134 research outputs found

    Predictions in SU(5) Supergravity Grand Unification with Proton Stability and Relic Density Constraints

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    It is shown that in the physically interesting domain of the parameter space of SU(5) supergravity GUT, the Higgs and the Z poles dominate the LSP annihilation. Here the naive analyses on thermal averaging breaks down and formulae are derived which give a rigorous treatment over the poles. These results are then used to show that there exist significant domains in the parameter space where the constraints of proton stability and cosmology are simultaneously satisfied. New upper limits on light particle masses are obtained.Comment: (An error in the reheating factor is corrected, strengthening the conclusions, i.e. the region in parameter space where the relic density constraints are satisfied is enlarged.

    Testing Supergravity Grand Unification at Future Accelerator and Underground Experiments

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    The full parameter space of supergravity grand unified theory with SU(5)SU(5) type p→ΜˉKp \rightarrow \bar{\nu} K proton decay is analysed using renormalization group induced electroweak symmetry breaking under the restrictions that the universal scalar mass mom_o and gluino mass are ≀1\leq 1 TeV (no extreme fine tuning) and the Higgs triplet mass obeys MH3/MG<10M_{H_3}/M_G < 10. Future proton decay experiments at SuperKamiokande or ICARUS can reach a sensitivity for the ΜˉK\bar{\nu} K mode of (2−5)×1033(2-5) \times 10^{33} yr allowing a number of predictions concerning the SUSY mass spectrum. Thus either the p→ΜˉKp \rightarrow\bar{\nu} K decay mode will be seen at these experiments or a chargino of mass mW~<100m_{\tilde{W}} < 100 GeV will exist and hence be observable at LEP2. Further, if (p→ΜˉK)>1.5×1033(p \rightarrow \bar{\nu} K) > 1.5 \times 10^{33} yr, then either the light Higgs has mass mh≀95m_h \leq 95 GeV or mW~≀100m_{\tilde{W}} \leq 100 GeV i.e. either the light Higgs or the light chargino (or both) would be observable at LEP2. Thus, the combination of future accelerator and future underground experiments allow for strong experimental tests of this theory.Comment: 7 figures available upon request, CTP-TAMU-32/93, NUB-TH-3066/93 and SSCL-Preprint-44

    Accurate Cosmological Parmeters and Supersymmetric Particle Properties

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    Future sattelite, balloon and ground based experiments will give precision determinations of the basic cosmological parameters and hence determine the amount of cold dark matter accurately. We consider here two cosmological models, the nuCDM model and the LambdaCDM model, and examine within the framework of supergravity grand unification the effect this will have for these models on supersymmetry searches at accelerators. In the former example the gluino (neutralino) mass has an upper bound of about 720(100) GeV and gaps (forbidden regions) may deveop at lower energies. In the latter case the upper bound occurs at gluino (neutralino) mass of about 520(70) GeV with squarks and selectron becoming light when gluino (neutralino) masses are greater than 420(55) GeV. Both models are sensitive to non-universal soft breaking masses, and show a correlation between large (small) dark matter detector rates and low (high) b -> s+ gamma branching ratio.Comment: RevTeX 10 pages, 4 figure

    Constraints on the minimal supergravity model from the b->s+\gamma decay

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    The constraints on the minimal supergravity model from the b->s+\gamma decay are studied. A large domain in the parameter space for the model satisfies the CLEO bound, BR(b->s+\gamma)<5.4X10^{-4}. However, the allowed domain is expected to diminish significantly with an improved bound on this decay. The dependence of the b->s+\gamma branching ratio on various parameters is studied in detail. It is found that, for A_t<0 and the top quark mass within the vicinity of the center of the CDF value, m_t^{pole}=174\pm17 GeV, there exists only a small allowed domain because the light stop is tachyonic for most of the parameter space. A similar phenomenon exists for a lighter top and A_t negative when the GUT coupling constant is slightly reduced. For A_t>0, however, the branching ratio is much less sensitive to small changes in m_t, and \alpha_G.Comment: 12 pages, plain tex file, three figures avaliable upon request, CTP-TAMU-03/94, NUB-TH.7316/94, and CERN-TH.3092/9

    Landau Pole Effects and the Parameter Space of the Minimal Supergravity Model

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    It is shown that analyses at the electroweak scale can be significantly affected due to Landau pole effects in certain regions of the parameter space. This phenomenon arises due to a large magnification of errors of the input parameters mtm_t, αG\alpha_G which have currently a 10 percent uncertainty in their determination. The influence of the Landau pole on the constraint that the scalar SUSY spectrum be free of tachyons is also investigated.It is found that this constraint is very strong and eliminates a large portion of the parameter space.Under the above constraint the trilinear soft SUSY breaking term at the electroweak scale is found to lie in a restricted domain.Comment: 24 pages,Tex, including 4 figures available on reques

    \cl{\bf τ→ΌΌΌˉ\tau\rightarrow\mu\mu{\bar\mu} and τ→Όeeˉ\tau\rightarrow\mu e{\bar e} Decays in String Models with \e6 Symmetry

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    A detailed analysis on the rare τ\tau decay {\it via} \taumue and \taumus in the string models with \e6 symmetry is reported. It is found that \Gamma(\taumue)\sim(6-7)\Gamma(\taumus) and these rates are in general about 1000 times less than that of Γ(Ό→eÎł)\Gamma(\mu\rightarrow e\gamma). It is also found that the out-going muon in \taumue is almost 100\% right-handed polarized and the out-going electrons would be predominately parallel to each other. These decay processes may be accessible at the SSC.Comment: 11 pages, (Plain Tex, four figures not included

    Split supersymmetry and the role of a light fermion in a supergravity-based scenario

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    We investigate split supersymmetry (SUSY) within a supergravity framework, where local SUSY is broken by the F-term of a hidden sector chiral superfield X. With reasonably general assumptions, we show that the fermionic component of X will always have mass within a Tev. Though its coupling to the observable sector superfields is highly suppressed in Tev scale SUSY, we show that it can be enhanced by many orders in split SUSY, leading to its likely participation in accelerator phenomenology.We conclude with a specific example of such a scenario in a string based supergravity model.Comment: 12 Pages, Latex, Title changed, version thoroughly revise

    Non-Universal Soft SUSY Breaking and Dark Matter

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    An analysis is given of the effects of non-universal soft SUSY breaking masses in the Higgs sector and in the third generation squark sector, and it is shown that they are highly coupled. Analytic expressions are obtained for their effects on the parameters ÎŒ,mA\mu,m_A and on the third generation squark masses. Non-universality effects on dark matter event rates in neutralino-nucleus scattering are analysed. It is found that the effects are maximal in the range mχ~1≀65m_{\tilde\chi_1}\leq 65~GeV where the relic density is governed by the Z and Higgs poles. In this range the minimum event rates can be increased or decreased by factors of O(10) depending on the sign of non-universality. Above this range Landau pole effects arising from the heavy top mass tend to suppress the non-universality effects. The effect of more precise measurements of cosmological parameters on event rates, which is expected to occur in the next round of COBE like sattelite experiments, is also investigated. Implications for the analysis for dark matter searches are discussed.Comment: 28 pages, latex, and 7 fig

    Detecting Physics At The Post-GUT And String Scales By Linear Colliders

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    The ability of linear colliders to test physics at the post-GUT scale is investigated. Using current estimates of measurements available at such accelerators, it is seen that soft breaking masses can be measured with errors of about (1-20)%. Three classes of models in the post-GUT region are examined: models with universal soft breaking masses at the string scale, models with horizontal symmetry, and string models with Calabi-Yau compactifications. In each case, linear colliders would be able to test directly theoretical assumptions made at energies beyond the GUT scale to a good accuracy, distinguish between different models, and measure parameters that are expected to be predictions of string models.Comment: Latex, 21 pages, no figure

    WMAP Data and Recent Developments in Supersymmetric Dark Matter

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    A brief review is given of the recent developments in the analyses of supersymmetric dark matter. Chief among these is the very accurate determination of the amount of cold dark matter in the universe from analyses using WMAP data. The implications of this data for the mSUGRA parameter space are analyzed. It is shown that the data admits solutions on the hyperbolic branch (HB) of the radiative breaking of the electroweak symmetry. A part of the hyperbolic branch lies in the so called inversion region where the LSP neutralino χ10\chi_1^0 becomes essentially a pure Higgsino and degenerate with the next to the lightest neutralino χ20\chi_2^0 and the light chargino χ1±\chi_1^{\pm}. Thus some of the conventional signals for the observation of supersymmetry at colliders (e.g., the missing energy signals) do not operate in this region. On the other hand the inversion region contains a high degree of degeneracy of χ10\chi_1^0, χ20\chi_2^0, χ1±\chi_1^{\pm} leading to coannihilations which allow for the satisfaction of the WMAP relic density constraints deep on the hyperbolic branch. Further, an analysis of the neutralino-proton cross sections in this region reveals that this region can still be accessible to dark matter experiments in the future. Constraints from gΌ−2g_{\mu}-2 and from Bs0→Ό+Ό−B^0_s\to \mu^+\mu^- are discussed. Future prospects are also discussed.Comment: 15 pages Latex. Invited talk at the IV International Conference on Non-accelerator New Physics (NANP'03), Dubna, Russia, June 23-28, 200
