8 research outputs found

    Doxorubicin Conjugated to Glutathione Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles (Au-GSH-Dox) as an Effective Therapeutic Agent for Feline Injection-Site Sarcomas—Chick Embryo Chorioallantoic Membrane Study

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    Feline injection-site sarcomas are malignant skin tumours with a high local recurrence rate, ranging from 14% to 28%. The treatment of feline injection-site sarcomas includes radical surgery, radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. In our previous study it has been demonstrated that doxorubicin conjugated to glutathione-stabilized gold nanoparticles (Au-GSH-Dox) has higher cytotoxic effects than free doxorubicin for feline fibrosarcoma cell lines with high glycoprotein P activity (FFS1, FFS3). The aim of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of intratumoural injection of Au-GSH-Dox on the growth of tumours from the FFS1 and FFS3 cell lines on chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane. This model has been utilized both in human and veterinary medicine for preclinical oncological studies. The influence of intratumoural injections of Au-GSH-Dox, glutathione-stabilized gold nanoparticles and doxorubicin alone on the Ki-67 proliferation marker was also checked. We demonstrated that the volume ratio of tumours from the FFS1 and FFS3 cell lines was significantly (p < 0.01) decreased after a single intratumoural injection of Au-GSH-Dox, which confirms the positive results of in vitro studies and indicates that Au-GSH-Dox may be a potent new therapeutic agent for feline injection-site sarcomas

    Experimental tumor growth of canine osteosarcoma cell line on chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (in vivo studies)

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    Abstract The chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model is extensively used in human medicine in preclinical oncological studies. The CAM model has several advantages: low cost, simple experimental approach, time saving and following “3R principles”. Research has shown that the human osteosarcoma cell lines U2OS, MMNG-HOS, and SAOS can form tumors on the CAM. In veterinary medicine, this has been described only for feline fibrosarcomas, feline mammary carcinomas and canine osteosarcomas. However, in case of canine osteosarcomas, it has been shown that only non-adherent osteosarcoma stem cells isolated from KTOSA5 and CSKOS cell lines have the ability to form microtumors on the CAM after an incubation period of 5 days, in contrast to adherent KTOSA5 and CSKOS cells. In the presented study, we have proven that the commercial adherent canine osteosarcoma cell line (D-17) can form vascularized tumors on the CAM after the incubation period of 10 days

    3D chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane model as an in vivo model to study morphological and histopathological features of feline fibrosarcomas

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    Abstract Background The chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model is well described in human medicine as a cost-effective, easy to perform preclinical oncological model for observing pro- and antiangiogenic response, tumor biology and metastasis. The main objective of this article was to present the modification of the CAM assay in order to evaluate tumor growth from two feline fibrosarcoma cell lines (FFS1, FFS3) and describe their morphological and histopathological features. Results The authors described morphological and histopathological features of two feline fibrosarcoma cell lines (FFS1 and FFS3) grown on the CAM. Tumors from the FFS1 cell line showed high malignancy (grade III), while tumors from the FFS3 cell line were grade II. Proliferation markers (Ki-67 and PCNA) were determined and the positive correlation between PCNA and tumor grade (r = 0.8247; p < 0.001) was demonstrated, as opposed to Ki-67. Conclusions The results obtained indicate that PCNA may be helpful to evaluate the tumor grade, better than Ki-67, for feline fibrosarcomas. However, further investigations of proliferation marker, in bigger number of feline spontaneous fibrosarcomas and feline fibrosarcomas grown on the CAM from different cell lines, are needed to confirm these observations