20 research outputs found

    El efecto del uso de medios electrónicos antes de acostarse a dormir sobre el ciclo vigilia-sueño en adolescentes que asisten a clases en un turno matutino y en un turno vespertino

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    RESUMEN: En las últimas décadas, el uso de los medios electrónicos ha tenido un fuerte crecimiento y los estudios sugieren que tiene consecuencias negativas sobre el ciclo vigilia-sueño de los adolescentes. A pesar de ello, el uso de medios electrónicos antes de acostarse a dormir sólo se ha analizado en los adolescentes que asisten a clases en un turno matutino, pero, no en adolescentes que asisten en uno vespertino. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los efectos del uso de los medios electrónicos antes de acostarse a dormir sobre el ciclo vigilia-sueño de los adolescentes que asisten a la escuela en un turno matutino y en un turno vespertino. La muestra total fue de 586 estudiantes de secundaria en el noroeste de México (280 hombres y 288 mujeres) (edad: 14.08±0.72 años, rango de edad: 13-16 años). Fueron 287 del turno matutino y 281 del turno vespertino. Los estudiantes completaron un cuestionario de información general, el cuestionario de hábitos del dormir, la versión en español del MEQ, la versión mexicana de ESS y el cuestionario de uso de medios electrónicos. El principal resultado fue que se encontró un efecto negativo sobre el ciclo vigilia-sueño de los adolescentes al utilizar los medios electrónicos antes de acostarse a dormir con los que asisten a clases en un turno matutino y en un turno vespertino. No obstante, los adolescentes del turno matutino presentaron un efecto negativo mayor en comparación con los del turno vespertino. Los adolescentes de ambos turnos escolares presentaron somnolencia diurna al utilizar los aparatos electrónicos. Los adolescentes del turno vespertino reportaron un tiempo de uso mayor con los medios electrónicos, en comparación con los del turno matutino, las mujeres reportaron un tiempo de uso mayor con la computadora, teléfono móvil y el reproductor de MP3, los hombres reportaron un tiempo de uso mayor con la consola de videojuegos. Al utilizar los medios electrónicos los adolescentes de ambos turnos escolares reportaron un cronotipo intermedio. Se reportaron interacciones al utilizar la computadora, teléfono móvil y el reproductor de MP3 con el turno escolar con la hora de levantarse entre semana, el cual mostró que el horario de entrada del turno matutino es menos flexible en comparación con el horario de entrada de los adolescentes del turno vespertino. ABSTRACT: In recent decades, the use of electronic media has had a strong growth and it has a negative consequences on the sleep-wake cycle of adolescents. However, the use of electronic media before bedtime it has been analyzed in adolescents who attend classes in a morning shift but not in adolescents attending an afternoon shift. Therefore the objective of this study was to compare the effects of using electronic media before bedtime on the sleepwake cycle of adolescents attending school in a morning shift or an afternoon shift. A sample of 568 students of a secondary school in northeastern Mexico (280 boys and 288 girls) (mean age: 14.08±0.72 years, age range: 13-16 years). There were 287 from the morning shift and 281 from the afternoon shift. Students completed a general information questionnaire, the Sleep Timing Questionnaire, the Spanish version of the MEQ, the Mexican version of the ESS and the Use of Electronic Media Questionnaire. The main result was that a negative effect on the sleep-wake cycle was found in adolescents using electronic media before bedtime that attend classes in a morning shift and in an afternoon shift. However the adolescents from the morning shift showed a greater negative effect than those from the afternoon shift. Adolescents of both school shift had daytime sleepiness when using electronic devices. Adolescents in the afternoon shift reported a longer use of electronic media, compared with the morning shift, girls reported a longer time of use with the computer, mobile phone and MP3 player, and boys reported longer time of use with the game console. By using electronic media, adolescents of both school shift reported an intermediate chronotype. Interactions were reported when using computer, mobile phone and MP3 player with school shift on waking time during the week, which showed that the school start time of the morning shift is less flexible compared to the school start time from adolescents of the afternoon shift

    Sleep and Depressive Symptoms in the Morningness/Eveningness-Suicidal Ideation Relationship Depend on School Shift in Mexican Adolescents

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    The aim was to analyze the morningness/eveningness (M/E) effect on suicidal ideation through sleep and depressive symptoms mediators with school shift (i.e., morning and afternoon) as moderator. In this study, 586 Mexican adolescents, with a mean age of 16.31 ± 0.92, from a public high school in a double-shift school system (298 from the morning shift and 288 from the afternoon shift) participated. Measurements of sleep, morningness/eveningness (circadian preference), depressive symptomology, and suicidal ideation were completed. Adolescents in the afternoon shift reported a later rise time, bedtime, greater time in bed sleep length, and less social jet lag than in the morning shift. Considering the moderated-mediated analysis, circadian preference and suicidal ideation were mediated by both depressive symptoms and school day’s sleep length in the morning shift. In the afternoon shift, no mediation effect was significant. When weekend sleep length was considered in the model, only depressive symptoms had a mediating effect between circadian preference and suicidal ideation in the morning shift; no significant mediating effect was found on the afternoon shift. The results suggest that an afternoon school schedule may act as a protective factor for the adolescent’s mental health and may represent a viable option for future interventions.Depto. de Psicología Social, del Trabajo y DiferencialFac. de PsicologíaTRUEMinisterio de Economía, Industria y CompetitividadMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidadespu

    Animal Welfare Attitudes: Effects of Gender and Diet in University Samples from 22 Countries

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    Animal Welfare Attitudes (AWA) are defined as human attitudes towards the welfare of animals in different dimensions and settings. Demographic factors, such as age and gender are associated with AWA. The aim of this study was to assess gender differences among university students in a large convenience sample from twenty-two nations in AWA. A total of 7914 people participated in the study (5155 women, 2711 men, 48 diverse). Participants completed a questionnaire that collected demographic data, typical diet and responses to the Composite Respect for Animals Scale Short version (CRAS-S). In addition, we used a measure of gender empowerment from the Human Development Report. The largest variance in AWA was explained by diet, followed by country and gender. In terms of diet, 6385 participants reported to be omnivores, 296 as pescatarian, 637 ate a vegetarian diet and 434 were vegans (n = 162 without answer). Diet was related with CRAS-S scores; people with a vegan diet scored higher in AWA than omnivores. Women scored significantly higher on AWA than men. Furthermore, gender differences in AWA increased as gender inequality decreased

    El dominio de la victimología en los métodos alternativos de justicia

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    La situazione attuale del sistema di giustizia penale provoca sentimenti di sfiducia nella popolazione dovuti all’elevato livello di vittimizzazione che deriva dalle sofferenze provocate alle vittime dal processo penale. Nel tentativo di affrontare i conflitti con nuove modalità, i metodi alternativi di giustizia possono essere in grado di creare nuove pratiche operative atte a meglio aiutare le vittime del crimine. Attualmente, i metodi alternativi di giustizia (come, per esempio, i programmi di mediazione e i family groups conferencing) hanno un background sia giuridico che vittimologico basato sui risultati delle ricerche scientifiche e sugli studi teorici. La situation actuelle de la justice pénale suscite des sentiments de méfiance dans la population à cause du niveau élevé de victimisation produit par les souffrances provoquées à la victime par le procès pénal. En essayant d’affronter les conflits avec des modalités différentes, les méthodes alternatives de justice devraient être capable de créer des techniques nouvelles pour mieux aider les victimes du délit. Aujourd’hui, les méthodes alternatives de justice (par exemple, les programmes de médiation et les « family groups conferencing ») ont un background aussi bien juridique que victimologique fondé sur les résultats de recherche et sur les études théoriques. The current circumstances in the criminal justice system is creating a feeling of distrust by the population due to high levels of victimization that comes to suffer the victim throughout the criminal process. Seeking with this new ways of dealing with conflicts, the alternative methods of justice are able to create new practices in order to help and better support victims of crime. Nowadays, the alternative methods of justice (as, for example, the mediation programs and the family groups conferencing) have both legal and victimological backgrounds, based on research findings and theoretical studies

    El inicio de las investigaciones psicopatológicas/The beginning of the psychopathological researches

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    Psychopathology is responsible for the study and analysis of deviant behaviour, it can only be called psychopathological what manages to upset the psychopathological functioning. The demonologic concept is the most primitive form of understanding abnormal behavior. It is to the brain as a principal organ of the intellectual life. The psychopathological study has been making inroads since the beginnings of the structuring of the society to research in psychopathology, who came to bring a new panorama of studies

    El dominio de la victimología en los métodos alternativos de justicia / Le rôle de la victimologie dans les méthodes alternatives à la justice ordinaire / The role of victimology and the alternative dispute resolution

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    The current circumstances in the criminal justice system is creating a feeling of distrust by the population due to high levels of victimization that comes to suffer the victim throughout the criminal process. Seeking with this new ways of dealing with conflicts, the alternative methods of justice are able to create new practices in order to help and better support victims of crime. Nowadays, the alternative methods of justice (as, for example, the mediation programs and the family groups conferencing) have both legal and victimological backgrounds, based on research findings and theoretical studies.La situation actuelle de la justice pénale suscite des sentiments de méfiance dans la population à cause du niveau élevé de victimisation produit par les souffrances provoquées à la victime par le procès pénal. En essayant d’affronter les conflits avec des modalités différentes, les méthodes alternatives de justice devraient être capable de créer des techniques nouvelles pour mieux aider les victimes du délit.Aujourd’hui, les méthodes alternatives de justice (par exemple, les programmes de médiation et les « family groups conferencing ») ont un background aussi bien juridique que victimologique fondé sur les résultats de recherche et sur les études théoriques

    El inicio de las investigaciones psicopatológicas

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    Psychopathology is responsible for the study and analysis of deviant behaviour, it can only be called psychopathological what manages to upset the psychopathological functioning. The demonologic concept is the most primitive form of understanding abnormal behavior. It is to the brain as a principal organ of the intellectual life. The psychopathological study has been making inroads since the beginnings of the structuring of the society to research in psychopathology, who came to bring a new panorama of studies.La psicopatología se encarga de realizar el estudio y análisis de los comportamientos desviados, sólo se puede denominar psicopatológico a aquello que logra trastornar el funcionamiento psicopatológico. La concepción demonológica es la forma más primitiva de entender el comportamiento anormal. Se considera al cerebro como órgano principal de la vida intelectiva. El estudio psicopatológico se ha incursionando desde los principios de la estructuración de la sociedad a investigaciones en la psicopatología que vinieron a traer un nuevo panorama de estudios

    La influencia de la victimología en la justicia restaurativa y los programas de mediación

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    The current circumstances in the criminal justice system, creating a feeling of distrust by the population due to high levels of victimization that comes to suffer the victim throughout the criminal process. Restorative justice has emerged as an immediate response to this problem, along with mediation programs, seeking to achieve a restorative initiative between the victim, offender and community rather than continue with the punitive actions of the system. Alternative methods of justice as well as legal assessments, we must consider who actually have a victimological background, base don research findings and theoretical studies of victimology.Las circunstancias actuales en el sistema de justicia penal, crean un sentimiento de desconfianza por parte de la población, debido a los altos niveles de victimización que llega a sufrir la víctima durante todo el proceso penal. La justicia restaurativa emerge como una respuesta inmediata ante ésta problemática, junto con sus programas de mediación para lograr buscar una iniciativa reparadora entre la víctima, su agresor y la comunidad en lugar de continuar con las acciones punitivas del sistema. Los métodos alternativos de justicia además de las apreciaciones legales, debemos de considerar que realmente tienen un transfondo victimológico, basados en los resultados de las investigaciones y estudios teóricos de la victimología

    Sleep habits and circadian preferences in school-aged children attending a Mexican double-shift school system

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    Objective: To determine the differences between sleep habits and circadian preference in school-aged children attending a Mexican double-shift school system. Methods: This cross-sectional study consisted of 400 elementary public-school children (mean age = 10.77, SD = 0.70 y, from 4th, 5th and 6th grades) in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, in northeastern Mexico. Attending a double-shift school system: 200 from the morning shift and 200 in the afternoon shift. Specific questions regarding sleep habits were collected and for circadian preference, the Morningness-Eveningness Scale for Children (MESC) was used. Results: Multivariate analysis reported no sex differences. Children attending at the morning shift during weekdays rose earlier, reported shorter time in bed and earlier midpoint of sleep than those in the afternoon shift. On weekends, morning shift children went to bed later than afternoon shift. Morning shift reported greater social jetlag, shorter average sleep length and more sleep deficit than afternoon shift. During weekdays and weekends evening type children went to bed later, rose later and reported later midpoint of sleep. Also, evening type reported more social jetlag than morning types. Conclusion: This study suggests that early school start times can have a detrimental effect on Mexican children. Moreover, the morning shift children may be at more risk of poor health due to the higher social jetlag, as well as a higher tendency to be sleep deprived. On the other hand, the afternoon shift represents an important social environment that allows children to follow their natural physiological needs and a more optimal sleep health.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (España)Ministerio de Economía y Empresa (España)Depto. de Psicología Social, del Trabajo y DiferencialFac. de PsicologíaTRUEpu

    Sleep habits, circadian preference and substance use in a Mexican population: The use of the Morningness-Eveningness-Stability-Scale improved (MESSi)

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    This study aimed to validate the Morningness-Eveningness-Stability-Scale improved (MESSi) in Mexico, analyzing the factor structure and sleep habits, combined with the proposal of cut-off values for the scales, and to assess the relationship with substance use. We applied the questionnaires through an online survey to a total sample of 510 Mexicans, aged 18-77 years (M = 27.79, SD = 10.24). The MESSi showed an acceptable fit and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were good to satisfactory in the Mexican sample in every subscale: Morning Affect (MA, α = 0.90), Eveningness (EV, α = 0.88), Distinctness (DI, α = 0.80). In order to obtain a better interpretation of the MESSi subscales we decided to propose cut-off points corresponding to the 25th-75th percentile. The categories were depicted as: strong trait presence, intermediate trait presence and weak trait presence. When applying the cut-off points for the MESSi sub-scales, with Morning Affect (MA), strong-types went to bed and woke up earlier and had more sleep than weak-types during weekdays and weekends and reported less social jetlag. For Eveningness (EV), strong-types went to bed and woke up later than weak-types on weekdays and weekends. Also, strong-types had a shorter time in bed during weekdays but not on weekends and reported more social jetlag. Lastly with Distinctness (DI), the results reported that those with a strong-type showed greater amplitude on weekdays and weekends. Furthermore, the MESSi scale found that evening people consumed more alcohol and tobacco. Our study supported the validity and reliability of the MESSi in a Mexican population and the relationship between eveningness and substance consumption. Furthermore, the proposed cut-off scores for the MESSi sub-scales add a novel approach for the measurement and interpretation of the scale.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (España)MINECO/FEDER/UEDepto. de Psicología Social, del Trabajo y DiferencialFac. de PsicologíaTRUEpu