3 research outputs found

    Book Reviews

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    This subject matter is not fully recognizable from the title, which might be understood to indicate that the book deals with the entire legal system of the United States including or, perhaps even emphasizing, the substantive law of the country and its sources. This is not the case, however. It is the sub-title which gives a more descriptive indication of the contents: The Administration of Justice in the United States by Judicial, Administrative, Military, and Arbitral Tribunals. Not the substantive law of the United States is the concern of the author, but the machinery by which it is administered, the tribunals and their procedure

    Book Reviews

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    The Law of the Soviet State By Andrei Y. Vyshinsky New York: The Macmillan Company, 1949. Pp. xvii, 749. 15.00TheRoleoftheSovietCourtByI.T.GolyakovWashington,D.C.:PublicAffairsPress,1948,Pp.20.15.00 The Role of the Soviet Court By I. T. Golyakov Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1948, Pp. 20. 1.00 Soviet Civil Law By Vladimir Gsovski Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Volume I, 1948. Pp. xxxvii, 909. Volume II, 1949. Pp. xx, 906. 10.00pervolume;10.00 per volume; 15.00 per set reviewer: Stanley D. Rose ============================== Missouri Lawyer By John T. Barker Philadelphia: Dorrance & Company,1949. Pp. 391. 3.50reviewer:WalterP.Armstrong==============================MagnaCarta:ItsRoleintheMakingoftheEnglishConstitution,1300βˆ’1629ByFaithThompsonMinneapolis:UniversityofMinnesotaPress,1948.Pp.x,reviewer:PaulH.Hardacre==============================JuvenileCourtsinNorthCarolinaByWileyBrittonSandersChapelHill:UniversityofNorthCarolinaPress,1948.Pp.viii,210.3.50 reviewer: Walter P. Armstrong ============================== Magna Carta: Its Role in the Making of the English Constitution, 1300-1629 By Faith Thompson Minneapolis: University of MinnesotaPress, 1948. Pp. x, reviewer: Paul H. Hardacre ============================== Juvenile Courts in North Carolina By Wiley Britton Sanders Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1948. Pp. viii, 210. 4.00 reviewer: Sam Davis Tatu

    Book Reviews

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    Current Legal Problems 1956 Edited by G. W. Keeton and G. Schwarzenberger London: Stevens & Sons, 1956. Pp. vii, 275. 5.55reviewer:DavidF.Maxwell===================================SomeProblemsofProofundertheAngloβˆ’AmericanSystemofLitigationByEdmundMorrisMorgan.NewYork:ColumbiaUniversityPress,1956.Pp.xii,195.5.55 reviewer: David F. Maxwell =================================== Some Problems of Proof under the Anglo-American System of Litigation By Edmund Morris Morgan. New York: Columbia University Press, 1956. Pp. xii, 195. 3.50 reviewer: Charles T. McCormick =================================== Effective Drafting of Leases with Check List and Forms By Milton N. Lieberman Newark: Gann Law Books, 1956. Pp. viii, 974 reviewer: Robert N. Cooks =================================== The Law and One Man Among Many By Arthur E. Sutherland Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1956. Pp. ix, 101. 2.50reviewer:KennethB.Hughs===================================ProxyContestsforCorporateControlByEdwardRossAranowandHerbertA.Einhorn.NewYork:ColumbiaUniversityPress,1957.Pp.xxiii,577.2.50 reviewer: Kenneth B. Hughs =================================== Proxy Contests for Corporate Control By Edward Ross Aranow and Herbert A. Einhorn. New York: Columbia University Press,1957. Pp. xxiii, 577. 15.00 reviewer: Jess Halstead =================================== Gibson\u27s Suits in Chancery By Arthur Crownover, Jr. Charlottesville: The Michie Company, 1955-1956. Vol. I, Pp. xxiii, 909; Vol. II,Pp. xv, 949. 45.00.reviewer:WalterP.Armstrong,Jr.===================================LaissezFaireandtheGeneralβˆ’WelfareState:AStudyofConflictinAmericanThought,1865βˆ’1901.BySidneyFineAnnArbor:UniversityofMichiganPress,1956.Pp.x,468.45.00. reviewer: Walter P. Armstrong, Jr. =================================== Laissez Faire and the General-Welfare State: A Study of Conflict in American Thought, 1865-1901. By Sidney Fine Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1956. Pp. x, 468. 7.50. reviewer: Howard Jay Graha