5 research outputs found

    Smart web components for System-Theoretic Process Analysis

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    V posledních letech byla překročena poptávka po budování bezpečnějších systémů ve srovnání s tradičními. Tato poptávka po takovém upgradu vychází z častých změn v našem každodenním životě a technologických inovací, které zavádějí nové příčiny a faktory nehod, a také ze stále složitějších bezpečnostních řešení, která se pokouší vyrovnat se složitostí našeho dnešního světa. V této práci vyvíjíme webovou komponentu struktury řídicí smyčky, která je specifikována jedním z nejnovějších bezpečnostních modelů - STAMP. Tento nástroj pomáhá uživatelům domény vytvořit kontrolní strukturu pro odvození konkrétních nebezpečí nebo pro podporu vyšetřování nehod / incidentů. Analyzujeme, porovnáváme a specifikujeme všechny klady a zápory stávajících bezpečnostních nástrojů založených na STAMP. Poté představíme náš nástroj, popíšeme všechny jeho funkce, softwarové požadavky a techniky, které jsme při implementaci použili. Pro vyhodnocení jsme testovali náš nástroj na realistických příkladech v oblasti bezpečnosti letectví jako případ použití.In recent years, the demand for building safer systems compared to the traditional ones has been exceeded. This demand for such an upgrade comes from the frequent changes in our daily life and technological innovation which introduce new causes and factors of accidents and also from the ever more complex safety solutions that attempt to match the complexity of our world today. In this theses, we develop a control loop structure web component that is specified by one of the newest safety models - STAMP. The tool helps domain users to create a control structure to derive specific hazards or support accident/incident investigation. We analyze, compare, and specify all pros and cons of the existing safety tools that are based on STAMP. Then we present our tool, describe all its functionalities, software requirements, and techniques that we used in the implementation. For evaluation, we tested our tool on realistic examples in the aviation safety domain as a use case

    Direct Tunneling and Related TMR Anomalies in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions With Embedded Nanoparticles

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    Spin-Induced Switching of Electronic State Populations in Transition Metal Polyphthalocyanines

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    Polyphthalocyanines (PPCs) are a new and promising class of two dimensional materials offering versatile avenues for next generation electronic devices. For organic spintronic devices, PPCs can be engineered to tailor the electric and magnetic properties. In this work, we investigate PPC’s monolayers with embedded transition metal atoms (TM = Fe, Ni, Cu), utilizing first principle calculations based on spin-polarized generalized gradient approximation (SGGA). PPC sheets with central TM atoms are simulated for the dispersion curves, electronic density of states (DOS), and projected density of states (PDOS) using quantum atomistic toolkit (Quantum ATK) software. According to simulations, the FePPC supercell with four magnetic moments of Fe, aligned in a parallel ferromagnetic (FM) configuration, show the conductive FM state, while in the case of the anti-parallel antiferromagnetic (AFM) order of the magnetic moments, the material exhibits semiconducting non-magnetic behavior. FM-ordered NiPPC displays a metallic state, which is partly suppressed for AFM-ordered NiPPC. In contrast, non-magnetic CuPPC is found to be the best conductor due to its larger PDOS at the Fermi level among all considered systems

    Proton- and Neutron-Induced SEU Cross-Section Modeling and Simulation: A Unified Analytical Approach

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    A new physics-based compact model, which makes it possible to simulate in a unified way the neutrons and protons of cosmic ray-induced SEU cross-sections, including the effects from nuclear reaction products and from direct ionization by low-energy protons, has been proposed and validated. The proposed approach is analytical and based on explicit analytical relationships and approximations with physics-based fitting parameters. GEANT4 or SRIM numerical calculations can be used as an aid to adjust or refine the phenomenological parameters or functions included in the model, taking into account real geometrical configurations and chemical compositions of the devices. In particular, explicit energy dependencies of the soft error cross-sections for protons and neutrons over a wide range of nucleon energies were obtained and validated. The main application areas of the developed model include space physics, accelerator studies high energy physics and nuclear experiments