8 research outputs found

    Change Spectrum Characteristics Modification of Films Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering with the Assistance of Argon Ions Beam

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    Thin aluminum films were prepared using the method of magnetron sputtering with and without argon ion beam assistance. The influence of argon ion beam on the reflectivity in the UV range and the structure of aluminum films was studied. The structure of the films was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and atomic-force microscope (AFM). The study has shown that the films deposed with the assistance of the argon ion beam have more significant microstresses associated with an increase of crystallites microstructure defects as compared to the films deposed without ion assistance. Comparison of the measured reflectivity of aluminum films deposed without and with the assistance of the ion beam has shown that the films characterized by a higher level of microstructure def ects have increased reflectivity in the UV range. The studies suggest that the defects of thin aluminum films crystal structure influence its optical properties

    Influence irradiation argon ion SnO[2] on optical and electrical characteristics

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    Tin oxide in the form of films has been deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering on glass substrates a room temperature. Process was carried out in such mode when the deposited films were conductive. The deposited films were irradiated with argon ions. Have been studied happening at that the changes optical and electric properties of films. Have been investigated optical properties of films in the range of 300-1100 nanometers by means of photometry. For research structure of films was used the x-ray diffractometry. Diffractometric researches have shown that the films deposited on a substrate have crystal structure from shares of a quasicrystal phase and after influence of argon ions she completely became quasicrystal. It is established that change transmission of a film correlates with change her electric resistance. Average value transmission in the range of 380-1100 nanometers as well as the electric resistance of a film with growth of irradiation time increases to the values exceeding initial. At the same time at irradiation time ~ 13,2 sec. are observed their slight decrease. To this value of irradiation time there corresponds the minimum value of electric resistance and transmission films. Change of transmission coefficient correlates with change of surface resistance

    Radiation-induced deposition of transparent conductive tin oxide coatings

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    The study of tin oxide films is stimulated by the search for an alternative replacement of indium-tin oxide (ITO) films used as transparent conductors, oxidation catalysts, material gas sensors, etc. This work was aimed at studying the influence of argon ions irradiation on optical and electrical characteristics of tin oxide films. Thin films of tin oxide (without dopants) were deposited on glass substrates at room temperature using reactive magnetron sputtering. After deposition, the films were irradiated with an argon ion beam. The current density of the beam was (were) 2.5 mA/cm{2}, and the particles energy was 300-400 eV. The change of the optical and electrical properties of the films depending on the irradiation time was studied. Films optical properties were investigated by photometry in the range of 300-1100 nm. Films structural properties were studied using X-ray diffraction. The diffractometric research showed that the films, deposited on a substrate, had a crystal structure, and after argon ions irradiation they became quasi-crystalline (amorphous). It has been found that the transmission increases proportionally with the irradiation time, however the sheet resistance increases disproportionally. Tin oxide films (thickness ~30 nm) with ~100% transmittance and sheet resistance of ~100 kOhm/sq. were obtained. The study has proved to be prospective in the use of ion beams to improve the properties of transparent conducting oxides

    Magnetron deposition of TCO films using ion beam

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    Thin films of tin oxide (TO) were deposited on the glass substrates at room temperature using reactive magnetron sputtering at various oxygen partial pressures. After the deposition the films were irradiated with argon ions beam. The change of the optical and electrical properties of the films depending on the irradiation time was studied. Films optical properties in the range of 300-1100 nm were investigated by photometry as well as their structural properties were studied using X-ray diffraction. Diffractometric research showed that the films, deposited on a substrate, have a crystal structure, and after argon ions irradiation they become quasi-crystalline (amorphous). It was found that the transmission increases proportionally with the irradiation time, but the surface resistance -disproportionally

    Modification of optical and electrical properties of SnO[2] under the influence of argon ion beam

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    Thin films of tin oxide were deposited on the glass substrates at a room temperature using reactive magnetron sputtering. The ratio between O[2]/Ar and the discharge voltage is maintained in such a mode when the deposited films are dielectrics. After the deposition, the films were irradiated with an argon ions beam. The modification of the optical and electrical properties of the films depending on the irradiation time was studied. Optical properties of the films were analyzed in the range of 300-1100 nm using photometry and structural X-ray diffraction. The diffractometric research showed that the films, deposited on a substrate, had a crystal structure, and after argon ions irradiation they became quasi-crystalline (amorphous). It was found that the modification in the transmittance was correlated with modifications in the meaning of surface resistance. The dielectrics films SnO[2] with increasing exposure time became conductive and then the electrical resistance decreased and reached a minimum at 13.2 seconds. Then resistance films began to increase

    Magnetron sputtering in rigid optical solar reflectors production

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    Magnetron sputtering was applied to meet the growing need for glass optical solar reflectors. This plasma method provided more uniform deposition of the silver based coating on glass substrates resulted in decrease of defective reflectors fraction down to 5%. For instance, such parameter of resistive evaporation was of 30%. Silver film adhesion to glass substrate was enhanced with indium tin oxide sublayer. Sunlight absorption coefficient of these rigid reflectors was 0.081-0.083

    Modification of the cylindrical products outer surface influenced by radial beam of argon ions at automatic mode

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    Obtaining surface with high purity and good roughness is important for increasing the corrosion resistance and wear resistance of products working in corrosion-active environment. Installation ILUR-03 with the coaxial ion beam wide energy spectrum source for cleaning, polishing and surface doping of long cylindrical items has been developed. Upgraded installation ILUR-03 provides effective technological defects cleaning (abrasives after mechanical polishing, acid residues after chemical etching, adsorbed gases), surface polishing, film deposition by using magnetrons and surface doping by ion mixing method in one technological cycle