39 research outputs found

    Cambio técnico y cambio estructural. La hipotésis de coeficientes decrecientes. Puebas estadísticas con datos para México

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    Technical coefficients change basically due to technological changes except when there are price differences. On the other hand, there are models mantaining the hypothesis that differences between coefficients along time will be negative. Mexican data provides clues for such statement, at least for long periods, although, evidence is not always consistent for short ones.


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    Parte dos. Redes económicas e innovación tecnológica

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    Modelling economic structures from a Qualitative Input-Output Perspective: Greece in 2005 and 2010

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    The Input-Output model has made extensive use of graph and network theory, methods and conclusions, in order to carry out structural analysis; such extensions have yielded powerful insights on the relationships existing between industries in an economic system. It is customary in the field to take a deterministic perspective when analysing economic structures, using various measures derived from the Input-Output tables; yet the model can include stochastic experiments. This paper takes that course of action, aiming at modelling the Greek economic structure from a qualitative viewpoint for 2005 and 2010; moreover, sectors are divided by groups of differentiated technology intensity. The methodology is based on a model based on families of distributions that allow predicting and analysing network structures. Results are reached by a probabilistic approach, producing interesting insights about the economic structures under study, while revealing different behaviour of the different groups of industries, classified by technological intensity

    An economic network in Nonth America

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    Economic structures can be studied as networks of industries linked through flows of commodities that - in turn - the consuming sectors use as inputs. The Input-Output (IO) model is a suitable framework for analysing those structures, because its main target is the study of interdependence between sectors. In this paper we use a North American multi-region IO table in order to identify an economic regional network that results from a subset of the links between sectors in the countries involved. Those are defined by the exchange of goods between industries. Further, a density measure is used as an indicator of the network complexity, explained by the integration level and shape between those economies. Our results show that the US is by far the most integrated economy in North America; it also determines the shape of the network structure. In contrast, Canada and Mexico maintain scarce direct relationships

    La integración económica de Canadá y México

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    The Demand Driven and the Supply-Sided Input-Output Models. Notes for the debate

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    The demand-driven version of the open Input-Output model determines production as a function of final demand, given the production technology. On the contrary, in the supply-sided version, value added determines output and producers must induce sales in order to achieve a desired level of income. This latter version of the model has been criticised and even rejected on the bases of its implausibility, its difficult interpretation and its bizarre implications. This paper argues however that the logic of the supply-side model is not mathematically at odds with Leontief’s arguments. Rejection of the model is a matter of theoretical interpretation

    Una red económica norteamericana

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    An economic structure can be understood as a network of industries related to the exchange of produced goods. The Input-Output model analyses sectoral interdependence in such structures. In this paper, we identify a North American network in a trilateral IO table. We use a density measure as an indicator of the degree of integration. Results show that the US economy determines the profile of the North American structure. Canada and Mexico maintain scarce direct relationships and their regional integration determines their economic structures.An economic structure can be understood as a network of industries related by the exchange of produced goods. The Input-Output model analyses sectoral interdependence in such structures. In this paper we identify a North American network in a trilateral IO table. We use a density measure as an indicator of the degree of integration. Results show that the US economy determines the profile of the North American structure. Canada and Mexico maintain scarce direct relationships and their regional integration determine their economic structures

    Modelling economic structures from a Qualitative Input-Output Perspective: Greece in 2005 and 2010

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    The Input-Output model has made extensive use of graph and network theory, methods and conclusions, in order to carry out structural analysis; such extensions have yielded powerful insights on the relationships existing between industries in an economic system. It is customary in the field to take a deterministic perspective when analysing economic structures, using various measures derived from the Input-Output tables; yet the model can include stochastic experiments. This paper takes that course of action, aiming at modelling the Greek economic structure from a qualitative viewpoint for 2005 and 2010; moreover, sectors are divided by groups of differentiated technology intensity. The methodology is based on a model based on families of distributions that allow predicting and analysing network structures. Results are reached by a probabilistic approach, producing interesting insights about the economic structures under study, while revealing different behaviour of the different groups of industries, classified by technological intensity

    Cambio estructural en el sector de bienes de capital y su impacto en tres economías desarrolladas. Análisis de Coeficientes Importantes

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    Por medio del empleo de la metodología de coeficientes importantes por límites tolerables y su aplicación en el análisis de redes se analiza la función de articulación de los bienes de capital, con el conjunto de la estructura productiva y también su grado de integración con las actividades que marcan la dinámica de desarrollo de cada economía. Considerando tres países desarrollados, Japón, Alemania y Estados Unidos, entre (1985-2005), periodo en el que tuvieron lugar múltiples transformaciones, y la fragmentación y especialización productiva ha impactado a las economías en su conjunto y al sector de bienes de capital en particular