867 research outputs found

    On the nature of transverse coronal waves revealed by wavefront dislocations

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    Coronal waves are an important aspect of the dynamics of the plasma in the corona. Wavefront dislocations are topological features of most waves in nature and also of magnetohydrodynamic waves. Are there dislocations in coronal waves? The finding and explanation of dislocations may shed light on the nature and characteristics of the propagating waves, their interaction in the corona and in general on the plasma dynamics. We positively identify dislocations in coronal waves observed by the Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter (CoMP) as singularities in the Doppler shifts of emission coronal lines. We study the possible singularities that can be expected in coronal waves and try to reproduce the observed dislocations in terms of localization and frequency of appearance. The observed dislocations can only be explained by the interference of a kink and a sausage wave modes propagating with different frequencies along the coronal magnetic field. In the plane transverse to the propagation, the cross-section of the oscillating plasma must be smaller than the spatial resolution, and the two waves result in net longitudinal and transverse velocity components that are mixed through projection onto the line of sight. Alfv\'en waves can be responsible of the kink mode, but a magnetoacoustic sausage mode is necessary in all cases. Higher (flute) modes are excluded. The kink mode has a pressure amplitude that is smaller than the pressure amplitude of the sausage mode, though its observed velocity is larger. This concentrates dislocations on the top of the loop. To explain dislocations, any model of coronal waves must include the simultaneous propagation and interference of kink and sausage wave modes of comparable but different frequencies, with a sausage wave amplitude much smaller than the kink one.Comment: 11 pages. 5 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    On the scaling of the damping time for resonantly damped oscillations in coronal loops

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    There is not as yet full agreement on the mechanism that causes the rapid damping of the oscillations observed by TRACE in coronal loops. It has been suggested that the variation of the observed values of the damping time as function of the corresponding observed values of the period contains information on the possible damping mechanism. The aim of this Letter is to show that, for resonant absorption, this is definitely not the case unless detailed a priori information on the individual loops is available

    Nonlinear Instability of kink oscillations due to shear motions

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    First results from a high-resolution three-dimensional nonlinear numerical study of the kink oscillation are presented. We show in detail the development of a shear instability in an untwisted line-tied magnetic flux tube. The instability produces significant deformations of the tube boundary. An extended transition layer may naturally evolve as a result of the shear instability at a sharp transition between the flux tube and the external medium. We also discuss the possible effects of the instability on the process of resonant absorption when an inhomogeneous layer is included in the model. One of the implications of these results is that the azimuthal component of the magnetic field of a stable flux tube in the solar corona, needed to prevent the shear instability, is probably constrained to be in a very specific range

    The resonant damping of fast magnetohydrodynamic oscillations in a system of two coronal slabs

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    Observations of transversal coronal loop oscillations very often show the excitation and damping of oscillations in groups of coronal loops rather than in individual and isolated structures. We present results on the oscillatory properties (periods, damping rates, and spatial distribution of perturbations) for resonantly damped oscillations in a system of two inhomogeneous coronal slabs and compare them to the properties found in single slab loop models. A system of two identical coronal loops is modeled, in Cartesian geometry, as being composed by two density enhancements. The linear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) wave equations for oblique propagation of waves are solved and the damping of the different solutions, due to the transversal inhomogeneity of the density profile, is computed. The physics of the obtained results is analyzed by an examination of the perturbed physical variables. We find that, due to the interaction between the loops, the normal modes of oscillation present in a single slab split into symmetric and antisymmetric oscillations when a system of two identical slabs is considered. The frequencies of these solutions may differ from the single slab results when the distance between the loops is of the order of a few slab widths. Oblique propagation of waves weakens this interaction, since solutions become more confined to the edges of the slabs. The damping is strong for surface-like oscillations, while sausage body-like solutions are unaffected. For some solutions, and small slab separations, the damping in a system of two loops differs substantially from the damping of a single loop.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Blue organic seven segment display based on poly (9,9-dioctyfluorene)with β-phase emission

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    In this work, organic seven segment displays based on poly(9,9-dioctyfluorene), PFO, have been fabricated. PFO has consolidated as an attractive material for PLEDs due to its efficient blue emission [1] and high hole mobility. Additionally, PFO has a particular conformation, called β-phase associated to extended PFO chain conformation, which is of great interest for potential device applications because, among all others, it has the highest photoluminescence quantum efficiency [2] and the best colour stability [3]. The structure fabricated uses Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) as anode, Poly(3,4 -ethylenedioxythiophene) /poly(4- styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) as hole transport layer and Ba:Al as cathode. After thoroughly cleaning the substrates (covered with ITO) a photolithography process is carried out in order to pattern the anode. Next, the organic layers (PEDOTT:PSS and PFO) are spin casted. Finally, metals (Ba~30 nm and Al~100 nm) are thermally evaporated in an atmosphere of 6x10 -6 Torr. PFO is dissolved in toluene at 1 % wt. A detailed description of the fabrication process can be found in [4]. Finally, the device is encapsulated (using an epoxy and a glass tap) and contacts are indium soldered on the pads. In figure 1, we can observe the shadow mask used for the anode photolitography process (left) and the final device lighting in a zero configuration (right)

    Legislació i normativa sobre gent gran: una aproximació

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    Partint de la Declaració Universal dels Drets Humans i passant per la Constitució Espanyola, arribarem a l’Estatut d’Autonomia de les Illes Balears. Enunciat a les normes fonamentals el nou repartiment competencial, una sèrie de reials decrets varen fer efectives les transferències de competències de l’Estat a l’Administració autonòmica. Al mateix temps, es va produint l’entrega de part d’aquestes mateixes competències als consells insulars. Paral·lelament es va promulgant la normativa autonòmica bàsica reguladora de l’acció social . Lleis i decrets n’estableixen el marc legislatiu, enllaçat amb l’estatal i complementant-lo. De la regulació de les condicions d’obertura dels centres de persones majors, a les ajudes específiques per a aquest col·lectiu. De les prestacions econòmiques als programes de vacances. I com a punt d’arribada, el Pla Estratègic de persones majors.Partiendo de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos y pasando por la Constitución Española, llegaremos al Estatuto de Autonomía de las Islas Baleares. Enunciado en las normas fundamentales el nuevo reparto competencial, una serie de reales decretos harán efectivas las transferencias de competencias del Estado a la Administración Autonómica. A la vez, se va produciendo la entrega de parte de esas mismas competencias a los consejos insulares. Paralelamente, se promulga la normativa autonómica básica reguladora de la acción social. Leyes y decretos establecen el marco legislativo propio, engarzado con el estatal y complementándolo. De la regulación de las condiciones de apertura de los centros de personas mayores, a las ayudas específicas para dicho colectivo. De las prestaciones económicas a los programas vacacionales. Y como punto de llegada, el Plan Estratégico de personas mayores

    On the nature of kink MHD waves in magnetic flux tubes

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    Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves are often reported in the solar atmosphere and usually classified as slow, fast, or Alfv\'en. The possibility that these waves have mixed properties is often ignored. The goal of this work is to study and determine the nature of MHD kink waves. This is done by calculating the frequency, the damping rate and the eigenfunctions of MHD kink waves for three widely different MHD waves cases: a compressible pressure-less plasma, an incompressible plasma and a compressible plasma with non-zero plasma pressure which allows for MHD radiation. In all three cases the frequency and the damping rate are for practical purposes the same as they differ at most by terms proportional to (kzR)2(k_z R)^2. In the magnetic flux tube the kink waves are in all three cases, to a high degree of accuracy incompressible waves with negligible pressure perturbations and with mainly horizontal motions. The main restoring force of kink waves in the magnetised flux tube is the magnetic tension force. The total pressure gradient force cannot be neglected except when the frequency of the kink wave is equal or slightly differs from the local Alfv\'{e}n frequency, i.e. in the resonant layer. Kink waves are very robust and do not care about the details of the MHD wave environment. The adjective fast is not the correct adjective to characterise kink waves. If an adjective is to be used it should be Alfv\'{e}nic. However, it is better to realize that kink waves have mixed properties and cannot be put in one single box

    Inference of magnetic field strength and density from damped transverse coronal waves

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    A classic application of coronal seismology uses transverse oscillations of waveguides to obtain estimates of the magnetic field strength. The procedure requires information on the density of the structures. Often, it ignores the damping of the oscillations. We computed marginal posteriors for parameters such as the waveguide density; the density contrast; the transverse inhomogeneity length-scale; and the magnetic field strength, under the assumption that the oscillations can be modelled as standing magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) kink modes damped by resonant absorption. Our results show that the magnetic field strength can be properly inferred, even if the densities inside and outside the structure are largely unknown. Incorporating observational estimates of plasma density further constrains the obtained posteriors. The amount of information one is willing to include (a priori) for the density and the density contrast influences their corresponding posteriors, but very little the inferred magnetic field strength. The decision to include or leave out the information on the damping and the damping time-scales have a minimal impact on the obtained magnetic field strength. In contrast to the classic method which provides with numerical estimates with error bars or possible ranges of variation for the magnetic field strength, Bayesian methods offer the full distribution of plausibility over the considered range of possible values. The methods are applied to available datasets of observed transverse loop oscillations, can be extended to prominence fine structures or chromospheric spicules and implemented to propagating waves in addition to standing oscillations.Comment: 16 pages, A&A accepte