3 research outputs found

    Substantiation of lubricant selection for drilling technology

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    The relevance of the work is caused by the need to increase the effectiveness of lubricating materials used in drilling technology. In general, their application leads to reduction in abrasive and fatigue wear of tool material, and increases the service life of drilling equipment, which is especially important for trouble-free operation and improvement of technical and economic parameters during well drilling. The aim of the research is to develop a procedure for selecting the optimal lubricant composition to improve the durability and tightness of drilling tool threaded connections by determining the thickness of the boundary layers of various lubricants at the specially designed unit. Research methods. Laboratory tests of properties (average thickness of lubricant layer, critical load, welding load, load wear index, wear indications) of various lubricating compositions were carried out at the developed test unit and using the four-ball friction machine ChMT-1. Results. The developed express method of lubricant selection according to load-carrying capacity based on the lubricating layer specific thickness calculation (the «pile» method) allows us to choose the optimum type from the lubricant compositions tested. The authors have determined the optimum percentage of additive content based on sulfur compounds added to improve the P-416 thread lubricant for pipe locking threads. The test unit developed is recommended for further preliminary studies of lubricant properties. Conclusions and recommendations. The authors have developed the express technique for optimal selection of lubricant according to its carrying capacity (technique of determining lubricant boundary thickness by the «pile» method), tested the MFA based on sulfur compounds. The research results showed that MFA additive in certain limits of the ratio to the lubricant increases the threaded connection susceptibility to loads, decreases rubbing surface wear and extends the service life of frictional elements. The authors recommend to apply the device developed for further studies of lubricant features

    Stuck pipe risk reducing due drilling fluid treating

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    Drilling fluids for deep and extended reach wells are complex multicomponent systems that contain dissolved salts, polymers, surfactants and coarse solids. Complexity of drilling mud is caused by wide range of functions: creating pressure on the formation, retention of cuttings particles in suspension, bottomhole cleaning and transportation of sludge on the surface, preservation of reservoir properties of the target formation and other. Tribological properties are one of the most important properties of the drilling fluids. It is possible to control properties through introduction of lubricant additives. Their components are characterized by high, sometimes unique, surface activity, they create superplastic nanofilms on the surface of the protective pipe, contribute to chemical modification of the surface layers of metal. The choice of such components is complicated, first of all, by price (to construct wells one needs large volumes of mud), and secondly by strict environmental requirements. Therefore, when lubricant additive is developed, it is necessary to ground the choice of rational content for each of its components. This necessitates the use of mathematical modeling methods, i.e. construction of regression equations according to several experiments of the planned experiment. The paper presents a possible way to use the two-step method of choosing the rational ratio of the components in the lubricant additive. As a rule tribological properties of drilling fluids are considered from three different points of view or different positions – friction pairs: «metal – rock», «metal – metal» and «metal – filter cake». This article is devoted to the study of drilling fluids in relation to a pair of «metal – filter cake»

    Substantiation of lubricant selection for drilling technology

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    Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью улучшения эксплуатационных свойств смазочных материалов, применяемых в буровой технологии. В целом их использование приводит к уменьшению абразивного и усталостного износа материала рабочих инструментов, увеличивает срок службы бурового оборудования и бурильного инструмента, что особенно важно для безаварийной работы и повышения технико-экономических показателей при бурении скважин. Цель исследования: разработать методику выбора оптимального образца смазочной композиции для повышения долговечности и герметичности резьбовых соединений бурильного инструмента путем определения толщины граничного слоя различных смазочных материалов на специально разработанном устройстве. Методы исследования. Лабораторные испытания свойств (средняя толщина граничного смазочного слоя, критическая нагрузка, нагрузка сваривания, индекс задира, показания износа) различных смазывающих композиций проведены на разработанном устройстве и четырехшариковой машине трения ЧМТ-1 (ГОСТ 32501-2013). Результаты. Разработанный экспрессный метод выбора смазочного материала по несущей способности, основанный на определении удельной толщины граничного смазочного слоя (метод «стопы»), позволяет подобрать оптимальный образец из испытуемых смазочных композиций. Проведены исследования по определению оптимального процентного содержания присадки на основе соединений серы, добавляемой с целью улучшения эксплуатационных свойств резьбовой смазки Р-416 (ТУ 301-04-020-92). Рекомендовано применение разработанного устройства для дальнейших исследований эксплуатационных свойств смазочных материалов. Выводы и рекомендации. Разработан экспрессный метод оптимального выбора смазочного материала по несущей способности (методика определения толщины граничного слоя смазки методом "стопы"), испытана присадка МФП-1 на основе сернистых соединений. Результаты испытаний показали, что присадка МФП-1, в определенных пределах соотношения к смазочному материалу, повышает устойчивость к нагрузкам, уменьшает износ трущихся поверхностей и продлевает срок службы элементов трения. Рекомендуется применение разработанного устройства для дальнейших исследований свойств смазочных материалов.The relevance of the work is caused by the need to increase the effectiveness of lubricating materials used in drilling technology. In general, their application leads to reduction in abrasive and fatigue wear of tool material, and increases the service life of drilling equipment, which is especially important for trouble-free operation and improvement of technical and economic parameters during well drilling. The aim of the research is to develop a procedure for selecting the optimal lubricant composition to improve the durability and tightness of drilling tool threaded connections by determining the thickness of the boundary layers of various lubricants at the specially designed unit. Research methods. Laboratory tests of properties (average thickness of lubricant layer, critical load, welding load, load wear index, wear indications) of various lubricating compositions were carried out at the developed test unit and using the four-ball friction machine ChMT-1. Results. The developed express method of lubricant selection according to load-carrying capacity based on the lubricating layer specific thickness calculation (the «pile» method) allows us to choose the optimum type from the lubricant compositions tested. The authors have determined the optimum percentage of additive content based on sulfur compounds added to improve the P-416 thread lubricant for pipe locking threads. The test unit developed is recommended for further preliminary studies of lubricant properties. Conclusions and recommendations. The authors have developed the express technique for optimal selection of lubricant according to its carrying capacity (technique of determining lubricant boundary thickness by the «pile» method), tested the MFA based on sulfur compounds. The research results showed that MFA additive in certain limits of the ratio to the lubricant increases the threaded connection susceptibility to loads, decreases rubbing surface wear and extends the service life of frictional elements. The authors recommend to apply the device developed for further studies of lubricant features