144 research outputs found

    Autotroofsed lämmastikuärastuse protsessid lämmastikuärastuseks kõrval- ja peavoolureoveest

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneTekkivate jäätmekoguste suurenemine ohustab tänapäeval keskkonna kvaliteeti ja inimeste tervist. Reovee bioloogiline puhastus on energiasäästlik viis orgaaniliste ja anorgaaniliste saasteainete eemaldamiseks reoveest ning jääkainete põhjavette sattumise tõenäosuse vähendamiseks. Mitmete biogaasijaamade rakendamine hõlmab orgaanilise süsiniku muundamist biogaasiks ning kõrgenenud sisaldusega lämmastiku- ja fosforiühendite esinemist heitvees. Selliste jäätmevoogude töötlemine on kulukas traditsiooniliste meetoditega (nitrifikatsioon-denitrifikatsioon), mis nõuab orgaanilise süsiniku lisamist tagasi töötlemisprotsessi (sageli metanooli kujul). Reoveepuhastuse tehnoloogiate hulgas on anaeroobset ammooniumi oksüdatsiooni protsessi (anammox) kaasatud autotroofse lämmastiku eemaldamisse piloot- ja täismahus tehnoloogiates lämmastiku eemaldamiseks reoveest vähese orgaanilise süsiniku kasutamisega. Peavoogu võib nimetada olmereoveeks ja kõrvalvoogu väduks, viimane tekib pärast liigmuda kääritamist ja tsentrifuugimist. Anammox protsessi on püütud kaasata nii kõrvalvoo kui ka peavoo puhastusse, kasutades liikuvate kandjatega biokilereaktorit (MBBR) ja annuspuhastuse reaktori (SBR) tehnoloogiaid. Võrreldes kõrvalvoo puhastamisega, on peamised takistused, mis tuleb ületada, et saavutada edukas anammox protsessi kasutamine peavoos: reovee kõrge süsiniku ja lämmastiku suhe (C/N>1) ja reovee madal temperatuur (põhjamaade kliimas 12,5–19 °C). Varasemad uuringud peavoo anammox protsessi kasutamise kohta on näidanud, et madalad temperatuurid võivad tekitada probleeme anammox biomassi kasvule. Et ületada madalate temperatuuride pärssivat mõju anam-mox bakterite kasvukiirusele, saab peavoo süsteemi nakatada kõrvalvoolu tingimustes kasvatatava biomassiga. Muutused redokspotentsiaalis (ORP-s) mõjutavad bakterite jaoks elutähtsate valkude koostist või mõjutavad bakterite mitokondriaalsete membraanide laengut. ORP muutusi saab juhtida aeratsiooni sisse/välja lülitamisega või aeraatoripõhiste intensiivsuse muutuste muutmisega, kasutades ORP-anduri signaali ja sobivate väärtuste vahemikke. Reovee soolsus ja hüdrasiini mõju on olulised parameetrid, mille abil hinnata anammox protsessi kulgu. Optimaalse soolsuse taseme saavutamine suurendab anammox protsessi aktiivsust ja lämmastiku eemaldamise kiirust. Anammox protsessi vaheühend – hüdrasiin, võib mõjutada anammox protsessi efektiivsust, kuid kahandada ka muid protsesse, näiteks denitrifikatsiooni, et saavutada kõrge lämmastiku eemaldamine autotroofselt.The increase in the amount of generated waste today threatens the quality of the environment and human health. Biological treatment of wastewater is an energy-efficient way to remove organic and inorganic pollutants from wastewater and to reduce the likelihood of residues entering the groundwater. The implementation of several biogas plants involves the conversion of organic carbon into biogas and the presence of elevated nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the effluent. Treatment of such waste streams is costly with traditional methods (nitrification-denitrification), which require adding organic carbon back to the treatment process (often in the form of methanol). Among wastewater treatment technologies, the anaerobic ammonium oxidation process (anammox) has been incorporated into autotrophic nitrogen removal in pilot and full-scale technologies for nitrogen removal from waste with low organic carbon content. The mainstream can be called domestic sewage, and the side stream centrifuged anaerobic sludge reject water. The latter is formed after the fermentation and centrifugation of excess sludge. Attempts have been made to incorporate the anammox process into both sidestream and mainstream treatment using moving media biofilm reactor (MBBR) and batch scrubber (SBR) technologies. The main obstacles to be overcome in order to achieve a successful use of the anammox process in the mainstream are the high carbon to nitrogen ratio of the waste (C/N > 1) and the low temperature of the wastewater (12.5–19 °C present in the Nordic climate). Previous studies using the mainstream anammox process have shown that low temperatures can cause problems with anammox biomass growth. To overcome the inhibitory effect of cold temperatures on the growth rate of anammox bacteria, the mainstream system can be inoculated with biomass grown under side stream conditions. Changes in redox potential (ORP) affect the composition of proteins vital to bacteria or the charge of bacterial mitochondrial membranes. ORP changes can be controlled by turning aeration on/off or changing aerator-specific intensity changes using the ORP sensor signal and appropriate value ranges. The salinity of the wastewater and the effect of hydrazine are important parameters to evaluate the course of the anammox process. Achieving an optimal salinity level increases the activity of the anammox process and the rate of nitrogen removal. An intermediate in the anammox process, hydrazine, can affect the efficiency of the anammox process but also reduces other processes, such as denitrification, to achieve high nitrogen removal autotrophically.https://www.ester.ee/record=b552787

    All in the Family: Exploring Design Personas of Systems for Remote Communication with Preschoolers

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    Although there have been recent advances in remote communication technologies that foster connectedness and intimacy over a distance, systems designed for communicating with preliterate preschoolers—a desired use case—are not yet prevalent, nor are there clear guidelines for their design. We conducted a mixed-methods study to characterize the current practices, goals, and needs of people who wish to use remote communication systems with young children. We present quantitative and qualitative findings on the motivations for communicating, the habits, activities, and patterns that have been established, and the barriers and concerns faced. We synthesized these findings into four design personas that describe the desired functionality and requirements of systems to support remote communication with preschoolers. For each persona, we systematically evaluated 60 research-based systems based on the extent to which each persona’s requirements were covered, demonstrating that none of the personas were greatly satisfied with the available tools

    On stable cones of polynomials via reduced Routh parameters

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    summary:A problem of inner convex approximation of a stability domain for continuous-time linear systems is addressed in the paper. A constructive procedure for generating stable cones in the polynomial coefficient space is explained. The main idea is based on a construction of so-called Routh stable line segments (half-lines) starting from a given stable point. These lines (Routh rays) represent edges of the corresponding Routh subcones that form (possibly after truncation) a polyhedral (truncated) Routh cone. An algorithm for approximating a stability domain by the Routh cone is presented

    Population genetic structure of Helixpomatia L. (Mollusca, Pulmonata) from the southeastern and eastern parts of the range

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    On the basis of the analysis of genetic variation detectable by ISSR-PCR, the state of the gene pools of 14 populations of Roman snail Helix pomatia L. in the conditions of urbanized landscapes of the southeastern and eastern parts of the current range was examined. According to the data obtained, the majority of the studied populations of this mollusk are in satisfactory conditio

    Morphogenetic analysis of Helix pomatia L. (Pulmonata, Helicidae) populations from south- eastern and eastern parts of the modern area

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    Based on the analysis of the morphological and genetic variability detected by the method of the protein gel electrophoresis in PAAG, the gene pool state of twelve adventive Helix pomatia L. grape snail populations under the conditions of urbanized landscapes of southeastern and eastern parts of the modern are

    Opportunities of Using Mobile Applications in Studying Planimetry

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    Сьогодні людство активно застосовує сучасні технологічні досягнення в багатьох сферах життєдіяльності. Великий потенціал технології мають і в освіті, проте далеко не всі їхні можливості проаналізовано та застосовано. Втім ні для кого не є секретом, що завдяки програмному забезпеченню можна підняти наочність на принципово новий та якісний рівень. Дана стаття присвячена питанню наочнення геометричних конструкцій засобами мобільних та Web-додатків під час вивчення планіметрії в середній школі. Розглянуто додатки, які у вигляді ігор-головоломок дозволяють розв’язувати різноманітні задачі на побудову безпосередньо на смартфоні (Euclidea, Pythagorea та Pythagorea60°), а також виконувати побудову динамічних геометричних конструкцій (Euclidea та Euclidea: Sketches). Детально розібрано можливості та принципи роботи цих додатків, наведено приклади задач. Проаналізовано можливості використання подібного програмного забезпечення в навчальному процесі та його роль у вирішенні різних проблем, які пов’язані з виконанням учнями рисунків до задач.The prerequisite to successful geometry studying is not only the theoretical knowledge, but also the ability to solve the geometrical tasks. It’s what distinguishes geometry from other subjects and makes impossible studying geometry only with modern information technologies. However, this problem is not fundamentally insoluble because opportunities of mobile and Web applications solve it nowadays. Geometry is one of the school subjects for which demonstrativeness plays a key role. Almost all geometrical problems need a construction which describes in condition of the task. Some of tasks need only sketchy drawing but for another a correct and accurate drawing is a source of ideas and hypotheses on the way of solving a given problem. There are a lot of useful programs which helps easily and quickly make geometrical constructions. Some popular of them are Gran2D, Live Mathematics and GeoGebra. One of the popular directions in recent application development is creating and spreading innovating geometrical application that provide users set of constructing exercises. For example, there are Euclidea, Pythagorea, Pythagorea60°. Each application has individual toolkit that helps make geometric constructions and set of tasks which you can solve by using it. Unique feature of Euclidea exercises is that user needs to find wanted figure by developing one that was given at the start. It also provides exploring mode which gives user opportunity to add geometric elements at canvas and make different constructions with them. That helps find out correlations between different figures that was used in task. Using Euclidea helps you make the process of studying planimetry more interactive and gives to it an actually new apparency. It’s possible in consequence of dynamics of constructions which is realized as an opportunity to change the shape of a given figure with all already done constructions. A good supplement to the Euclidea game is the Euclidea: Sketches app. It was created to helps in constructing and researching various geometric constructions. You don’t need to solve a predetermined tasks like in Euclidea. For more easy and quickly construction making the functionality of this application is much wider than in Euclidea. A fundamentally different type of task is proposed for solving in applications Pythagorea and Pythagorea60. User can only use ruler to make all constructions. Whereas background markup consists of triangle or square grid, ruler is the only tool which you need to solve tasks. Exercises asks to build “centers” of triangle, split line in given relation, construct figures that have equal areas etc. Also application provides set of geometric puzzles with points and lines. Demonstrativeness is one of the basic means of studying. It is playing a key role while studying geometry because without visual perception of geometric constructions it is hard to imagine their structure and relations between their elements. You can fundamentally level up the demonstrativeness using modern technical and software technologies. It’s easy to make dynamic drawings using them, which allows you to track and analyze how the shapes of figure change when changing its original parameters. In turn, the game form in which the tasks in some applications are presented gives interactivity to the studying process and also can be as an extra positive incentive for students to study geometry


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    The historical path of powerlifting development from origination in the world and the USSR up to the present, it’s becoming as official kind of sport of the international format in the territory of the Russian Federation are presented in the article. The chronology of the first official powerlifting tournaments and competitions as well as the features of the 20th century competitions program development are described in details. Names and achievements of the Russian athletes who glorified domestic powerlifting all over the world and also practicians and sports theorists ̶ founders of scientific and methodical bases of powerlifting in Russia are presented.В статье представлен исторический путь развития силового троеборья (пауэрлифтинга) от появления этого вида спорта в мире и СССР до настоящего времени, его становление, как вида спорта международного формата на территории Российской федерации. Приводится хронология первых официальных турниров и соревнований по силовому троеборью и детально описаны особенности развития программы соревнований XX века. Представлены имена и достижения российских спортсменов, которые прославили отечественный пауэрлифтинг, а также практики и спортивные теоретики ̶ основатели научно-методических основ пауэрлифтинга в России

    Співробітництво США та Канади в сфері безпеки і оборони на сучасному етапі (US and Canada cooperation in security & defense on the present stage)

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    У статті проаналізовано характер і ключові аспекти співробітництва Канади та США у сфері оборони та безпеки на дво- та багатосторонньому рівнях. Розглянуто головні платформи співпраці двох країн у військовій сфері. Простежено еволюцію відносин між Канадою і США у ХХІ ст. Досліджено внесок двох країн у підтримку миру та безпеки у світі і їх співпрацю в рамках НАТО. (The article analyzes the nature and key aspects of Canada-US cooperation in the field of defense and security at the bilateral and multilateral levels. The main platforms of cooperation of the two countries in the military sphere are considered. The evolution of Canada-US relations in the 21st century has been traced. The contribution of the two countries to the promotion of peace and security in the world and their cooperation within NATO are examined.

    Screening of the allele pool of the pig populations of various breeds in the Belgorod and Voronezh regions of Russia by the gene of the estrogen receptor gene ESR1

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    We studied populations of boars of two pig breeds (Large White and Landrace) in the Belgorod and Voronezh regions of Russia to identify mutations in the gene of the estrogen receptor ESR1 (ESR/PvuII). The results showed that the frequency of the positive B allele was 0.279 in the Landrace and 0.824 in the Large White. An assumption is made that the breeding farms of the indicated region carry out the insufficient selection in Landrace pig populations in relation to maintaining high rates of multiple fertilit