2 research outputs found

    Harmonized and Quality Sample Handling in Biobank-Supported Multicenter Prospective Studies

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    In the frame of multicenter research studies, biobanks ensure the harmonization and traceability of the prospective collection of quality samples. This is significant because pre-analytical variables must be carefully considered to guarantee the integrity of biomarkers to be tested and to avoid bias affecting the validity of the analytical results. According to a quality management system, biobanks contribute with documents and records; consumable preparation for collection, processing, and conservation; sample quality controls; and centralized management of sample handling, storage, and distribution. Traceability of samples is based on unique standard codes and the use of pre-assigned, pre-coded, and pre-labeled materials for sample collection, processing, and conservation. By using these supporting tools, quality derivatives are obtained based on common and evidence-based standard operating procedures (SOPs), with associated traceability information in relation with their collection, processing, conservation, and distribution. The biobank-supported workflow, specifically designed and implemented for each project, allows obtaining harmonized quality samples contributing to the quality of large and complex research projects and the corresponding validity of the analyses

    Regulaci贸n circadiana de los marcadores de c茅lulas madre tumorales en el c谩ncer colorrectal

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    El c谩ncer colorrectal (CCR) es uno de los tumores m谩s frecuentes en los pa铆ses desarrollados. Aunque su incidencia y mortalidad han disminuido, su pron贸stico no ha cambiado, y un alto porcentaje de pacientes con CCR desarrollan reca铆das, met谩stasis metacr贸nicas o recidivas locales, durante su enfermedad. Otra de las caracter铆sticas que afectan a la progresi贸n de la enfermedad es la existencia de met谩stasis distales en el momento del diagn贸stico (met谩stasis sincr贸nica), y, adem谩s, algunas de ellas escapan a las t茅cnicas de imagen actuales, las denominadas met谩stasis subcl铆nicas. La identificaci贸n de estos pacientes es muy importante para su correcto manejo, pero la falta de marcadores pron贸sticos lo dificulta. Las c茅lulas madre cancer铆genas (CMCs) parecen ser las responsables del desarrollo y progresi贸n del tumor, y lo que parece m谩s importante, de la resistencia a tratamientos y por tanto el pron贸stico del paciente. Dada la conexi贸n entre la alteraci贸n circadiana y el desarrollo y la progresi贸n del c谩ncer, nos propusimos analizar la importancia pron贸stica de las prote铆nas circadianas centrales en el CCR, as铆 como su relaci贸n con los marcadores de CMCs. Medimos la expresi贸n de PER1-3, CRY1-2, BMAL1, NR1D2, CD44 y CD133 en una cohorte de pacientes con CCR mediante inmunohistoqu铆mica (IHC) y analizamos su potencial pron贸stico en esta enfermedad. Comparamos la expresi贸n de la prote铆nas con tejidos normales, para identificar los patrones de alteraci贸n en los tumores, y a su vez los patrones de expresi贸n entre tejidos tumorales de colon y recto. Para todas las prote铆nas estudiadas a excepci贸n de BMAL1, CD44 y CD133 se encontr贸 menos expresi贸n en tumores, y las relaciones entre ellas cambian, modificando as铆 los bucles esenciales de regulaci贸n del reloj circadiano. En algunos casos se asoci贸 la disminuci贸n de la expresi贸n con variables cl铆nico-patol贸gicas de tumores m谩s agresivos, y adem谩s se encontraron algunas diferencias de expresi贸n entre tumores de colon y recto. La baja expresi贸n de PER2 y BMAL1 se asoci贸 de forma significativa con la met谩stasis en el momento del diagn贸stico de la enfermedad, mientras que la alta expresi贸n de CRY1 apareci贸 como un factor pron贸stico independiente del desarrollo de met谩stasis distales tras el diagn贸stico. La alta expresi贸n de NR1D2 y baja expresi贸n de CD44 apareci贸 como factor pron贸stico independiente del desarrollo de recidiva local tras el diagn贸stico de la enfermedad. Los pacientes con baja expresi贸n de CD44 y alta expresi贸n de CRY1 mostraron una menor supervivencia libre de enfermedad. Adem谩s, los pacientes con baja expresi贸n de CD44 y alta expresi贸n de CRY1, as铆 como alta expresi贸n de CD133 y alta expresi贸n de CRY1 mostraron una menor supervivencia global a tres y cinco a帽os. Aunque estos marcadores necesitan ser validados en cohortes m谩s grandes y de diferentes etnias, la simplicidad de la IHC hace que estas prote铆nas sean candidatas para personalizar el tratamiento del CCR.Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common tumours in developed countries. Although its incidence and mortality have decreased, its prognosis has not changed, and a high percentage of CRC patients develop relapses, metachronous metastases or local recurrences, during their disease. Another feature affecting disease progression is the existence of distal metastases at the time of diagnosis (synchronous metastases), and some of them escape current imaging techniques, the so-called subclinical metastases. The identification of these patients is very important for their correct management, but the lack of prognostic markers makes this difficult. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) appear to be responsible for tumour development and progression, and more importantly, for resistance to treatment and, therefore, the patient麓s prognosis. Given the connection between circadian disruption and cancer development and progression, we set out to analyse the prognostic significance of core circadian proteins in CRC, as well as their relationship with markers of CSCs. We measured the expression of PER1-3, CRY1-2, BMAL1, NR1D2, CD44 and CD133 in a cohort of CRC patients by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and analysed their prognostic potential in this disease. We compared protein expression with normal tissues to identify patterns of alteration in tumours and patterns of expression between colon and rectal tumour tissues. All proteins studied except BMAL1, CD44 and CD133, were subexpressed in tumours, and the relationships between them changed, thus modifying the essential loops of circadian clock regulation. In some cases, decreased expression was associated with clinicopathological variables of more aggressive tumours, and some differences in expression were found between colon and rectal tumours. Low expression of PER2 and BMAL1 was significantly associated with synchronous metastases, while high expression of CRY1 appeared as an independent prognostic factor for the development of distal metastases after diagnosis. High expression of NR1D2 and low expression of CD44 appeared as an independent prognostic factor for the development of local recurrence after diagnosis. Patients with low CD44 expression and high CRY1 expression showed lower 3-year and 5-year DFS. In addition, patients with low CD44 expression and high CRY1 expression as well as high CD133 expression and high CRY1 expression showed lower 3-year and 5-year OS. Although these markers need to be validated in larger and ethnically diverse cohorts, the simplicity of IHC makes these proteins candidates for personalising CRC treatment.Tesis Univ. Granada