328 research outputs found

    Opposition to gold mining at Bergama, Turkey

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    Introduction For much of the 1990s, the tourist town of Bergama was the epicentre of Turkey's most effective and visible environmental social movement against a multinational mining corporation aiming to establish the first modern gold mine in the country. Bringing relatively prosperous peasants together with a small group of ambitious policy entrepreneurs, the movement marked a turning point in environmental politics in Turkey. Motivated primarily by the environmental and public health risks posed by cyanide leaching, the peasant activists waged an unprecedented campaign that acted as a forceful reminder of the potential of social mobilization to impart lasting change both at the local and national level. While the peasant activists failed at the end to stop the operation of the mine, their campaign sparked a national discussion over the environmental costs of rapid economic growth in Turkey

    Reflections: Michael Watts interviewed by Murat Arsel

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    Michael Watts is ‘Class of 1963’ Chair in Undergraduate Studies and Chancellor’s Professor of Geography at the University of California, Berkeley. Born and raised in rural southwest England, Watts studied at

    ¿Una verdad cómoda?: el espectro de la catástrofe ambiental global y el desarrollo sostenible en China

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    RESUMEN Desde un punto de vista crítico, este artículo analiza los debates relativos a la sostenibilidad del desarrollo chino. Concretamente, aborda el doble argumento de que el desarrollo en China no es sostenible y de que representa una amena


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengelolaan keuangan negara dan penggunaan keuangan negara yang baik dan siapa yang berwenang menentukan unsur kerugian keuangan negara dalam kasus tindak pidana korupsi.  Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Pengelolaan keuangan dapat terjadi penyimpangan, dalam bentuk penyalahgunaan wewenang, atau perbuatan melanggar hukum yang berakibat timbulnya kerugian keuangan negara. Problematikanya adalah ketidak pastian hukum dalam menafsirkan mengenai kerugian negara, sesuai dengan prinsip hukum pidana. Kebijakan atau tindakan pemerintah yang diberi atribut untuk kepentingan tertentu, menjadi titik rawan terjadinya penyalahgunaan wewenang, sebagaimana tampak dalam kasus korupsi dewasa ini. Bahkan data korupsi yang ditangani KPK, telah memetahkan wilayah yang menjadi titik rawan korupsi dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan negara. Kendatipun berbeda modusnya, namun semuanya melekat pada penggunaan kewenangan bebas. 2. BPK, BPKP, dan Kejaksaan diberi wewenang oleh Undang-Undang dalam mengaudit dan dalam hal penentuan unsur kerugian keuangan negara, akan tetapi demi terwujudnya kepastian hukum tentang siapa yang berhak menentukan ada atau tidaknya kerugian negara, Mahkamah Agung mengeluarkan surat edaran No. 04/Bua.6/Hs/SP/XII/2016, hal mana BPK lah yang berhak.Kata kunci: Penentuan unsur kerugian negara, tindak pidana korups

    The shaping of marketplace moral sentiments

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    Existing research shows how morality and markets intersect. However, there are two oversights: 1) how morality is attributed to some markets and not others, and 2) how moral attributions on some markets change spatiotemporally. We conduct a meta-synthesis of 101 papers to develop a framework for how moral attributions on markets are shaped. First, we define the concept of marketplace moral sentiment. Next, we unpack the work of marketplace actors that destabilize, re-stabilize, and change marketplace moral sentiments. Through this, four distinct types of moral sentiments can form: harmonized, divided, dispersed, and enforced. We contribute to the literature on morality and markets by showing how markets are enacted and reconfigured through moral contestations. We also offer theoretical extensions related to organizational heterogeneity, a market’s susceptibility to moral contestation, and the role of non-human actors in shaping marketplace moral sentiments. Finally, we discuss the managerial and policy implications of our work.<br/

    Structural change, land use and the state in China:making sense of three divergent processes

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    Market Work and the Formation of the Omnivorous Consumer Subject

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    Omnivorousness is the tendency of culturally and economically privileged individuals to consume both highbrow and lowbrow products. Prior research explores omnivorousness as a manifestation of status distinction in which consumers deploy the aesthetic disposition—a generic and transposable ability to appreciate cultural products through a formal gaze—to lowbrow options. Existing work emphasizes the acquisition of the aesthetic disposition, but it does not explain how consumers transpose their generic disposition to specific cultural contexts and develop omnivorous tastes. Therefore, we study the formation of omnivorous consumer subjects and highlight its enabling conditions. Building on a 7-year ethnography of coffee consumption in France, we find that omnivorous subjects develop a dual and flexible cultural competence. First, they acquire a common appreciation of coffee during their primary socialization and enjoy the energizing and socializing functions of lowbrow coffee. Then, they develop a formal appreciation of coffee later in life as a result of market work conducted by market professionals. Specifically, market professionals do three types of market work: qualification, captation, and activation. Consumers respond to market work by transposing their aesthetic disposition to highbrow coffee and, therefore, enjoy its formal characteristics. We extend prior research on taste, omnivorousness, and consumer subject formation

    Structural change, land use and the state in China:making sense of three divergent processes

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