10 research outputs found

    Differences in plant cover and species composition of semiarid grassland communities of central Mexico and its effects on net ecosystem exchange

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    "Changes in land use across the semiarid grasslands of northern Mexico have driven a decline of plant cover and alteration of plant species composition. A number of different plant communities have resulted from these changes. Their implications, however, on the carbon (C) cycle and regional carbon balance are still poorly understood. Here, we examined the effects of plant cover loss and changes in species composition on net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) and their biotic and abiotic controls. NEE was measured in five representative plant community types within a semiarid grassland by temporarily enclosing the entire aboveground ecosystem using a chamber method (i.e., geodesic dome). Sites included an oat crop (crop), a moderately grazed grassland (moderate grazing), a 28 yr-old grazing exclosure (exclosure), an overgrazed site with low perennial grass cover (overgrazed), and an overgrazed site presenting shrub encroachment (shrub encroachment). For natural vegetation, rates of standardized daytime NEE for sites with a high plant cover (exclosure and moderate grazing) were similar (P > 0.05) as compared to sites with low plant cover (overgrazed and shrub encroachment). However, yearly total nighttime NEE (carbon loss) was more than double (P < 0.05) for sites with high plant cover compared to sites with low cover, resulting to slight C sinks for the low plant cover sites, and neutral or sources for the high plant cover sites as accounted by daytime and nighttime NEE annual balance. Differences in plant cover and its associated biomass defined the sensitivity to environmental controls. Thus, daytime NEE in low plant cover sites reached light compensation points at lower photosynthetic photon flux density than those from high plant cover sites. Differences in species composition did not influence NEE rates even though there were transient or permanent changes in C3 vs. C4 functional groups. Our results allowed the detection of the large variability and contribution of different plant communities to regional C balance in patchy landscapes. Identification of the role of landscape patches in the regional C balance as either sinks or sources may provide tools allowing land use management strategies that could favor C uptake in patchy landscapes.

    Richness and density of grassland bird species assessed by two methods

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    "Dentro de las aves, las de pastizal son de las más amenazadas en el mundo. En México, estos ecosistemas se han visto afectados por el sobre-apacentamiento con ganado doméstico y la conversión a la agricultura. Para desarrollar planes de conservación es necesario evaluar las poblaciones y utilizar herramientas precisas que permitan conocer el estado de éstas. El objetivo del estudio fue comparar el conteo de aves por transecto y el puntual, para contrastar su efectividad al estimar la riqueza de especies y densidad de poblaciones, mediante cuatro diferentes distancias de detección en tres tipos de hábitats: pastizal mediano abierto, sabana y áreas agrícolas, las cuales diferían en su cubierta vegetal. La cuantificación se realizó en el periodo invierno-primavera 2004 - 2005. Las densidades más altas se obtuvieron con la técnica del conteo puntual en los intervalos de 0 - 25 y 25 - 50 m. El mayor número de especies se detectó con ambos métodos en las distancias de 0 a 75 m. Los resultados son consistentes para las dos estaciones y los tres hábitats, por lo que es posible combinar los métodos probados cuando se realicen inventarios referentes a la diversidad de aves de los pastizales semiáridos de México.""Inside the birds group, the grassland birds are the most threatened in the world. In Mexico, these ecosystems have been affected by overgrazing by domestic livestock and conversion of soil to agriculture. To develop conservation plans is necessary to evaluate birds populations and the use of tools that help us to accurately assess the status of bird populations. The main objective of our study was to compare two bird-count methods (transect and point count), to contrast the effectiveness of estimating species richness and population densities at four detection distances in three contrasting grassland habitats: open middle grassland, savanna grassland and agriculture lands, these habitats differ in vegetation cover. Bird counts were conducted during winter 2004 and spring 2005. Estimated population densities were highest when using the PC method at distances of 0 - 25 m and 25 - 50 m. The greatest number of species was detected when both methods at distances of 0 to 75 m. These results were consistent for both seasons and for the three grassland habitats, in base to these results, combining both methods when realizing birds' diversity inventories in Mexican semiarid grasslands.

    Seed germination and seedling growth in native and exotic grasses in the semiarid grasslands of Northern Mexico

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    "En los pastizales del norte de México se han introducido gramíneas de origen africano, con el propósito fundamental de controlar la erosión del suelo e incrementar la productividad. Estas especies en lo general exhiben mayor talla y mayor producción de semilla, por lo que existe el riesgo, en caso de su naturalización, de que desplacen a las especies nativas. La invasión de ecosistemas semiáridos por estas especies exóticas ocasiona múltiples problemas, por lo que es fundamental identificar con anticipación los mecanismos que contribuyen a su propagación. En ensayos con condiciones controladas se trabajó con las gramíneas nativas Bouteloua gracilis y B. curtipendula así como las exóticas africanas Eragrostis curvula, E. lehmanniana, E. superba, Melinum repens y Panicum coloratum. El estudio examinó la germinación de semillas y la asignación de biomasa en plántulas, en condiciones de esterilización de semilla y suelo (semilla lavada y no lavada más suelo esterilizado y no esterilizado). En el presente estudio solamente E. superba superó los porcentajes de germinación (P<0.05) de las especies nativas, sin embargo debido a la mayor producción de semillas por las especies exóticas, al menos dos de éstas superaron la producción potencial de propágulos de las nativas. El lavado de semilla favoreció mayor germinación en las tres especies de Eragrostis, mientras que la esterilización de suelo (P<0.05) inhibió germinación de B. curtipendula y E. curvula. Estos resultados sugieren mecanismos inhibidores y que facilitan la germinación, mediados posiblemente por microorganismos, mismos mecanismos se observaron en el crecimiento de plántulas.""Exotic African grasses have been introduced into deteriorated semiarid grasslands in northern Mexico to stop soil erosion and improve land productivity. These species are characterized by larger size and greater seed productivity than natives, traits which may contribute to eventual displacement of native grasses. Invasion of natural ecosystems alters species composition and ecosystem functioning, making identification of the traits and mechanisms used by successful invaders vital to controlling this problem. A comparison was done of seed germination potential and seedling biomass allocation in two native grasses (Bouteloua gracilis and B. curtipendula) and five exotic African grasses (Eragrostis curvula, E. lehmanniana, E. superba, Melinum repens and Panicum coloratum). Treatments consisted of washed and unwashed seeds and sterilized and unsterilized soils. Only E. superba exhibited higher (P<0.05) germination rates than the native species. Due to their overall higher seed production, potential propagule production was highest in two of the exotic grasses (E. superba and E. curvula). Seed washing favored higher germination in the three Eragrostis grasses, whereas soil sterilization inhibited germination in B. curtipendula and E. curvula (P<0.05). Seedling growth variables indicated similar effects in biomass allocation. Propagule production is not necessarily the factor that most facilitates invasive success by an exotic grass species, while the lack of pathogenic microorganisms and/or presence of growth promoting microorganisms may play a vital role.

    Effect of Biosolids on Soil Moisture, Nutrients and Forage Yield in a Semiarid Rangeland

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    "Los suelos de los pastizales semiáridos de México presentan bajos niveles de nutrimentos, lo cual afecta su productividad. Los biosólidos, un subproducto del tratamiento de aguas, tienen alto potencial para utilizarse como fertilizantes o mejoradores de suelo. Se aplicaron biosólidos en forma superficial en parcelas de 1 m2, en un pastizal semiárido, en junio de 2002, en dosis de 0 (testigo) 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 y 90 Mg en base seca ha-1. Se midieron la humedad volumétrica (HVS), durante el verano de 2002, y algunos nutrimentos del suelo, en agosto y noviembre de 2002 y julio de 2003. Se determinó la producción de forraje en 2002 y 2003. La HVS fue mayor con 45 a 90 Mg ha-1 que en el testigo en todas las fechas, excepto el 2 y el 13 de agosto. El valor más alto de HVS se observó el 19 de julio, con 30 ± 2% con 75 Mg ha-1 y 18.7 ± 1% en el testigo. Los biosólidos no afectaron los contenidos de materia orgánica y potasio del suelo. Sin embargo, el pH del suelo disminuyó de 6.3 ± 0.1, en el testigo, a 5.3 ± 0.02, con 90 Mg ha-1, en noviembre 2002. Los tratamientos incrementaron la disponibilidad de N (de 7 ± 1 mg kg-1 en el testigo, hasta 169 ± 15 mg kg-1 con 90 Mg ha-1, en agosto de 2002) y de P en el suelo (de 5 ± 0.6 en el testigo hasta 55 ± 6 mg kg-1 con 75 Mg ha-1 , en agosto de 2002). La producción de forraje de zacates se incrementó hasta 550% con 60 Mg ha-1, en 2002, y hasta en 650% con 90 Mg ha-1, en 2003. Los biosólidos pueden utilizarse para incrementar los nutrimentos del suelo y la producción forrajera de los pastizales semiáridos en México.""Soils of semiarid rangelands in Mexico show low nutrient concentrations which affect forage productivity. Biosolids, a byproduct of wastewater treatment, have a high potential to be used as fertilizer or soil conditioner. In June 2002, biosolids were surface-applied in 1 m2 field plots of a semiarid rangeland at 0 (control), 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 or 90 Mg ha-1 of dry matter. Volumetric soil moisture was estimated during the growing season in 2002 and soil nutrients in August and November 2002, and July 2003. Forage production was estimated in 2002 and 2003. Soil moisture was higher with application of biosolids at 45 to 90 Mg ha-1 on all dates except onAugust 2 and 13. The highest soil moisture was observed on July 19 with 30 ± 2% at 75 Mg ha-1, compared with 18.7 ± 1% in control. Application of biosolids did not affect soil organic matter and soil K. Soil pH decreased from6.3 ± 0.1 in the control to 5.3 ± 0.02 with 90 Mg ha-1 in November 2002. Biosolids increased soil N (7 ± 1 mg kg-1 in the control to 169 ± 15 with 90 Mg ha-1) and soil P (5 ± 0.6 mg kg-1 in control to 55 ± 6 mg kg-1 with 75 Mg ha-1) in August 2002. Grass forage production increased 550% with 60 Mg ha-1 in 2002 and 650% with 90 Mg ha-1 in 2003. Biosolids can be used to increase soil nutrients and forage yield of semiarid rangelands in Mexico.

    Technical note: application of geophysical tools for tree root studies in forest ecosystems in complex soils

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    "While semiarid forests frequently colonize rocky substrates, knowledge is scarce on how roots garner resources in these extreme habitats. The Sierra San Miguelito Volcanic Complex in central Mexico exhibits shallow soils and impermeable rhyolitic-rock outcrops, which impede water movement and root placement beyond the soil matrix. However, rock fractures, exfoliated rocks and soil pockets potentially permit downward water percolation and root growth. With ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), two geophysical methods advocated by Jayawickreme et al. (2014) to advance root ecology, we advanced in the method development studying root and water distribution in shallow rocky soils and rock fractures in a semiarid forest. We calibrated geophysical images with in situ root measurements, and then extrapolated root distribution over larger areas. Using GPR shielded antennas, we identified both fine and coarse pine and oak roots from 0.6 to 7.5 cm diameter at different depths into either soil or rock fractures. We also detected, trees anchoring their trunks using coarse roots underneath rock outcroppings. With ERT, we tracked monthly changes in humidity at the soil–bedrock interface, which clearly explained spatial root distribution of both tree species. Geophysical methods have enormous potential in elucidating root ecology. More interdisciplinary research could advance our understanding in belowground ecological niche functions and their role in forest ecohydrology and productivity.

    Initial response of phenology and yield components of wheat (Triticum durum L., CIRNO C2008) under experimental warming field conditions in the Yaqui Valley

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    "This work evaluates the experimental warming effects on phenology and grain yield components of wheat in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora, México, using CIRNO C2008 variety from Triticum durum L., as a model during the cropping cycle of 2016–2017 (December to April). Infrared radiators were deployed to induce experimental warming by 2 °C above ambient crop canopy temperature, in a temperature free-air controlled enhancement system. Temperature was controlled by infrared temperature sensors placed in eight plots which covered a circle of r = 1.5 m starting five days after germination until harvest. The warming treatment caused a reduction of phenophases occurrence starting at the stem extension phenophase. Such phenological responses generated a significant biological cycle reduction of 14 days. Despite this delay, CIRNO C2008 completed its biological cycle adequately. However, plant height under the warming treatment was reduced significantly and differences were particularly observed at the final phenophases of the vegetative cycle. Plant height correlated negatively with spikes length, spikes mass, and number of filled grains. Warming also reduced grain yield in 33%. The warming treatment caused a stress intensity (SI = 1-yield warming/yield control) of 39.4% and 33.2% in biomass and grain yield, respectively. The differences in stress intensities between biomass and grain yield were based on plant height reduction. Grain mass was not affected, demonstrating the crop capability for remobilization and adequate distribution of elaborated substances for the spikes under warming conditions.

    Análisis del concepto de sostenibilidad en la legislación mexicana usando el paradigma de desarrollo de las zonas secas

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    "Utilizando el paradigma de Desarrollo de las Zonas Secas (DDP, por sus siglas in ingles) este trabajo analiza la relación entre el discurso legal, el desempeño de las instituciones gubernamentales y el manejo de sistemas socio-ecológicos (SSE) en México. El DDP es una herramienta que examina los vínculos entre aspectos socio-económicos y biofísicos y la sostenibilidad de los SSE, y consta de cinco principios: a) las variables biofísicas y socio-económicas son interdependientes y dinámicas; b) un conjunto de variables clave lentas determina la dinámica de los SSE; c) cruzar los umbrales de las variables lentas cambia la estructura y la función de los SSE; d) las variables lentas están vinculadas en escalas espacio-temporales; y e) para su coadaptación funcional, los SSE deben integrar los conocimientos local y científico. El análisis de 21 leyes federales con el DDP permite afirmar que éstas asumen el equilibrio como guía de la relación entre los elementos biofísicos y socio-culturales; no consideran variables lentas ni sus umbrales; señalan diversas escalas administrativas y reconocen el conocimiento local. Los desafíos de la legislación mexicana son: adoptar la incertidumbre y no linealidad inherentes a los SSE; hacer los conceptos de productividad, competitividad y rentabilidad compatibles con la sostenibilidad; enfocarse en los procesos que definan la estructura y la función de los SSE a largo plazo y en los umbrales que determinan su resiliencia; fortalecer mecanismos de gobernanza y capacidad institucional, y vincularse con la academia para insertar el conocimiento pertinente en la legislación.

    Pinus hartwegii Lindl. treeline ecotone: structure and altitudinal limits at Nevado de Toluca, Mexico

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    "Introduction: Treeline ecotone complexity might function as a barrier to altitudinal migration of Pinus hartwegii Lindl. Objectives: P. hartwegii forest structure was characterized through its treeline ecotone at Nevado de Toluca; in addition, possible changes in altitudinal limits over the last 25 years were determined. Materials and methods: Height and diameter at breast height (DBH) of each tree were determined, as well as natural forest regeneration and tree density. Altitudinal limits were determined on satellite images from 1989 and 2014 using the moving split window method. Results and discussion: Tree density fell between 8 and 70 % across altitudinal gradient. Altitudinal limits (3,980-4,130 m) did not show significant differences (P = 0.07) between two evaluated years. The P. hartwegii ecotone displays a diffuse form, regulated by growth limitations. This implies that the forest might modify its altitudinal distribution based on environmental changes, according to its ecological amplitude and how fast new individuals can become established at higher altitudes. Conclusion: Long-term monitoring is important to know if P. hartwegii is actually capable of migrating altitudinally as a result of increased environmental temperature.

    Progress and opportunities for monitoring greenhouse gases fluxes in Mexican ecosystems: the MexFlux network

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    "Para entender los procesos de los ecosistemas desde un punto de vista funcional es fundamental entender las relaciones entre la variabilidad climática, los ciclos biogeoquímicos y las interacciones superficie-atmósfera. En las últimas décadas se ha aplicado de manera creciente el método de covarianza de flujos turbulentos (EC, por sus siglas en inglés) en ecosistemas terrestres, marinos y urbanos para medir los flujos de gases de invernadero (p. ej., CO2, H2O ) y energía (p. ej., calor sensible y latente). En diversas regiones se han establecido redes de sistemas EC que han aportado información científica para el diseño de políticas ambientales y de adaptación. En este contexto, el presente trabajo delimita el marco conceptual y técnico para el establecimiento de una red regional de medición de flujos de gases de efecto invernadero en México, denominada MexFlux, cuyo objetivo principal es mejorar nuestra comprensión de la forma en que la variabilidad climática y la transformación ambiental influye en la dinámica de los ecosistemas mexicanos ante los factores de cambio ambiental global. En este documento se analiza primero la importancia del intercambio de CO2 y vapor de agua entre los ecosistemas terrestres y la atmósfera. Después se describe brevemente la técnica de covarianza de flujos turbulentos para la medición de éstos, y se presentan ejemplos de mediciones en dos ecosistemas terrestres y uno urbano en México. Por último, se describen las bases conceptuales y operativas a corto, mediano y largo plazo para la continuidad de la red MexFlux.""Understanding ecosystem processes from a functional point of view is essential to study relationships among climate variability, biogeochemical cycles, and surface-atmosphere interactions. Increasingly during the last decades, the eddy covariance (EC) method has been applied in terrestrial, marine and urban ecosystems to quantify fluxes of greenhouse gases (e.g., CO2, H2O) and energy (e.g., sensible and latent heat). Networks of EC systems have been established in different regions and have provided scientific information that has been used for designing environmental and adaptation policies. In this context, this article outlines the conceptual and technical framework for the establishment of an EC regional network (i.e., MexFlux) to measure the surface-atmosphere exchange of heat and greenhouse gases in Mexico. The goal of the network is to improve our understanding of how climate variability and environmental change influence the dynamics of Mexican ecosystems. First, we discuss the relevance of CO2 and water vapor exchange between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. Second, we briefly describe the EC basis and present examples of measurements in terrestrial and urban ecosystems of Mexico. Finally, we describe the conceptual and operational goals at short-, medium-, and long-term scales for continuity of the MexFlux network.

    Base de datos de flujos verticales de dioxido de carbono en ecosistemas terrestres y costeros en México

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    El dióxido de carbono (CO2) es uno de los principales gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) cuyo incremento en la atmósfera está asociado con el calentamiento global. Con el objetivo de promover estudios de síntesis que lleven a un mejor entendimiento de los procesos relacionados con el ciclo del carbono en ecosistemas terrestres y costeros de México, se construyeron bases de datos de flujos verticales de carbono. Se construyó una base de datos con flujos de CO2 a escala anual, para ocho sitios y 30 años por sitio, de la red MexFlux, cuya información se obtuvo de publicaciones en revistas científicas, memorias de resúmenes en extenso y documentos de tesis. Una segunda base se construyó a partir de datos a escala diaria, de los flujos de CO2 de 14 sitios de monitoreo y 53 años/ sitio, que fueron proporcionados directamente por los investigadores principales (PI) de cada sitio y denominada MexFlux_2019 V1. Esta última base de datos, a diferencia de la primera que es de libre acceso, está restringida. Las bases de datos incluyen información del intercambio neto de carbono a nivel ecosistema, la productividad primaria bruta, respiración del ecosistema y de variables meteorológicas y ambientales complementarias