6 research outputs found


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    Exogenous factors affecting on the expression of apomixis in cabbage have been identified. Apomictic seeds developed into embryoids were observed in three cabbage varieties such as Jana, Lazurnaya and Lesia (Ukraine). Thus, it was possible to induce an incomplete organogenesis of parthenogenesis seeds originated from these four varieties of cabbage. The occurrence of apomixis was provoked by the synergitic effect of plant growth regulators and alien pollen applied simultaneously as an aqueous mixture of gibberellins and cytokinin applied on the base of the pistil, while the alien pollen (Chinese radish - Loba) was placed on the stigma of castrated cabbage buds 2-3 days before they disclose.Выявлены экзогенные факторы, влияющие на проявление апомиксиса у капусты кочанной. Апомиктическое развитие семенных зародышей было получено у трех сортов капусты белокочанной - Яна, Лазурная и Леся украинской селекции. Удалось индуцировать незавершенный органогенез партеногенетических семян у четырех сортов капусты кочанной. Проявление нерегулярного апомиксиса было вызвано синергическим действием фитогормональных регуляторов и чужеродной пыльцы при условии одновременного нанесения водной смеси гиббереллина и ци-токинина на основание пестика, а чужеродной пыльцы (китайской редьки Лоба) - на рыльца пестиков кастрированных бутонов капусты за 2-3 суток до их раскрытия

    Ресурсы патриотического воспитания молодежи в современной России

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    Коллективная монография посвящена проблеме патриотизма и патриотического воспитания в современной России. Авторы сначала анализируют культурно-исторические и философские основы патриотизма, а затем – современное состояние патриотического воспитания в России. В работе исследуются организационные, методологические, учебно-методические и правовые аспекты патриотического воспитания, приводятся успешные практики патриотического воспитания. Данная работа предназначена для руководителей образовательных организаций, педагогических и научно-педагогических работников, психологов и всех тех, кто интересуется патриотическим воспитанием и работой с молодежью

    A new thermal and rheological model of the European lithosphere

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    We present a new thermal and rheological model of the European lithosphere (10°W-35°E; 35°N-60°N), which is based on a combination of recently obtained geophysical models. To determine temperature distribution we use a new tomography model, which is principally improved by an a-priori correction of the crustal effect, by using EuCRUST-07, a new digital model of the European crust. The inversion approach is similar to those used in previous studies, but the employment of a more robust tomography model essentially improves the result. The uppermost mantle under western and central Europe is mostly characterized by temperatures in a range of 900°-1100 °C, with the hottest areas corresponding to the basins, which have experienced recent extension (e.g. Tyrrhenian Sea and Pannonian Basin). By contrast, the mantle temperatures under eastern Europe are about 550°-750 °C at the same depth and the minimum values are found in the northeastern part of the study area. The new temperature estimates are used to trace the lithosphere-asthenosphere thermal boundary, as a depth of the isotherm of 1200 °C. The lithospheric thickness is less than 100 km beneath the hottest part of western and central Europe, while the maximum values are observed beneath the East European Platform (200-230 km), the Alps and the Dinarides-Hellenic Arc (150-180 km). EuCRUST-07 and the new thermal model are used to calculate the strength distribution within the European lithosphere. Differently from previous estimates, the new model adopts lateral variations of lithology and density, which are derived from the crustal model. According to these estimates, in western and central Europe the lithosphere is more heterogeneous than in eastern Europe, the latter being generally characterized by higher strength values. These strength variations are also in a good agreement with other geophysical characteristics of the lithosphere such as residual mantle gravity anomalies. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Geoscience for Understanding Habitability in the Solar System and Beyond

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