31 research outputs found

    Quest for Knowledge and Pursuit of Grades: Information, Course Selection, and Grade Inflation at an Ivy League School

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    This paper exploits a unique natural experiment — Cornell University’s 1996 decision to publish course median grades online - to examine the effect of grade information on course selection and grade inflation. We model students’ course selection as dependent on their tastes, abilities, and expected grades. The model yields three testable hypotheses: (1) students will tend to be drawn to leniently graded courses once exposed to grade information; (2) the most talented students will be less drawn to leniently graded courses than their peers; (3) the change in students’ behavior will contribute to grade inflation. Examining a large dataset that covers the period 1990-2004 our study provides evidence consistent with these predictions

    Employment Restrictions and Political Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

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    Following the outbreak of the Second Intifada in 2000, Israel imposed severe restrictions on the employment of Palestinians within its borders. We study the effect of this policy change on the involvement of West Bank Palestinians in fatal confrontations during the first phase of the Intifada. Identification relies on the fact that variation in the pre-Intifada employment rate in Israel across Palestinian localities was not only considerable but also unrelated to prior levels of involvement in the conflict. We find robust evidence that localities that suffered from a sharper drop in employment opportunities were more heavily involved in the conflict

    BPF-oF: Storage Function Pushdown Over the Network

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    Storage disaggregation, wherein storage is accessed over the network, is popular because it allows applications to independently scale storage capacity and bandwidth based on dynamic application demand. However, the added network processing introduced by disaggregation can consume significant CPU resources. In many storage systems, logical storage operations (e.g., lookups, aggregations) involve a series of simple but dependent I/O access patterns. Therefore, one way to reduce the network processing overhead is to execute dependent series of I/O accesses at the remote storage server, reducing the back-and-forth communication between the storage layer and the application. We refer to this approach as \emph{remote-storage pushdown}. We present BPF-oF, a new remote-storage pushdown protocol built on top of NVMe-oF, which enables applications to safely push custom eBPF storage functions to a remote storage server. The main challenge in integrating BPF-oF with storage systems is preserving the benefits of their client-based in-memory caches. We address this challenge by designing novel caching techniques for storage pushdown, including splitting queries into separate in-memory and remote-storage phases and periodically refreshing the client cache with sampled accesses from the remote storage device. We demonstrate the utility of BPF-oF by integrating it with three storage systems, including RocksDB, a popular persistent key-value store that has no existing storage pushdown capability. We show BPF-oF provides significant speedups in all three systems when accessed over the network, for example improving RocksDB's throughput by up to 2.8Ă—\times and tail latency by up to 2.6Ă—\times

    Assassinations: Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Israeli Counterterrorism Policy Using Stock Market Data

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    Since the outbreak of the Intifada in September 2000, the Israeli government has extensively employed a policy of assassinating members of Palestinian terrorist organizations. Theoretically, the net effect of an assassination on future terrorism is indeterminate because it embodies two conflicting effects: the assassination of a terrorist hurts his organization's capabilities, but may increase the motivation for future attacks. Our indirect, empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of assassinations for Isreali counterterrorism is based on Israeli stock market reactions to news of such operations. We rely on the fact that terrorism has had significant adverse effects on the Israeli economy and claim that the stock market should react positively to news about effective counterterrorism measures but negatively to news about counterproductive ones. We find that the market does not react to assassinations of low-ranked members of Palestinian terrorist organizations. The market does react strongly, however, to the assassinations of senior leaders of terrorist organizations: it declines following assassinations targeting senior political leaders but rises following assassinations of senior military leaders. To the extent that these reactions reflect expectations regarding future levels of terrorism they imply that the market perceives the first type of assassinations as counterproductive, but the second as an effective measure in combating terrorism.

    Ethnic Conflict and Job Separations

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    We study the effect of the second Intifada, a violent conflict between Israel and its Palestinian neighbors which erupted in September 2000, and the ensuing riots of Arab citizens of Israel, on labor market outcomes of Arabs relative to those of Jewish Israelis. The analysis relies on a large matched employer-employee dataset, focusing on firms that in the pre-Intifada period hired both Arabs and Jews. Our analysis demonstrates that until September 2000 Arab workers had a lower rate of job separation than their Jewish peers and that this differential was significantly reduced after the outbreak of the Intifada. We argue that the most likely explanation for this pattern is increased anti-Arab discrimination among Jews.Ethnic Conflict, Job Separation, Israel, Arabs, Intifada