584 research outputs found

    Near Scale Invariance with Modified Dispersion Relations

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    We describe a novel mechanism to seed a nearly scale invariant spectrum of adiabatic perturbations during a non-inflationary stage. It relies on a modified dispersion relation that contains higher powers of the spatial momentum of matter perturbations. We implement this idea in the context of a massless scalar field in an otherwise perfectly homogeneous universe. The couplings of the field to background scalars and tensors give rise to the required modification of its dispersion relation, and the couplings of the scalar to matter result in an adiabatic primordial spectrum. This work is meant to explicitly illustrate that it is possible to seed nearly scale invariant primordial spectra without inflation, within a conventional expansion history.Comment: 7 pages and no figures. Uses RevTeX

    Rapidly-Varying Speed of Sound, Scale Invariance and Non-Gaussian Signatures

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    We show that curvature perturbations acquire a scale invariant spectrum for any constant equation of state, provided the fluid has a suitably time-dependent sound speed. In order for modes to exit the physical horizon, and in order to solve the usual problems of standard big bang cosmology, we argue that the only allowed possibilities are inflationary (albeit not necessarily slow-roll) expansion or ekpyrotic contraction. Non-Gaussianities offer many distinguish features. As usual with a small sound speed, non-Gaussianity can be relatively large, around current sensitivity levels. For DBI-like lagrangians, the amplitude is negative in the inflationary branch, and can be either negative or positive in the ekpyrotic branch. Unlike the power spectrum, the three-point amplitude displays a large tilt that, in the expanding case, peaks on smallest scales. While the shape is predominantly of the equilateral type in the inflationary branch, as in DBI inflation, it is of the local form in the ekpyrotic branch. The tensor spectrum is also generically far from scale invariant. In the contracting case, for instance, tensors are strongly blue tilted, resulting in an unmeasurably small gravity wave amplitude on cosmic microwave background scales.Comment: 41 pages, 12 figures. v4: Few typos in equations (7.39) correcte

    Where does Cosmological Perturbation Theory Break Down?

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    We apply the effective field theory approach to the coupled metric-inflaton system, in order to investigate the impact of higher dimension operators on the spectrum of scalar and tensor perturbations in the short-wavelength regime. In both cases, effective corrections at tree-level become important when the Hubble parameter is of the order of the Planck mass, or when the physical wave number of a cosmological perturbation mode approaches the square of the Planck mass divided by the Hubble constant. Thus, the cut-off length below which conventional cosmological perturbation theory does not apply is likely to be much smaller than the Planck length. This has implications for the observability of "trans-Planckian" effects in the spectrum of primordial perturbations.Comment: 25 pages, uses FeynM

    Non-Gaussian signatures of Tachyacoustic Cosmology

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    I investigate non-Gaussian signatures in the context of tachyacoustic cosmology, that is, a noninflationary model with superluminal speed of sound. I calculate the full non-Gaussian amplitude A\mathcal{A}, its size fNLf_{\rm NL}, and corresponding shapes for a red-tilted spectrum of primordial scalar perturbations. Specifically, for cuscuton-like models I show that fNLO(1)f_{\rm NL}\sim {\cal O}(1), and the shape of its non-Gaussian amplitude peaks for both equilateral and local configurations, the latter being dominant. These results, albeit similar, are quantitatively distinct from the corresponding ones obtained by Magueijo {\it{et. al}} in the context of superluminal bimetric models.Comment: Some comments and references added. Matches the version published in JCA

    Creating Statistically Anisotropic and Inhomogeneous Perturbations

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    In almost all structure formation models, primordial perturbations are created within a homogeneous and isotropic universe, like the one we observe. Because their ensemble averages inherit the symmetries of the spacetime in which they are seeded, cosmological perturbations then happen to be statistically isotropic and homogeneous. Certain anomalies in the cosmic microwave background on the other hand suggest that perturbations do not satisfy these statistical properties, thereby challenging perhaps our understanding of structure formation. In this article we relax this tension. We show that if the universe contains an appropriate triad of scalar fields with spatially constant but non-zero gradients, it is possible to generate statistically anisotropic and inhomogeneous primordial perturbations, even though the energy momentum tensor of the triad itself is invariant under translations and rotations.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure. Uses RevTeX

    On a class of stable, traversable Lorentzian wormholes in classical general relativity

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    It is known that Lorentzian wormholes must be threaded by matter that violates the null energy condition. We phenomenologically characterize such exotic matter by a general class of microscopic scalar field Lagrangians and formulate the necessary conditions that the existence of Lorentzian wormholes imposes on them. Under rather general assumptions, these conditions turn out to be strongly restrictive. The most simple Lagrangian that satisfies all of them describes a minimally coupled massless scalar field with a reversed sign kinetic term. Exact, non-singular, spherically symmetric solutions of Einstein's equations sourced by such a field indeed describe traversable wormhole geometries. These wormholes are characterized by two parameters: their mass and charge. Among them, the zero mass ones are particularly simple, allowing us to analytically prove their stability under arbitrary space-time dependent perturbations. We extend our arguments to non-zero mass solutions and conclude that at least a non-zero measure set of these solutions is stable.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, uses RevTeX4. v2: Changes to accommodate added references. Statement about masses of the wormhole correcte

    The Pseudo-Conformal Universe: Scale Invariance from Spontaneous Breaking of Conformal Symmetry

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    We present a novel theory of the very early universe which addresses the traditional horizon and flatness problems of big bang cosmology and predicts a scale invariant spectrum of perturbations. Unlike inflation, this scenario requires no exponential accelerated expansion of space-time. Instead, the early universe is described by a conformal field theory minimally coupled to gravity. The conformal fields develop a time-dependent expectation value which breaks the flat space so(4,2) conformal symmetry down to so(4,1), the symmetries of de Sitter, giving perturbations a scale invariant spectrum. The solution is an attractor, at least in the case of a single time-dependent field. Meanwhile, the metric background remains approximately flat but slowly contracts, which makes the universe increasingly flat, homogeneous and isotropic, akin to the smoothing mechanism of ekpyrotic cosmology. Our scenario is very general, requiring only a conformal field theory capable of developing the appropriate time-dependent expectation values, and encompasses existing incarnations of this idea, specifically the U(1) model of Rubakov and the Galileon Genesis scenario. Its essential features depend only on the symmetry breaking pattern and not on the details of the underlying lagrangian. It makes generic observational predictions that make it potentially distinguishable from standard inflation, in particular significant non-gaussianities and the absence of primordial gravitational waves.Comment: 51 pages, 3 figures. v2 discussion and refs added, minus sign in transformation laws fixed. Version appearing in JCA

    Conformal consistency relations for single-field inflation

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    We generalize the single-field consistency relations to capture not only the leading term in the squeezed limit---going as 1/q^3, where q is the small wavevector---but also the subleading one, going as 1/q^2. This term, for an (n+1)-point function, is fixed in terms of the variation of the n-point function under a special conformal transformation; this parallels the fact that the 1/q^3 term is related with the scale dependence of the n-point function. For the squeezed limit of the 3-point function, this conformal consistency relation implies that there are no terms going as 1/q^2. We verify that the squeezed limit of the 4-point function is related to the conformal variation of the 3-point function both in the case of canonical slow-roll inflation and in models with reduced speed of sound. In the second case the conformal consistency conditions capture, at the level of observables, the relation among operators induced by the non-linear realization of Lorentz invariance in the Lagrangian. These results mean that, in any single-field model, primordial correlation functions of \zeta are endowed with an SO(4,1) symmetry, with dilations and special conformal transformations non-linearly realized by \zeta. We also verify the conformal consistency relations for any n-point function in models with a modulation of the inflaton potential, where the scale dependence is not negligible. Finally, we generalize (some of) the consistency relations involving tensors and soft internal momenta.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure. v2. Corrected typos, notably a sign error in eq. (54). Matches JCAP published versio

    Footprints of Statistical Anisotropies

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    We propose and develop a formalism to describe and constrain statistically anisotropic primordial perturbations. Starting from a decomposition of the primordial power spectrum in spherical harmonics, we find how the temperature fluctuations observed in the CMB sky are directly related to the coefficients in this harmonic expansion. Although the angular power spectrum does not discriminate between statistically isotropic and anisotropic perturbations, it is possible to define analogous quadratic estimators that are direct measures of statistical anisotropy. As a simple illustration of our formalism we test for the existence of a preferred direction in the primordial perturbations using full-sky CMB maps. We do not find significant evidence supporting the existence of a dipole component in the primordial spectrum.Comment: 26 pages, 5 double figures. Uses RevTeX

    Accelerated expansion from braneworld models with variable vacuum energy

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    In braneworld models a variable vacuum energy may appear if the size of the extra dimension changes during the evolution of the universe. In this scenario the acceleration of the universe is related not only to the variation of the cosmological term, but also to the time evolution of GG and, possibly, to the variation of other fundamental "constants" as well. This is because the expansion rate of the extra dimension appears in different contexts, notably in expressions concerning the variation of rest mass and electric charge. We concentrate our attention on spatially-flat, homogeneous and isotropic, brane-universes where the matter density decreases as an inverse power of the scale factor, similar (but at different rate) to the power law in FRW-universes of general relativity. We show that these braneworld cosmologies are consistent with the observed accelerating universe and other observational requirements. In particular, GG becomes constant and Λ(4)const×H2\Lambda_{(4)} \approx const \times H^2 asymptotically in time. Another important feature is that the models contain no "adjustable" parameters. All the quantities, even the five-dimensional ones, can be evaluated by means of measurements in 4D. We provide precise constrains on the cosmological parameters and demonstrate that the "effective" equation of state of the universe can, in principle, be determined by measurements of the deceleration parameter alone. We give an explicit expression relating the density parameters Ωρ\Omega_{\rho}, ΩΛ\Omega_{\Lambda} and the deceleration parameter qq. These results constitute concrete predictions that may help in observations for an experimental/observational test of the model.Comment: References added, typos correcte