40 research outputs found

    Review of the Chemistry and Pharmacology of 7-Methyljugulone

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    Background: Naphthoquinone is a class of phenolic compounds derived from naphthalene. 7-Methyljuglone (7-MJ) is a naphthoquinone also known as ramentaceone or 6-Methyl-8-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone or 5-Hydroxy-7-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone or 7-Methyl-5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone or 5-Hydroxy-7-methyl-,1,4-naphtoquinone or 7-Methyl-5-hydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione. This compound is a biologically active naphtoquinone, with a molecular weight of 188 g/mol mostly isolated in the genus Diospyros and Euclea. Objectives: This review was aimed at providing available chemically and pharmacological data on 7-MJ. Methods: The chemical and pharmacological data were retrieved from the well-known scientific websites such as Pubmed, Google Scholar, Reaxys, Scirus, Scopus, Sciencedirect, Web-of-knowledge and Scifinder. Results: 7-MJ was reported to have a variety of pharmacological activities such as antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antitubercular, anti-inflammatory and antiviral activities. The hemi-synthesis of the compound have been described. Conclusions: The present review pooled out together the knowledge on 7-MJ, and can serve as the start point for future research and valorization accomplishments.Keywords: 7-methyljugulone; biosynthesis; in vitro synthesis; pharmacologyAfrican Health sciences Vol 14 No. 1 March 201

    Potential of Central, Eastern and Western Africa Medicinal Plants for Cancer Therapy: Spotlight on Resistant Cells and Molecular Targets

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    Cancer remains a major health hurdle worldwide and has moved from the third leading cause of death in the year 1990 to second place after cardiovascular disease since 2013. Chemotherapy is one of the most widely used treatment modes; however, its efficiency is limited due to the resistance of cancer cells to cytotoxic agents. The present overview deals with the potential of the flora of Central, Eastern and Western African (CEWA) regions as resource for anticancer drug discovery. It also reviews the molecular targets of phytochemicals of these plants such as ABC transporters, namely P-glycoprotein (P-gp), multi drug-resistance-related proteins (MRPs), breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP, ABCG2) as well as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/ErbB-1/HER1), human tumor suppressor protein p53, caspases, mitochondria, angiogenesis, and components of MAP kinase signaling pathways. Plants with the ability to preferentially kills resistant cancer cells were also reported. Data compiled in the present document were retrieved from scientific websites such as PubMed, Scopus, Sciencedirect, Web-of-Science, and Scholar Google. In summary, plant extracts from CEWA and isolated compounds thereof exert cytotoxic effects by several modes of action including caspases activation, alteration of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cancer cells and inhibition of angiogenesis. Ten strongest cytotoxic plants from CEWA recorded following in vitro screening assays are: Beilschmiedia acuta Kosterm, Echinops giganteus var. lelyi (C. D. Adams) A. Rich., Erythrina sigmoidea Hua (Fabaceae), Imperata cylindrical Beauv. var. koenigii Durand et Schinz, Nauclea pobeguinii (Pobég. ex Pellegr.) Merr. ex E.M.A., Piper capense L.f., Polyscias fulva (Hiern) Harms., Uapaca togoensis Pax., Vepris soyauxii Engl. and Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Rich. Prominent antiproliferative compounds include: isoquinoline alkaloid isotetrandrine (51), two benzophenones: guttiferone E (26) and isoxanthochymol (30), the isoflavonoid 6α-hydroxyphaseollidin (9), the naphthyl butenone guieranone A (25), two naphthoquinones: 2-acetylfuro-1,4-naphthoquinone (4) and plumbagin (37) and xanthone V1 (46). However, only few research activities in the African continent focus on cytotoxic drug discovery from botanicals. The present review is expected to stimulate further scientific efforts to better valorize the African flora

    Tristemma hirtum

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    In order to contribute to the fight against infectious diseases, the in vitro antibacterial activity and the antibiotic-potentiating effects of Tristemma hirtum and five other Cameroonian edible plants have been evaluated against Gram-negative multidrug-resistant (MDR) phenotypes. The microdilution method was used to evaluate the bacterial susceptibility of the extracts and their combination to common antibiotics. The phytochemical screening of the extracts was carried out according to standard methods. Phytochemical analysis of the extracts revealed the presence of alkaloids, triterpenes, steroids, and polyphenols, including flavonoids in most of the tested extracts. The entire tested extracts showed moderate (512 μg/mL ≤ MIC ≤ 2048 μg/mL) to weak (MIC > 2048 μg/mL) antibacterial activities against the tested bacteria. Furthermore, extracts of leaf of Tristemma hirtum and pericarps of Raphia hookeri (at their MIC/2 and MIC/4) strongly potentiated the activities of all antibiotics used in the study, especially those of chloramphenicol (CHL), ciprofloxacin (CIP), kanamycin (KAN), and tetracycline (TET) against 70% (7/10) to 100% (10/10) of the tested MDR bacteria, with the modulating factors ranging from 2 to 128. The results of this study suggest that extracts from leaves of Tristemma hirtum and pericarps of Raphia hookeri can be sources of plant-derived products with antibiotic modifying activity

    Cytotoxicity of Elaoephorbia drupifera and other Cameroonian medicinal plants against drug sensitive and multidrug resistant cancer cells

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    BACKGROUND: Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a major hurdle for cancer treatment worldwide and accounts for chemotherapy failure in over 90% of patients with metastatic cancer. Evidence of the cytotoxicity of Cameroonian plants against cancer cell lines including MDR phenotypes is been intensively and progressively provided. The present work was therefore designed to evaluate the cytotoxicity of the methanol extracts of twenty-two Cameroonian medicinal plants against sensitive and MDR cancer cell lines. METHODS: The methanol maceration was used to obtain the crude plant extracts whilst the cytotoxicity of the studied extracts was determined using a resazurin reduction assay. RESULTS: A preliminary assay on leukemia CCRF-CEM cells at 40 μg/mL shows that six of the twenty plant extract were able to enhance less than 50% of the growth proliferation of CCRF-CEM cells. These include Crinum zeylanicum (32.22%), Entada abyssinica (34.67%), Elaoephorbia drupifera (35.05%), Dioscorea bulbifera (45.88%), Eremomastax speciosa (46.07%) and Polistigma thonningii (45.11%). Among these six plants, E. drupifera showed the best activity with IC(50) values below or around 30 μg/mL against the nine tested cancer cell lines. The lowest IC(50) value of 8.40 μg/mL was recorded with the extract of E. drupifera against MDA-MB231 breast cancer cell line. The IC(50) values below 10 μg/mL were recorded with the extracts of E. drupifera against MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells, C. zeylanicum against HCT116 p53(+)/(+) and HCT116p53(-)/(-) colon cancer cells and E. abyssinica against HCT116 p53(+)/(+) cells. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study provide evidence of the cytotoxic potential of some Cameroonian medicinal plants and a baseline information for the potential use of Elaoephorbia drupifera in the treatment of sensitive and drug-resistant cancer cell lines

    Syzygium jambos

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    The present study was designed to evaluate the antibacterial activities of methanol extracts of bark and leaves of Syzygium jambos, as well as their synergistic effects with selected antibiotics against drug-resistant Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The crude extracts were subjected to qualitative phytochemical screening; broth microdilution method was used for antibacterial assays. Phytochemical studies indicate that leaves and bark extracts contained polyphenols, anthraquinones, tannins, and steroids. Extract of the leaves was active against all the 26 strains of Staphylococcus aureus and all the 21 strains of Gram-negative bacteria tested, within the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) range of 32–512 μg/mL. The lowest MIC value of 32 μg/mL was obtained with extract of the leaves against Staphylococcus aureus MRSA9 strain. In Gram-negative bacteria, the lowest MIC value of 64 μg/mL was also obtained against Enterobacter aerogenes EA294 and Klebsiella pneumoniae K24 strains. Against S. aureus strains, antibiotic-modulating activity of extracts at MIC/2 towards more than 70% of the tested strains was obtained when leaves and bark extracts were tested in association with chloramphenicol (CHL). This was also the case when leaves extract was combined with CHL, kanamycin (KAN), tetracycline (TET), and erythromycin (ERY) and when bark extract was combined with ciprofloxacin (CIP), TET, and ERY against Gram-negative bacteria. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that Syzygium jambos has antibacterial and antibiotic-modulating activities

    Evaluation of four Cameroonian medicinal plants for anticancer, antigonorrheal and antireverse transcriptase activities

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    Methanol extracts from the leaves, bark and roots of four Cameroonian medicinal plants, Bersama engleriana, Cupressus lusitanica, Vitellaria paradoxa and Guibourtia tessmannii were tested for their in vitro cytotoxicity, antigonorrheal and antireverse transcriptase activities. The XTT (2,3-bis[2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl]-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxyanilide inner salt) assay, the dilution method and reverse transcriptase (RT) assay were used for the investigations. Preliminary phytochemical analysis of the extracts was also conducted using standard methods. Results showed that all extracts contained compounds belonging to the classes of phenols and terpenoids. They were also able to reduce in dose dependent manner, the proliferation of the cancer THP-1, DU145, HeLa, MCF-7, HepG2 and the normal Vero cells. IC50 values below 30 μg/ml were noted with extract from the three parts of B. engleriana on at least two of the five studied cancer cell lines, the lowest value of 5.9 μg/ml being obtained with sample from the bark. IC50 values below 30 μg/ml were also recorded with extracts from the leaves (on HeLa cells) and bark (on MCF-7) of G. tessmanii, and that from the bark of C. lusitanica on MCF-7. Extracts from B. engleriana and those from the bark of V. paradoxa gave the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) values below 100 μg/ml on most of the 10 tested Nesseria gonorrhoeae strains. Extracts from B. engleriana also inhibited more than 80% the activity of the Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV) enzyme. Finally, the results of the present study provide baseline information for the use of B. engleriana, C. lusitanica, G. tessmanii, V. paradoxa.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/etapnf201

    Antibacterial constituents of three Cameroonian medicinal plants : Garcinia nobilis, Oricia suaveolens and Balsamocitrus camerunensis

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    BACKGROUND: Multidrug resistance is a worrying cause of treatment failure in bacterial infections. The search of bioactive constituents from medicinal plants against multidrug resistant (MDR) bacteria has significantly evolved in the two last decades. In the present study, twenty-two compounds (three terpenoids, eleven phenolics and eight alkaloids) isolated from three Cameroonian medicinal plants, namely Garcinia nobilis, Oricia suaveolens and Balsamocitrus camerunensis, as well as the crude extracts were tested for their antibacterial activities against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Gram-negative bacteria amongst which were MDR active efflux pumps expressing phenotypes. METHODS: The microplate alamar blue assay (MABA) and the broth microdilution methods were used to determine the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBC) of the studied samples. RESULTS: The results of the MIC determinations indicate that, the best crude extract was that from G. nobilis (GNB), its inhibitory effects being noted against 12 of the 14 tested bacteria. The extract of GNB also exhibited better anti-tuberculosis (MIC of 128 μg/ml M. tuberculosis against ATCC 27294 strain) and antibacterial (MIC of 64 μg/ml against Escherichia coli ATCC10536) activities compared to the extracts of O. suaveolens and B. camerunensis. Interestingly, 4-prenyl-2-(3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl)-1,3,5,8-tetrahydroxyxanthone (2), isolated from the most active extract GNB, also showed the best activity amongst compounds, inhibiting the growth of all the fourteen tested microorganisms. The lowest MIC value obtained with compound 2 was 8 μg/ml against M. tuberculosis ATCC 27294 and M. tuberculosis clinical MTCS2 strains. Other compounds showed selective activities with 11 of the 14 tested bacteria being sensitive to the xanthone, morusignin I (5) and the alkaloid, kokusaginine (13). CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present investigation provide evidence that the crude extract from G. nobilis, O. suaveolens and B. camerunensis as well as some of their compounds, and mostly compound 2 (isolated from G. nobilis,) could be considered as interesting natural antibacterial products.International Foundation for Science (IFS-Grant F/4579-2 to VK), TWAS for financial support for ICCBSTWAS fellowship at the H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, International Center of Chemical Sciences, University of Karachi, Pakistan on year 2010 (HF).http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmccomplementalternmedam201

    Review of the chemistry and pharmacology of 7-Methyljugulone

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    Background:Naphthoquinone is a class of phenolic compounds derived from naphthalene. 7-Methyljuglone (7-MJ) is a naphthoquinone also known as ramentaceone or 6-Methyl-8-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone or 5-Hydroxy-7-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone or 7-Methyl-5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone or 5-Hydroxy-7-methyl-,1,4-naphtoquinone or 7-Methyl-5-hydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione. This compound is a biologically active naphtoquinone, with a molecular weight of 188 g/ mol mostly isolated in the genus Diospyros and Euclea. Objectives:This review was aimed at providing available chemically and pharmacological data on 7-MJ. Methods:The chemical and pharmacological data were retrieved from the well-known scientific websites such as Pubmed, Google Scholar, Reaxys, Scirus, Scopus, Sciencedirect, Web-of-knowledge and Scifinder. Results:7-MJ was reported to have a variety of pharmacological activities such as antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antitubercular, anti-inflammatory and antiviral activities. The hemi-synthesis of the compound have been described. Conclusions:The present review pooled out together the knowledge on 7-MJ, and can serve as the start point for future research and valorization accomplishments

    Antibiotic Resistance of Enteric Bacteria in HIV-Infected Patients at the Banka Ad-Lucem Hospital, West Region of Cameroon

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is a serious problem throughout the world and especially in developing countries. This study was conducted to define the bacterial aetiologies of enteric disorders and their association with CD4+ T-lymphocyte cell count and serum hs-CRP in HIV-seropositive patients coming for consultation at the AD-Lucem Banka Hospital. Stool samples from one-hundred HIV-positive patients with enteric disorders and forty HIV negative patients with enteric disorders were examined for the presence of bacteria by different diagnostic techniques. CD4+ T-lymphocyte count and serum hs-CRP of HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients were examined, respectively, by flux cytometry and the ELISA solid-phase direct sandwich method. Among all the participants, 39 (26.35%) were males and 109 (73.65%) were females. HIV-seropositive mean age (43.79 years) was significantly higher compared to HIV-seronegative (27.13 years) patients (p<0.000). The average values of CD4+ T-cell count (p<0.0001), lymphocytes (p=0.0258), monocytes (p=0.0317), and total WBC count (p=0.0277) were significantly higher in HIV− patients compared to HIV+ patients. Salmonella sp., Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae were more isolated in HIV+ patients 5 (83.33), 18 (75.00), and 37 (71.15) compared to HIV− patients 1 (16.67), 6 (25.00), and 15 (28.85), respectively. Majority of isolates were susceptible to IPM, NOR, and CIP. Klebsiella pneumoniae, the most prevalent isolate, showed resistance to AMC (45.95) in HIV+ patients, whereas in HIV− patients, Enterobacter aerogenes and Shigella sp. showed resistance to AMC (80.00% and 85.71%, respectively) and to CFM (80.00% and 57.14%, respectively). Enterobacter aerogenes (40.00%) and Shigella sp. (14.29) isolates showed multidrug resistance in HIV− patients, whereas Escherichia coli (5.56%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (2.70%) showed multidrug resistance in HIV+ patients. Understanding the burden of bacteria disease in HIV patients as shown in the present study is important for planning effective control programs for the overall reduction of bacteria diseases in HIV-infected patients