4 research outputs found

    Efekti različitih vrsta organskog đubriva na veličinu tela i produkciju daphnia magna

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    U akvakulturi se već decenijama masovno proizvodi zooplankton kao živa hrana za gajenje mlađi riba, rakova i mekušaca. Za slatkovodne ribe se osim naupliusa artemije i rotatorija može koristiti i veliki broj drugih organizama, naročito iz grupe Cladocera (Daphnia magna, D. carinata i dr.). Korišćenje organiskog đubriva (stajnjaka) za proizvodnju žive hrane, može biti ekološki (uklanjanje nutrijenata) i ekonomski isplativo. Stajnjak je bogat izvor azota, fosfora i ugljenika kao i organskih materija i kao takav se može koristiti kao alternativni izvor nutrijenata za gajenje žive hrane za potrebe akvakulture. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitivanje efekata 4 različite vrste stajnjaka (goveđi, ovčiji, koziji i riblji) na produkciju i veličinu tela D. magna. Eksperiment je realizovan u laboratorijskim uslovima, u 1L čašama, u dozi od 1g/L stajnjaka. Pored praćenja hemijskih parametara (kiseonik, elektroprovodljivost, pH, ukupan fosfor, nejonizovani amonijak), određivana je i ukupna brojnost dafnija kao i njihova veličina iz celih uzoraka. Tri veličinske klase dafnija (mala, srednja i velika) su ispitivane da bi se dobio uvid u populacionu strukturu i reproduktivni potencijal dafnija za čije su gajenje korišćeni različiti stajnjaci. Značajno veća brojnost dafnija (P<0.05) dobijena je u tretmanu sa goveđim stajnjakom, u odnosu na tretmane sa ovčijim i kozijim stajnjakom. Između ostalih nije bilo značajnih razlika. Kada se razmatraju veličinske klase, statistički značajno najveću brojnost su imale male D. magna u svim tretmanima u odnosu na velike. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, može se reći da je tretman sa goveđim stajnjakom pokazao najbolje rezultate i kada je u pitanju ukupna brojnost, ali i brojnost po veličinskim klasama (prosečna brojnost malih, srednjih i velikih dafnija je bila najveća). Osim toga ovaj tretman se izdvajao od ostalih i po svim hemijskim parametrima. U njemu je izmerena najveća prosečna koncentracija kiseonika, elektroprovodljivosti i pH, a najmanja koncentracija ukupnog fosfora i nejonizovanog amonijaka. U zaključku se može reći da je goveđi stajnjak obezbedio najbolje uslove za rast i reprodukciju D. magna

    Decline in Female Fertility After 40 Years

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    Important factor related to the conception possibility is women age. The decline in fertility with aging is proven and evident in literature. Infertility is increasing and many couples seek help in advanced techniques such as IVF (in vitro fertilization) in order to overcome the problem caused by aging, but the quality of the oocytes is a significant limiting factor. With the aging the quantity and quality of oocytes decreases, such as the quality of the embryo after fertilization. The accelerated rhythm of life, liberty and women inclusion in all kinds of professions brought many benefits to women, but also increasingly postponing births. Each person is unique individual, and can be more or less fertile compared to the average at same age. Unfortunately, some women has a rapid decline in fertility - accelerate aging, very early, already in the early twenties and when testing them with different methods and exams, the result is very low number of oocytes, low value of anti-Müllerian hormone and also very poor quality of these oocytes, or low ovarian reserve. The problem is that when you have accelerate aging, even IVF techniques can not be of great help in achieving pregnancy. The pregnancy rate (17,65%) and the childbirth rate (5,88%) with the patients older than 40 is very low, although comparable to the data from the scientific literature and speaks in favour of the fact that the success of assisted reproductive techniques is very modest with women older than 44

    Seroreactivity to Dirofilaria antigens in people from different areas of Serbia

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    Background: The Northern part of Serbia is hyperendemic-endemic for canine dirofilarioses. Considering this fact, many human dirofilarial infections could be expected, however only about 30 cases in Serbia have been described until today. Aims of this survey were to assess the people reactivity to the antigens of D. repens and D. immitis and to identify risk factors for the contact exposure. Methods: Investigation included sera taken from 297 people (179 women and 118 men) living in different areas of Serbia (Pancevo, Novi Sad, Zajecar, Leskovac, Vranje, Nis, Pirot). Sera were analysed by means of two indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent (ELISA) home-designed that use as antigens adult somatic/metabolic polyproteins of D. repens (DR) and D. immitis (DI), respectively. The results were elaborated using the statistical method of descriptive and quantitative analysis. Results: Significant differences by area in the reactivity of human sera to dirofilarial antigens were not observed (p = 0.056). A high seroreactivity was demonstrated in people from the towns of northern Serbia (Pancevo = 27,1%; Novi Sad = 16,3%), as well as in people from Zajecar (eastern Serbia = 15,8%) and Vranje (southern Serbia = 15,1%). No differences were evidenced between people reactivity to polyproteins of the two dirofilarial species, nor differences related to the gender of examinees. Factor risks evidenced were: i) place of residence; ii) spending work time outdoors during the mosquito season; iii) spending time outdoors and nearby rivers, lakes, swamps or canals; unespectedly, iv) cat owning. Conclusion: The findings emerging from this investigation indicate that clinicians and public health authorities should pay greater attention to this zoonosis. Continuing education and training of physicians will greatly contribute to the knowledge of the actual impact of filarial worms on animal and public health, and allow for the planning of suitable measures to prevent the infections