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8 research outputs found
Studying Change Over Time
Arundale R.B.
Blackman R.B.
+13 more
Box G.E.P.
Cherry C.
Coombs C.H.
Cortes F.
Enochson L.D.
Freeman H.
Gabor D.
Glass G.V.
Jenkins G.M.
Krull R.
Milsum J.H.
Robert B. Arundale
Smith J.B.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The Use of Fractionation Scales for Communication Audits
Arundale R.B.
Dennis H.
+11 more
Farace R.V.
Galbraith J.R.
Goldhaber G.M.
Goldhaber G.M.
Jacobson E.W.
Nunnally J.C.
Rogers E.M.
Torgerson W.S.
Wiio O.
Woelfel J.
Woelfel J.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Blue-Collar and White-Collar Marital Interaction and Communication Orientation
Arundale R.B.
Burgess E.J.
+15 more
Cuber J.F.
Dixon W.J.
Duncan O.D.
Elder G. H., Jr
Gottman J.M.
Jacobson N.S.
Jacobson N.S.
Komarovsky M.
Krokoff L.J.
Piotrkowski C.S.
Raush H.J.
Rubin L.B.
Upton G.J.
US Bureau of the Census
Weiss R.L.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Classroom behaviour and facework: balancing threats and enhancements
Arundale R.B.
Bernstein B.
+19 more
Bousfield D.
Bousfield D.
Brown G.
Brown P.
Canter L.
Christie F.
Culpeper J.
Culpeper J.
Kerbrat‐Orecchioni C.
Kohn A.
Lemke J.L.
Locher M.A.
Merrett F.
Mills S.
Nicholls D.
Porter L.
Searle J.R.
Stake R.E.
Terkourafi M.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Patterns of Relational Control and Nonverbal Affect in Clinic and Nonclinic Couples
Arundale R.B.
Bakeman R.
+25 more
Bavelas J.B.
Cohen J.
Danziger K.
Doane J.A.
Emilio Gutierrez
Escudero V.
Fleiss J.L.
Gottman J.M.
Gottman J.M.
Gottman J.M.
Kelly H.
L. Edna Rogers
Markman H.J.
Millar F.E.
Millar F.E.
Mishler E.G.
Noller P.
Notarius C.I.
Revenstorf D.
Rogers L.E.
Rogers L.E.
Seibold D.
Spanier G.B.
Valentin Escudero
Watzlawick P.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
(Im)politeness in cross-cultural encounters
Ardila J.A.G.
Arundale R.B.
+58 more
Arundale R.B.
Bayraktaroğlu A.
Blum-Kulka S.
Blum-Kulka S.
Bousfield D.
Bousfield D.
Bousfield D.
Brown P.
Brown P.
Byrnes H.
Christie C.
Clyne M.
Culpeper J.
Culpeper J.
Edmondson W.J.
Edmondson W.J.
Eelen G.
Green G.M.
Haugh M.
House J.
House J.
House J.
House J.
House J.
House J.
House J.
House J.
House J.
House J.
House J.
House J.
House J.
Ide S.
Juliane House
Kranich S.
Leech G.
Locher M.
Locher M.
Locher M.
Marquez-Reiter R.
Meierkord C.
O'Driscoll J.
Ortega y Gasset J.
Paradis M.
Paradis M.
Pike K.
Seidlhofer B.
Sifianou M.
Spencer-Oatey H.
Spencer-Oatey H.
Spencer-Oatey H.
Terkourafi M.
Terkourafi M.
Watts R.J.
Watts R.J.
Watts R.J.
Xie C.
Xie C.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
A study of facework in interpreter-mediated courtroom examination
Arundale R.B.
Berk-Seligson S.
+35 more
Berk-Seligson S.
Brown P.
Burton D.
Burton D.
Candlin C.N.
Cook H.M.
Diamond J.
Durkheim E.
Eelen G.
Ehrlich S.
Goffman E.
Goffman E.
Goffman E.
Hale S.
Hale S.
Harris S.
Haugh M.
Ide S.
Ide S.
Jieun Lee
Knapp-Potthoff A.
Knapp-Potthoff A.
Lee J.
Linell P.
Locher M.A.
Locher M.A.
Locher M.A.
Mason I.
Matsumoto Y.
Mills S.
Penman R.
Pöllabauer S.
Spencer-Oatey H.
Tzanne A.
Wadensjö C.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Alien Premises, Objects, and Methods in Latin American Communication Research
Arundale R.B.
Assman H.
+55 more
Barton A.
Beltran S. L.R.
Berelson B.
Berlo D.K.
Bonilla B.D.
Bostian L.R.
Byrnes F.C.
Cuellar G.D.
Deutsch M.
Diaz Bordenave J.
Drake G.F.
Duncan H.D.
Esman M.
Espinoza U.H.
F.F. Shoemaker
Felstehausen H.
Fonseca L.
Fox De Cardona E.
Frey F.W.
Garcia A.
Gouldner A.W.
Grunig J.
Halloran J.D.
Haney E.B., Jr.
Horowitz I.L.
L. W. Pye
Lerner D.
Luis Ramiro Beltran S.
MacLean M.S., Jr.
Martins Echavarria T.
Mattelart A.
McNelly J.T.
Mejia Rodriguez P.
Merino Utreras J.
Merton R.K.
Moillaud M.
Myren D.T.
Nixon R.B.
Nordenstreng K.
Novikov N.
Parra S.R.
Pool I. de S.
Quesada G.
Ramos Falconi R.
Roca L.
Rogers E.M.
Schenkel P.
Schiller H.I.
Schneider I.A.
Schramm W.
Veron E.
Wasjman P.
Wright C.
Zires M.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text