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    Carcinoma of the penis is a rare tumour of the male urogenital tract, which may be treated by using several modalities. We present a single-centre experience of iridium-192 implantation. From 1980 to 1997, 31 patients with node-negative penile cancer were treated with an iridium-192 implant to the penis. A retrospective analysis of the case notes was made. Survival curves were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method. The median age at treatment was 61.5 years. Twenty-seven patients presented with Jackson Stage I disease and four with Stage II disease. They were treated with an iridium-192 implant to the penis after biopsy (n = 25) or tumour excision (n = 6), with a 'watch and wait' policy for inguinal nodes. Four patients did not complete their implantation treatment and had additional external beam radiotherapy. The median follow-up was 61.5 months. The primary tumour was controlled in 25 of 31 patients (80.6%) by the implant. In all but one patient with primary relapse, surgical salvage was successful, although one patient died of septicaemia 3 weeks after surgery. Nodes were the initial site of relapse in seven patients, with associated relapse in the primary in one. The actuarial 5-year survival rates were as follows: overall survival 69.0 %, disease-specific survival (corrected for intercurrent deaths) 85.4%, relapse-free survival 57.8% and local relapse-free survival 75.6%. One patient underwent amputation for necrosis and 11 of 25 patients (44%) who achieved penile conservation required dilatation for urethral stenosis. In conclusion, iridium-192 implantation is a successful method of treatment for penile cancer in terms of local control, with preservation of function in the majority of patients. In those who do relapse at the primary site, surgical salvage is usually possible

    Floral Assemblages and Patterns of Insect Herbivory during the Permian to Triassic of Northeastern Italy

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    To discern the effect of the end-Permian (P-Tr) ecological crisis on land, interactions between plants and their insect herbivores were examined for four time intervals containing ten major floras from the Dolomites of northeastern Italy during a Permian-Triassic interval. These floras are: (i) the Kungurian Tregiovo Flora;(ii) the Wuchiapingian Bletterbach Flora;(iii) three Anisian floras;and (iv) five Ladinian floras. Derived plant-insect interactional data is based on 4242 plant specimens (1995 Permian, 2247 Triassic) allocated to 86 fossil taxa (32 Permian, 56 Triassic), representing lycophytes, sphenophytes, pteridophytes, pterido-sperms, ginkgophytes, cycadophytes and coniferophytes from 37 million-year interval (23 m. yr. Permian, 14 m. yr. Triassic). Major Kungurian herbivorized plants were unaffiliated taxa and pteridosperms;later during the Wuchiapingian cycadophytes were predominantly consumed. For the Anisian, pteridosperms and cycadophytes were preferentially consumed, and subordinately pteridophytes, lycophytes and conifers. Ladinian herbivores overwhelming targeted pteridosperms and subordinately cycadophytes and conifers. Throughout the interval the percentage of insect-damaged leaves in bulk floras, as a proportion of total leaves examined, varied from 3.6% for the Kungurian (N = 464 leaves), 1.95% for the Wuchiapingian (N = 1531), 11.65% for the pooled Anisian (N = 1324), to 10.72% for the pooled Ladinian (N = 923), documenting an overall herbivory rise. The percentage of generalized consumption, equivalent to external foliage feeding, consistently exceeded the level of specialized consumption from internal feeding. Generalized damage ranged from 73.6% (Kungurian) of all feeding damage, to 79% (Wuchiapingian), 65.5% (pooled Anisian) and 73.2% (pooled Ladinian). Generalized-to-specialized ratios show minimal change through the interval, although herbivore component community structure (herbivore species feeding on a single plant-host species) increasingly was partitioned from Wuchiapingian to Ladinian. The Paleozoic plant with the richest herbivore component community, the coniferophyte Pseudovoltzia liebeana, harbored four damage types (DTs), whereas its Triassic parallel, the pteridosperm Scytophyllum bergeri housed 11 DTs, almost four times that of P. liebeana. Although generalized DTs of P. liebeana were similar to S. bergeri, there was expansion of Triassic specialized feeding types, including leaf mining. Permian-Triassic generalized herbivory remained relatively constant, but specialized herbivores more finely partitioned plant- host tissues via new feeding modes, especially in the Anisian. Insect-damaged leaf percentages for Dolomites Kungurian and Wuchiapingian floras were similar to those of lower Permian, north-central Texas, but only one-third that of southeastern Brazil. Global herbivore patterns for Early Triassic plant-insect interactions remain unknown