4 research outputs found

    Neurocysticercosis: clinical presentations, serology and radiological findings: experience in a teaching institution

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    Background: The objective of the study was to study the clinical presentations, serological evidence and radiological findings in cases of neurocysticercosis in a teaching institution with attached tertiary care hospital settings.Methods: A total of 60 paediatric age group patients were enrolled in the study and their clinical presentations, serological profile and radiological findings were recorded. Study data was evaluated in a retrospective analysis of the descriptive hospital based observational study conducted at Safdarjang hospital (SJ) hospital, New Delhi.Results: Generalised seizures were the most predominant clinical presentation in 28/60 cases (47%). Majority of the patients had single lesions in parietal lobe in CT head. 90% of the patients showed perilesional oedema on CT scan. Differences in IgG positivity rate in the various age groups were not significant either for serum or CSF - the p values were 0.67 & 0.052 respectively. Seropositivity was also not significantly associated with presence of active NCC lesions on CT (p= 0.254). In further analysis, diet was not found to have any significant influence on either seropositivity (p value=0.673) or on the pattern of presentation on CT (p=0.260). NBM-It is disappointing to know that only 20% urban 45%rural is aware of 8 hours NBM before surgery.Conclusions: Observations suggest there is variability in the clinical, serological and radiological presentation of neurocysticercosis when compared with standard criteria.

    Neurocysticercosis: clinical presentations, serology and radiological findings: experience in a teaching institution

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    Background: The objective of the study was to study the clinical presentations, serological evidence and radiological findings in cases of neurocysticercosis in a teaching institution with attached tertiary care hospital settings.Methods: A total of 60 paediatric age group patients were enrolled in the study and their clinical presentations, serological profile and radiological findings were recorded. Study data was evaluated in a retrospective analysis of the descriptive hospital based observational study conducted at Safdarjang hospital (SJ) hospital, New Delhi.Results: Generalised seizures were the most predominant clinical presentation in 28/60 cases (47%). Majority of the patients had single lesions in parietal lobe in CT head. 90% of the patients showed perilesional oedema on CT scan. Differences in IgG positivity rate in the various age groups were not significant either for serum or CSF - the p values were 0.67 & 0.052 respectively. Seropositivity was also not significantly associated with presence of active NCC lesions on CT (p= 0.254). In further analysis, diet was not found to have any significant influence on either seropositivity (p value=0.673) or on the pattern of presentation on CT (p=0.260). NBM-It is disappointing to know that only 20% urban 45%rural is aware of 8 hours NBM before surgery.Conclusions: Observations suggest there is variability in the clinical, serological and radiological presentation of neurocysticercosis when compared with standard criteria.

    Multi-cellular immunological interactions associated with COVID-19 infections

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    To rapidly prognosticate and generate hypotheses on pathogenesis, leukocyte multi-cellularity was evaluated in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients treated in India or the United States (152 individuals, 384 temporal observations). Within hospital (<90-day) death or discharge were retrospectively predicted based on the admission complete blood cell counts (CBC). Two methods were applied: (i) a “reductionist” one, which analyzes each cell type separately, and (ii) a “non-reductionist” method, which estimates multi-cellularity. The second approach uses a proprietary software package that detects distinct data patterns generated by complex and hypothetical indicators and reveals each data pattern’s immunological content and associated outcome(s). In the Indian population, the analysis of isolated cell types did not separate survivors from non-survivors. In contrast, multi-cellular data patterns differentiated six groups of patients, including, in two groups, 95.5% of all survivors. Some data structures revealed one data pointwide line of observations, which informed at a personalized level and identified 97.8% of all nonsurvivors. Discovery was also fostered: some non-survivors were characterized by low monocyte/lymphocyte ratio levels. When both populations were analyzed with the nonreductionist method, they displayed results that suggested survivors and non-survivors differed immunologically as early as hospitalization day 1.https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/immunologydm2022Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Potential agricultural and environmental benefits of mulches—a review

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