5 research outputs found
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Monte Carlo modelling of Cu atom diffusion in α-Fe via the vacancy mechanism
Monte Carlo calculations of copper atom diffusion via the vacancy mechanism in bcc iron are presented. The activation energy of atomic jumps is taken from recent ab initio calculations. It is shown that the vacancy–copper atom cross-diffusion coefficient is positive at all temperatures, for which the bcc crystal structure is preserved. This is shown to be opposite to the description obtained using data calculated with an empirical interatomic potential for the Fe–Cu system. The sensitivity of the results to the values of the activation energy within the uncertainty of ab initio calculations is analysed. Implications of the results for the features of copper precipitation in ferritic steels under neutron irradiation are discussed
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Characteristics of the interaction of Cu-rich precipitates with irradiation-produced defects in α-Fe
The interaction between copper-rich precipitates in �-iron and either vacancies or self-interstitial atoms and their clusters is studied by atomic-scale modelling.
Results are compared with predictions of elasticity theory and interpreted in terms of size misfit of precipitates and defects, and the modulus and cohesive energy differences between iron and copper. Interstitial defects are repelled by precipitates at large distance but, like vacancies, attracted at small distance.
Hence, copper precipitates in iron can be sinks for both vacancy and interstitial defects, and can act as strong recombination centres under irradiation conditions.
This leads to a tentative explanation for the mixed Cu–Fe structure of precipitates and the absence of precipitate growth under neutron irradiation conditions.
More generally, both vacancy and interstitial defects may be strongly bound to precipitates with weaker cohesion than the matrix
Atomic-scale computer simulation study of the interaction of Cu-rich precipitates with irradiation-produced defects in α-Fe
Copper-rich precipitates can nucleate and grow in ferritic steels containing small amounts of copper in solution and this affects mechanical properties. Growth kinetics, composition and structure of precipitates under irradiation are different from those under thermal ageing, and also vary with type of radiation. This implies that the interaction between radiation defects, i.e. vacancies, self-interstitial atoms (SIAs) and their clusters, and precipitates is influential. It is studied here by atomic-scale computer simulation. The results are compared with those of elasticity theory based on the size misfit of precipitates and defects, and the modulus difference between bcc iron and bcc copper. It is found that SIA defects are repelled by precipitates at large distance but, like vacancies, attracted at small distance. Copper precipitates in iron can, therefore, be sinks for both vacancy and interstitial defects and hence can act as recombination centres under irradiation conditions. A tentative explanation for the mixed Cu–Fe structure of precipitates observed in experiment and the absence of precipitate growth under neutron irradiation is given. More generally, agreement between the simulations and elasticity theory suggests that the results are not artefacts of the atomic model: both vacancy and interstitial defects in metals may bind to precipitates with weaker cohesion than the matrix