40 research outputs found

    The Role of Regional Strategies in Sustainable Development: The Approach of City Plan

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    In the world economy and development, understanding changes are occurring, with the EU integration process of developments and understanding of planning priorities when considered as together, "city" scale development approach and an appropriate planning system, that is the basis of Turkey`s administrative division and the national management system, should be improved self-rises. To reduce disparities among regions to an acceptable level and development of relatively underdeveloped regions and cities, naturally, a development and planning system even starting from the city and province levels, is required. In today's sustainable understanding and evolution tools, burden important functions to local units, as "participation" in the foreground stands out in the stages of planning and execution of the development strategies. Regional and city development plans and strategies as the center of rapid and balanced development dynamics are sensitive to local needs and local initiatives are required in being a trigger level. The study is done with Goal Directed Project Management methodology, and in the study city level taken as an example of city scale development approach and an appropriate planning system

    Organizational Commitment as an Output of Toxic Leadership

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    Araştırmada banka çalışanlarının örgütsel bağlılığına, toksik liderliğin ve demografik değişkenlerinetkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç çerçevesinde; bir kamu bankasında örgütsel bağlılıkseviyesi, yöneticilerin toksik liderlik seviyesi, bunların birbiriyle ilişkisi ve birbirine olan etkisinidemografik özellikler açısından ampirik olarak incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın ifade edilen amaçlarınaulaşmak maksadıyla tarama modeli tercih edilmiştir. Araştırmanın evrenini, Doğu AnadoluBölgesinde bulunan bulunan bir kamu bankasında görev yapan çalışanlar oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmaörneklemini ise evrenden “Basit Tesadüfi Örnekleme” yöntemi kullanılarak seçilen 302 banka çalışanıoluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada banka çalışanlarının toksik liderliğe ilişkin algıları “kurumda görevalınan pozisyon” değişkenine göre “Çıkarcılık” ve “Toksik Liderlik Genel” boyutlarında anlamlıfarklılık gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Anlamlı farklılığın kurumda pozisyonu memur ile üst yetkili; yetkiliyardımcı-yetkili ile üst yetkili; uzman yardımcısı-uzman ile üst yetkili olanlar arasında olduğusaptanmıştır. Banka çalışanlarının örgütsel bağlılığa ilişkin algıları “cinsiyet ve medeni durum”değişkenleri açısından anlamlı farklılık gösterdiği; “eğitim durumu”, “mesleki tecrübe”, “kurumdaçalışma süresi” ve “kurumdaki pozisyon” değişkenlerine göre ise örgütsel bağlılık genel boyutundaanlamlı farklılığın olduğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada, Toksik Liderlik ve Örgütsel Bağlılık arasındanegatif yönlü anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmada banka çalışanlarının algılarınagöre yöneticilerin toksik liderlik düzeyi arttıkça çalışanların örgütsel bağlılık düzeyi azaltmaktadır.Başka bir ifade ile her iki değişken arasında neden-sonuç ilişkisinin olduğu saptanmıştır.The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of toxic leadership and demographic variables on organizational commitment of bank employees. For this purpose, level of organizational commitment in a public bank, the level of harmful leadership of managers, their interrelation, and their interrelation were examined empirically in terms of demographic characteristics. In order to reach the stated aims of the study, screening model was preferred. The population of the study is composed of employees working in a public bank located in Eastern Anatolia Region. The research sample consisted of 302 bank employees selected from the universe using the “Simple Random Sampling” method. In the study, the perceptions of the bank employees regarding toxic leadership were found to differ significantly according to the” position in the institution” and in the “Narcissim” and “Toxic Leadership General” dimensions. The position in the institution of the meaningful difference is the officer with the top authority; authorized-competent and highest authorized; It is among the top authorized persons with expert. The employees' perceptions of organizational commitment differed significantly in terms of gender and marital status; It was determined that there was a consequential difference in general dimension of organizational commitment according to education status, professional experience, working time in institution and position in institution. In the study, a relevant negative correlation was found between Toxic Leadership and Organizational Commitment. According to the perceptions of bank employees, the level of organizational leadership of employees decreases as the level of toxic leadership of manager's increases. In other words, it was found that there was a cause-effect relationship between the two variables

    Organizational Cynicism From Generation Y Perspective

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    Örgütsel sinizm; işgörenlerin çalıştıkları örgütlerine yönelik olumsuz davranış ve tutumları olarakifade edilmektedir. Y kuşağıysa doğdukları tarihler arasında net bir uzlaşma olmamasına rağmen1981-2000 seneleri arasında doğmuş bireyler olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Günümüz iş dünyasının engenç ve sayı bakımından diğer kuşak bireylerinden fazla olan Y kuşağı bütün dünyada etkilerini göstererek çoğu örgütün iş yapış biçimlerini değiştirmeye zorlamaktadır. Sinizme sahip kişilerin seçici,tatmin düzeyi düşük, eleştiri yapan, kendisine karşı ilgi besleyen ve olumsuz bakış açısında olduklarıifade edilmesine karşın kuşaklara etkisi net olarak araştırılmamıştır. Bu araştırma ile örgütsel sinizminY kuşağı çalışanları açısından etkileşimi ortaya koyarak alan yazına katkı sağlamak amaçlanmıştır.Aktör ağ kuramına göre doğal olarak oluşmuş bu kuşak yine kuramda belirtilen teknolojiorganizasyon-birey etkileşiminin unvan ve cinsiyet denklemlerine sinizm boyutlarında anlamlı olupolmadığı anket yöntemiyle test edilmiştir. Araştırma evreni, Türkiye’de faaliyetlerini yürüten katılımbankalarının Y kuşağı çalışanlarıdır. Faktör analizi, t-testi ve korelasyon analizi ile elde edilen bulgular Y kuşağına mensup katılım bankalarında çalışan bireylerin kişilik sinizmiyle birlikte demografiközellikler olan gelir, unvan ve cinsiyet değişkenlerinin örgütsel sinizmin boyutlarında farklılıklaroluşturduğu bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu bulgular neticesinde katılım bankalarının Y kuşağı çalışanları, literatürde algılandığının aksine sadece yaş değil, unvan ve cinsiyet boyutlarında da olsa sinizmemaruz kaldığı gözükmektedir. Örgütsel sinizmin Y kuşağı çalışanları üzerine yapılan bu araştırmanın; benzer çalışmaların yetersiz olması ve elde edilen bulgular bakımından önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir.Organizational cynicism is expressed as the negative behavior and attitudes of the employees to their organizations. Generation Y is defined as individuals born between 1981 and 2000, although there is no clear consensus between the dates. Generation Y, which is the latest in the business world and more than other generations in terms of a number, shows its effects all over the world and forces many organizations to change their way of doing business. Although cynicism is stated to be distinguished, low level of satisfaction, criticism, interest in itself, and a negative point of view, its effect on generations has not been explicitly investigated. With this research, it is aimed to contribute to the literature by revealing the interaction of organizational cynicism for Generation Y employees. This generation, which was naturally formed according to the actor-network theory, was again tested by the questionnaire, whether the technology-organization-individual interaction specified within the theory is meaningful to cynic dimensions to title and gender equations. Research universe, Generation Y employees are carrying out the activities of participation banks in Turkey. Survey results are analyzed by factor analysis, t-test, and correlation analysis. It has been found that individuals working in participation banks belonging to generation Y, together with personality cynicism, show differences along the dimensions of organizational cynicism, income, title, and gender. As a result of these findings, Generation Y employees of participation banks seem to be exposed to cynicism, not only in age but also in title and gender, contrary to what is perceived in the literature. This research on organizational cynicism of Generation Y employees is important in terms of inadequate studies and important findings

    Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Intellectual Property, Patents and R&D

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    As innovative firms have considerable competitive advantage; more foreign direct investment (FDI) research has been related to the innovation. The primary aim of this study is to explore how intra-regional economies interact with host countries’ innovative performance, and how they are affected by FDI. Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, located in the South Caucasus region, are selected as examples. Numbers of patent applications, R&D expenditure (% of GDP), and intellectual property payments are chosen as factors indicative of innovation. While this research tries to explore whether these three countries, connected by large trades, can act as a clustered group; Panel cointegration and Panel OLS models are used for analysis. The results show that FDI is an important variable affecting the level of innovation in the panel analysis. Nevertheless, individual relationships with FDI vary, and cointegration analysis shows heterogeneity. That is, foreign direct investment could play a central role in increasing the level of innovation for Azerbaijan and Georgia, but it is not an important determinant of Turkey's economic innovation level. Countries should realize that when their economies are becoming stronger, FDI is not a useful tool for escalating innovation, rather they should be in clusters that can leverage innovation

    Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Intellectual Property, Patents and R&D

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    As innovative firms have considerable competitive advantage; more foreign direct investment (FDI) research has been related to the innovation. The primary aim of this study is to explore how intra-regional economies interact with host countries’ innovative performance, and how they are affected by FDI. Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, located in the South Caucasus region, are selected as examples. Numbers of patent applications, R&D expenditure (% of GDP), and intellectual property payments are chosen as factors indicative of innovation. While this research tries to explore whether these three countries, connected by large trades, can act as a clustered group; Panel cointegration and Panel OLS models are used for analysis. The results show that FDI is an important variable affecting the level of innovation in the panel analysis. Nevertheless, individual relationships with FDI vary, and cointegration analysis shows heterogeneity. That is, foreign direct investment could play a central role in increasing the level of innovation for Azerbaijan and Georgia, but it is not an important determinant of Turkey's economic innovation level. Countries should realize that when their economies are becoming stronger, FDI is not a useful tool for escalating innovation, rather they should be in clusters that can leverage innovation

    Knowledge Sharing in Business Organizations: Leadership Role in Knowledge Sharing at Turkish Enterprises

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    This chapter aims to explain leadship in knowledge sharing in the business environment. Knowledge sharing is not primarily an information technology issue, because knowledge exists not only in the minds of members but also in the business processes and structures of organizations. That is why Knowledge Sharing Culture (KSC) and leadership play a significant role on knowledge sharing. This chapter presents the findings of a study which was carried-out to investigate the effects of different leadership styles on knowledge sharing in business organizations. As leadership dimensions; transformational, transactional, autocratic, self-leadership and laissez-faire leadership styles were analyzed. A quantitative empirical research using the survey method was adopted to see the leadership effects on KSC in the 130 enterprises from the Aegean Free Zone/Turkey. The findings of the study revealed that trust, sharing data freely, friendship and teamwork were important in knowledge sharing

    Kosova gücü (kfor) organizasyonunun imajı: Kosova güvenlik kuvvetleri nde (KSF) ampirik bir çalışma

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    Birçok ülkenin katkılarıyla oluşan ve imajı da bu ülkelerin tamamlayıcı ilişkileri sonucu ortaya çıkan NATOnun uluslararası topluma yansıyan yüzü olarak Kosova Gücü (KFOR) için toplumun güvenliğini yeniden tesis etmek ve barışı zorlama faaliyetleri gittikçe daha geniş kapsamlı bir çaba haline gelmektedir. KFORun imajınınçıkmasının nedeni görevin başarılmasında ve Kosovadaki varlığıyla ilgili kararların alınmasında önemli rol oynamasıdır. İmajın, işlevsel ve duyuşsal iki bileşeni vardır. Bunlar NATOyu (KFOR) temsil eden askeri işaretler ve üniformaların oluşturduğu işlevsel bileşen ve katılımcı ülkelerin Kosova Gücü (KFOR) personeli ile ilişkilerinin oluşturduğu duygusal bileşen. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı KFORun imajını belirleyen temel etkenlerin araştırılmasıdır. Alt amaçlar ise KFORun imajını belirlemede KFORa dâhil ülkelerKosovanın ve KSF (Kosova Güvenlik Kuvvetleri) personelinin ilişkisi ile algılanan görev başarısının etkisinin belirlenmesidir. Bu etkileri belirleme amacıyla 3 hipotez oluşturulmuş ve ülke imajını belirlemede etkili KSF personelinin duygusal ilişkilerini anlamak amacıyla ampirik çalışma yapılmıştır. Anketlerin doğrusal regresyon, korelasyon ve faktör analizleri ile değerlendirilmesinden sonra görülmüştür ki etnik merkeziyetçilik ve vatan severlik etkileri göz ardı edildiğinde; askeri personelin güce destek veren ülkeler ile olan askeri ilişkileri ve faaliyetleri KFORun imajında önemli tahminleyicidirler. Doğal olarak bu imaj hakkındaki duyguların bu temelleri organizasyonel imajın gelecek alan yazınınatutacaktır.Comprehensive efforts to rebuild a society s security and peace-enforcing have become an increasingly frequent activity of the NATO as KFOR (Kosovo Force), whichformed of many countries that its image results from these countries collateral relations. KFOR s image has come to the fore because it affects the mission success and decisions about its existence in Kosovo. The image has two components, functional and emotional: Military symbols and uniforms of NATO (KFOR) are functional and emotional relationscountries with Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) members are emotional part. In this research; the main objective is finding out the effects that shape KFOR image. Sublevel objectives are the effects of Kosovo s connections , KSF personal links and perceived mission success with KFOR member states in KFOR image.study these effect 3 hypothesis are formed and empirical research is done with KSF members to get a foundation of emotional relationship which affects country image. Evaluating of questionnaires with linear regression, correlation and factor analysis, besides the important effects of ethnocentrism and patriotism, military personnel relations formed by countries military involvement and activities found as predictor factors in KFOR image. As a matter of course these base components of emotions about the image will enlighten future literature about building an organizational image

    Toxic leadership

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    Toxic leadership, a dark side of leadership, has recently been attracting more research interest in organizations. It is essential to study this aspect of leadership because, with the benefit of hindsight, organizations and leaders can learn from the toxic treatment, whether toxic behavior of a leader may serve as an impetus or a constraint for positive or negative personal and organizational transformation. This kind of leadership has been discussed in the literature but not clearly defined (Labrague et al., 2020). This chapter will present the theoretical context of toxic leadership focusing on toxic leadership characteristics, factors, and behaviors. As this kind of leader affects the loyalty, productivity, motivation, health and well-being of employees, the subordinate or follower perceptions as to whether their leader is considered toxic or not will also be addressed. Additionally, since leader toxicity presents both challenges and opportunities for organizational development, these two positive and negative aspects also will be emphasized. For this purpose, general phenomenological definitions of the term are explained first then, how toxic leadership relates to the context in which it appears is connected. © 2023 H. Cenk Sözen and H. Nejat Basım

    Do burnout perception levels of nurses working in the health sector differ according to demographic characteristics?

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    The challenge of today’s healthcare environment, especially with the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic, is not only about task burdens or degrading work/life balance but about immerse expectations from all shareholders, including governments, patients, and administrations. Thus, even if nurses are trained and the most experienced professionals, dealing with these challenges is related to different factors like training and practice level, age, and family support. So, the main aim of this paper is to find out the effects of demographic characteristics of nurses on burnout and its dimensions. The sample is 71 nurses from Izmir / Turkey. The survey results were analyzed with t-test, variance analysis (ANOVA), and confirmatory factor analysis. The results show that gender, education level, and age factors are varying between nurse groups to some level. On the other hand, tenure, and marital status are not significantly related to burnout. These results proofed that individual factors are more important than organizational and family factors

    The Role of Regional Strategies in Sustainable Development: The Approach of City Plan

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    In the world economy and development, understanding changes are occurring, with the EU integration process of developments and understanding of planning priorities when considered as together, "city" scale development approach and an appropriate planning system, that is the basis of Turkey`s administrative division and the national management system, should be improved self-rises. To reduce disparities among regions to an acceptable level and development of relatively underdeveloped regions and cities, naturally, a development and planning system even starting from the city and province levels, is required. In today's sustainable understanding and evolution tools, burden important functions to local units, as "participation" in the foreground stands out in the stages of planning and execution of the development strategies. Regional and city development plans and strategies as the center of rapid and balanced development dynamics are sensitive to local needs and local initiatives are required in being a trigger level. The study is done with Goal Directed Project Management methodology, and in the study city level taken as an example of city scale development approach and an appropriate planning system