11 research outputs found

    Diversité Et Distribution De La Grande Faune Mammalienne Dans Le Parc National De Moukalaba-Doudou (Sud-Ouest Du Gabon)

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    Le Gabon, pays d’Afrique Centrale est recouvert Ă  plus de 80% de la forĂȘt pourvue des zones diversifiĂ©es en paysages avec une importante biodiversitĂ© faunique et floristique. Cependant, cette biodiversitĂ© qui est mal connue dans certaines rĂ©gions du pays est confrontĂ©e Ă  plusieurs menaces. C’est dans cette optique que nous avons conduit un suivi de la faune dans la partie Nord Est du parc national de Moukalaba Doudou dont le but Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer la diversitĂ© et la rĂ©partition spatiale des grands mammifĂšres sauvages. En utilisant la mĂ©thode de line transect, nous avons installĂ© 165 cameras traps le long de 11 transects. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© performĂ©es par le GML (Generalized Linear Models). Au total, 80410 nuits-piĂšges ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es. PrĂšs de 37 914 vidĂ©os indĂ©pendantes ont Ă©tĂ© obtenues et 10 espĂšces de grands mammifĂšres dont les plus observĂ©s Ă©taient les CĂ©phalophes bleus et rouges suivis des Chevrotains aquatiques, ElĂ©phants et des CercocĂšbes. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus suggĂšrent que les espĂšces de grands mammifĂšres sont distribuĂ©es en fonction des habitats. Les cĂ©phalophes de grande taille, le mandrill, la panthĂšre, le chat dorĂ©, l’élĂ©phant, et le chevrotain aquatique ont des habitats prĂ©fĂ©rentiels ; par contre, le gorille, le chimpanzĂ©, le cercocĂšbe Ă  collier blanc et le cĂ©phalophe bleu ne semblent pas ĂȘtre affectĂ©s par l’habitat. Ce sont des espĂšces ubiquistes. Cependant, tous les mammifĂšres peuvent ĂȘtre observĂ©s sur l’ensemble des transects. Gabon, a country in Central Africa, is covered by more than 80% of the forest, with areas diversified into landscapes with significant fauna and flora biodiversity. However, this biodiversity, which is poorly understood in certain regions of the country, faces several threats. It is with this in mind that we conducted wildlife monitoring in the northeast part of Moukalaba Doudou National Park, the aim of which was to determine the abundance and spatial distribution of large wild mammals. Using the line transect method we installed 165 cameras traps along 11 transects. The data were performed by the GML (Generalized Linear Models). A total of 80,410 trap nights were completed. Almost 37,914 independent videos were obtained and 10 species of large mammals of which the most observed were the blue and red duikers followed by aquatic Chevrotains, Elephants and Mangabeys. The results obtained suggest that large mammal species are distributed according to habitats. Large duikers, mandrill, panther, golden cat, elephant, and aquatic chevrotain have preferred habitats; however, the gorilla, the chimpanzee, the white-collared cercocebe and the blue duiker do not seem to be affected by the habitat. They are ubiquitous species. However, all mammals can be seen on all of the transects

    Typologie Des Gites Larvaires Et Sensibilite D’anopheles Gambiae S.L. Aux Insecticides En Zone Urbaine, Peri-Urbaine Et Rurale A Oyem (Nord Du Gabon)

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    Contexte : Les gĂźtes de dĂ©veloppement des moustiques vecteurs et leur niveau de sensibilitĂ© aux insecticides ne sont pas connus Ă  Oyem. Objectif : CaractĂ©riser les gĂźtes de reproduction des populations de moustiques d‘Oyem et Ă©valuer leur sensibilitĂ© aux insecticides utilisĂ©s en santĂ© publique. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes : Des prospections et des collectes larvaires ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es en juillet 2020 (saison sĂšche) et de mi-novembre Ă  mi-dĂ©cembre 2020 (saison pluvieuse) dans la localitĂ© d’Oyem suivant un gradient d’anthropisation. De plus, les moustiques obtenus aprĂšs Ă©mergence ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s au DDT 4%, Ă  la DeltamĂ©thrine 0,05%, Ă  la PermĂ©thrine 0,75%, Ă  la Lambdacyalothrine 0,05%, Ă  la Cyfluthrine 0,15%, au Bendiocarb 0,1% et au Malathion 5% selon le protocole standardisĂ© de l’OMS de 2017. RĂ©sultats : Un total de 498 gĂźtes larvaires a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ© dans la rĂ©gion d’Oyem. Ces gĂźtes Ă©taient constituĂ©s de 24,9% de rĂ©cipients domestiques (fĂ»ts, seaux, bidons, bassines, etc.), de pneus usĂ©s (18,2%), de marĂ©cages (9,4%), de flaques d’eau (42,2%), de lacs (1,4%), de riviĂšres (1,6%), de caniveaux (1,4%) et de fosses septiques (1%). PrĂšs de 21 217 larves ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es dont 59% appartenaient au genre Culex, 35% Ă  Anopheles et 9% Ă  Aedes. Dans la zone urbaine, les larves de Culex Ă©taient les plus frĂ©quentes (84,9%) et celles d’Aedes les moins rencontrĂ©es (4,5%). Cependant, dans la zone pĂ©ri-urbaine, ce sont les larves d’Anopheles qui Ă©taient les mieux reprĂ©sentĂ©es (64%) et les larves d’Aedes les moins collectĂ©es (2,9%). Enfin, dans la zone rurale, ce sont les larves de Culex qui ont Ă©tĂ© les plus rĂ©coltĂ©es (45,3%) et celles d’Aedes les moins observĂ©es (12,7%). Les rĂ©sultats des bioĂ©ssais ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les populations d’Anopheles gambiae s.l. de la rĂ©gion d’Oyem sont rĂ©sistantes au DDT, Ă  la DeltamĂ©thrine, Ă  la PermĂ©thrine, Ă  la Lambdacyalothrine et Ă  la Cyfluthrine, mais, sensibles au Bendiocarb et au Malathion. Conclusion : Bien que les anophĂšles d’Oyem soient dĂ©jĂ  rĂ©sistants aux OrganochlorĂ©s et PyrĂ©thrinoĂŻdes, ils demeurent encore sensibles aux Carbamates et OrganophosphorĂ©s. Ces deux familles d‘insecticides pourraient ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es en pulvĂ©risation intradomiciliaire Ă  Oyem. Toutefois, la recherche des mĂ©canismes Ă  l’origine de ces rĂ©sistances constatĂ©es chez les moustiques d‘Oyem est nĂ©cessaire pour confirmer ou infirmer les rĂ©sultats obtenus au cours des bioessais. Background: The development sites of mosquito vectors and their sensitivity level to insecticides are not known in Oyem. Objective: To characterize the mosquito breeding sites in Oyem and to assess their sensitivity to insecticides used in public health. Materials and methods: Larval surveys and collections were conducted in July 2020 (dry season) and from mid-November to mid-December 2020 (rainy season) in the locality of Oyem following an anthropization gradient. Moreover, mosquitoes obtained after emergence were tested with DDT 4%, Deltamethrin 0.05%, Permethrin 0.75%, Lambdacyalothrin 0.05%, Cyfluthrin 0.15%, Bendiocarb 0.1% and Malathion 5% according to the 2017 WHO standardized protocol. Results: A total of 498 breeding sites was identified in the Oyem region. These larval habitats consisted of 24.9% of domestic containers (barrels, buckets, cans, basins, etc.), used tires (18.2%), swamps (9.4%), puddles (42.2%), lakes (1.4%), rivers (1.6%), gutters (1.4%) and septic tanks (1%). About 21,217 larvae were collected, 59% of which belonged to the genus Culex, 35% to Anopheles and 9% to Aedes. In urban area, Culex larvae were the most frequent (84.9%) and Aedes larvae were the least encountered (4.5%). However, in the peri-urban area, Anopheles larvae were the best represented (64%) and Aedes larvae were the least collected (2.9%). Finally, in the rural area, Culex larvae were the most harvested (45.3%) and Aedes larvae the least observed (12.7%). The results of the bioassays revealed that populations of Anopheles gambiae s.l. in the Oyem region are resistant to DDT, Deltamethrin, Permethrin, Lambdacyalothrin and Cyfluthrin. Conclusion: Although Anopheles in Oyem are already resistant to Organochlorines and Pyrethrinoids, they are still sensitive to Carbamates and Organophosphates. These two families of insecticides could be used for indoor residual spraying in Oyem. However, research into the mechanisms behind the resistance observed in mosquitoes from Oyem is necessary to confirm or refute the bioassay results

    Géographie du Paludisme dans la région de Libreville-Owendo-Akanda, Gabon

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    In order to determine the geography of malaria, to know the spatial distribution of health facilities and to identify malaria risk areas in LibrevilleOwendo-Akanda area, a study was conducted from july 2016 to june 2017. This study consisted of collecting hospital morbidity data and characterizing public and private health structures in the study area. The malaria data were collected in the clinics using the pre-designed and tested collection forms. Moreover, the cartography of the health structures and chiefdoms of the different neighborhoods from which each patient came was made using a GPSMAP 62s (Garmin). The spatial analyzes were done in ArcGIS 10.3 software according to the Hot Spot model, to identify areas at risk of malaria. Thus, 211 private and public health structures divided into 12 types were identified. These structures are unequally distributed in the LibrevilleOwendo-Akanda region. The best represented are the private medical surgeries (n = 62 ; 29.38%), the drugstores (n = 39 ; 18.48%), the structure for nursing treatment (n = 36 ; 17.06%). On the other hand, the least represented are the medical centers (n = 2 ; 0.95%) and childbirth clinics (n = 1 ; 0.47%). Finally, the spatial analyzes made it possible to show that the clinical malaria prevalence is higher (hot spots) in the districts of the commune of Libreville than in the neighborhoods of the two other neighboring communes that are Owendo and Akanda. The results obtained contribute to make known the spatial distribution of health facilities and hot spots of malaria in the area of Libreville-Owendo-Akanda.Afin de dĂ©terminer la gĂ©ographie du paludisme, de connaĂźtre la distribution spatiale des formations sanitaires et d’identifier les zones Ă  risque palustre dans la region de Libreville-Owendo-Akanda, une Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e de juillet 2016 Ă  juin 2017. Cette Ă©tude a consistĂ© Ă  rĂ©colter les donnĂ©es de morbiditĂ© palustre hospitaliĂšre et Ă  caractĂ©riser les structures sanitaires publiques et privĂ©es de ladite zone. Les donnĂ©es de paludisme ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es dans les cliniques au moyen des fiches de collecte prĂ©-conçues et testĂ©es. De plus, la cartographie des structures de santĂ© et des chefferies des diffĂ©rents quartiers, d’oĂč provenait chaque malade, s’est faite Ă  l’aide d’un GPS-MAP 62s de marque Garmin. Des analyses spatiales ont Ă©tĂ© faites dans ArcGIS 10.3 selon le modĂšle des Hot Spots, pour identifier les zones Ă  risques du paludisme. Ainsi, 211 structures privĂ©es et publiques de santĂ© reparties en 12 types ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©pertoriĂ©es. Ces structures sont inĂ©galement rĂ©parties dans la rĂ©gion de Libreville-Owendo-Akanda. Les mieux reprĂ©sentĂ©s sont les cabinets mĂ©dicaux privĂ©s (n=62 ; 29,38%), les pharmacies (n=39 ; 18,48%), les cabinets des soins infirmiers (n=36 ; 17,06%). Tandis que les moins reprĂ©sentĂ©s sont les centres mĂ©dicaux (n=2 ; 0,95%) et les cabinets d’accouchement (n=1 ; 0,47%). Enfin, les analyses spatiales faites ont permis de montrer que la prĂ©valence palustre clinique est plus Ă©levĂ©e (hot spots) dans les quartiers de la commune de Libreville que dans les quartiers des deux autres communes voisines que sont Owendo et Akanda. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus concourent Ă  faire connaitre la distribution spatiale des formations sanitaires et des hot spots du paludisme dans la rĂ©gion de Libreville-Owendo-Akanda

    Chorologie des Familles de Cochenilles (Hemiptera) dans la Parcelle Permanente de Rabi (Sud – ouest Gabon)

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    Au Gabon, les connaissances portant sur les cochenilles demeurent encore fragmentaires et mal connues. Pourtant ces insectes, en raison de leur phytophagie reprĂ©sentent un flĂ©au majeur pour la prĂ©servation des espĂšces vĂ©gĂ©tales. C’est dans ce cadre qu’une Ă©tude entomologique transversale a Ă©tĂ© conduite dans la parcelle permanente de Rabi, province de l’OgoouĂ©-Maritime, en juillet 2015 (saison sĂšche), afin de connaĂźtre les familles de cochenilles auxquelles sont exposĂ©s les arbres. Pour ce faire, deux techniques d’échantillonnage ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es : la collecte manuelle et la collecte Ă  l’aide d’un Ă©lagueur. Au total 366 cochenilles ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©coltĂ©es sur les 249 espĂšces d’arbres reparties en 45 familles et examinĂ©es dans cette parcelle. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont montrĂ© que trois familles de cochenilles parasites les arbres prospectĂ©s ; il s’agit des Diaspididae : 297 (81,15%), des Coccidae : 62 (16,94 %) et des Pseudococcidae : 7 (1,91 %). Les Diaspididae ont Ă©tĂ© statistiquement la famille des cochenilles la plus abondante dans cette parcelle forestiĂšre (statistic=246,96; p-value = 2,35e-54). Par ailleurs, les familles d’arbres les plus infestĂ©es statistiquement par les cochenilles Ă©taient les familles des Euphorbiaceae (statistic=57,9; p-value=0,015), des Fabaceae (statistic=111,98; p-value=1,8e-09) et celle des Rubiaceae (statistic=109,2; p-value=4,72e-09). Au niveau de l’espĂšce, la famille des Fabaceae n’a pas Ă©tĂ© statistiquement infestĂ©es par les cochenilles contrairement aux espĂšces des famille des Euphorbiaceae et des Rubiaceae, avec respectivement Klaineanthus gaboniae (statistic=15,37; p-value=0,008), Synsepalum cf. stipulatum (statistic=56,41; p-value=6,67e-11), Pausinystalia macroceras (statistic=67,71; p-value=4,27e-07) et Beilschmiedia pierreana (statistic=31,53; p-value=0,035). Ces niveaux d’infestation enregistrĂ©s chez les espĂšces arborĂ©es de Rabi mettent en exergue la nĂ©cessitĂ© de tenir compte des cochenilles dans le processus de conservation des forĂȘts gabonaises.   In Gabon, knowledge about cochineals is still fragmentary and poorly known. Yet these insects, because of their phytophagy, represent a major scourge for the preservation of plant species. It is within this framework that a cross-sectional entomological study was conducted in the permanent plot of Rabi, Ogooue-Maritime province, in July 2015 (dry season), in order to know the families of cochineals to which the trees are exposed. To do this, two sampling techniques were used: manual collection and collection with a pruner. A total of 366 scale insects were collected from the 249 tree species divided into 45 families and examined in this plot. The results obtained showed that three families of scale insects parasitize the surveyed trees: Diaspididae: 297 (81.15%), Coccidae: 62 (16.94%) and Pseudococcidae: 7 (1.91%). Diaspididae was statistically the most abundant cochineal family in this forest plot (statistic=246.96; p-value=2.35e-54). On the other hand, the tree families statistically most infested with mealybugs were Euphorbiaceae (statistic=57.9; p-value=0.015), Fabaceae (statistic=111.98; p-value=1.8e-09) and Rubiaceae (statistic=109.2; p-value=4.72e-09). At the species level, the Fabaceae family was not statistically infested by cochineals unlike the species of the Euphorbiaceae and Rubiaceae families, with Klaineanthus gaboniae (statistic=15.37; p-value=0.008), Synsepalum cf. stipulatum (statistic=56.41; p-value=6.67e-11), Pausinystalia macroceras (statistic=67.71; p-value=4.27e-07) and Beilschmiedia pierreana (statistic=31.53; p-value=0.035) respectively. These levels of infestation recorded in Rabi tree species highlight the need to consider scale insects in the conservation process of Gabonese forests

    Évaluation de la composition spĂ©cifique des glossines, vectrices de la Trypanosomose Humaine Africaine, dans la rĂ©gion de NdendĂ© au sud du Gabon

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    Objectifs: Afin d’évaluer la composition spĂ©cifique des glossines dans les biotopes savanicoles et forestiers, une Ă©tude entomologique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur ces insectes dans la rĂ©gion de NdendĂ© (province de la NgouniĂ©), ancien foyer de la Trypanosomose Humaine Africaine (THA) pour identifier les sites potentiels de transmission de cette parasitose.MĂ©thodologie et rĂ©sultats: Un total de 14 piĂšges vavoua a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© dont 7 piĂšges placĂ©s le long des cours d’eau prĂ©sents dans la galerie forestiĂšre et 7 autres en savane proche des villages, du 23 octobre au 7 novembre 2015. Au total, 697 glossines ont Ă©tĂ© capturĂ©es (DAP=3,32 glossines/piĂšge/jour). La plus forte abondance des glossines a Ă©tĂ© obtenue en forĂȘt avec 678 spĂ©cimens. Cependant, ces glossines ont Ă©tĂ© faiblement capturĂ©es en savane (19 spĂ©cimens). Ces glossines se rĂ©partissent en quatre espĂšces dont Glossina fuscipes fuscipes, Glossina frezili, Glossina nashi et Glossina palpalis palpalis. G. fuscipes fuscipes (95%) a Ă©tĂ© l’espĂšce la plus abondante alors que G. frezili (1%), G. nashi (2%) et G. palpalis palpalis (2%) ont Ă©tĂ© trĂšs faiblement capturĂ©es.Conclusion et application: Cette Ă©tude a permis d’identifier dans la rĂ©gion de NdendĂ©, quatre espĂšces de glossines qui vivent en sympatrie. Par ailleurs, la forte abondance de G. fuscipes fuscipes et la prĂ©sence de G. palpalis palpalis, vecteurs de la THA dans les diffĂ©rents biotopes prospectĂ©s, avec une forte prĂ©dominance enforĂȘt, suggĂšrent une existence probable d’un risque de transmission des trypanosomes dans la rĂ©gion de NdendĂ©. Par consĂ©quent, le biotope forestier serait une zone prioritaire pour une lutte antivectorielle afin de limiter les risques de transmission de cette parasitose. Aussi, ces rĂ©sultats invitent Ă  la rĂ©alisation des travaux plus dĂ©taillĂ©s visant Ă  identifier la dynamique spatio-temporelle des glossines et leur rĂŽle dans la transmission Ă©ventuelle de la THA dans la rĂ©gion de NdendĂ© au sud du Gabon.Mots-clĂ©s: Trypanosomose humaine africaine, glossine, composition spĂ©cifique, savane, forĂȘt, GabonEnglish AbstractObjectives: In order to assess the species composition of tsetse flies among savannah and forested biotopes, an entomological survey was conducted on these insects in the Ndende region (province of NgouniĂ©), ancient focus of Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) for identifying the potential sites of the HAT transmission.Methodology and results: A total of 14 Vavoua traps was used with 7 traps installed along the rivers present in the forest gallery and 7 others in the savannah near the villages. The study was done from 23rd October to 7th November 2015. In total, 697 tsetse flies were captured (ADT=3.32 tsetse flies/trap/day). The highest abundance of tsetse flies was found in the forest with 678 specimens, while the lowest abundance was observed in the savannah with 19 specimens. The identified tsetse flies are G. fuscipes fuscipes, G. nashi, G. frezili and G. palpalis palpalis. G. fuscipes fuscipes (95%) was the most abundant species. Conversely, G. frezili (1%), G. nashi (2%) and G. palpalis palpalis (2%) were less in number.Conclusion and application: The results of this study showed the presence of four tsetse flies species, biological vectors of HAT, in the NdendĂ© region. The high abundance of G. fuscipes fuscipes and the presence of G. palpalis palpalis, vectors of HAT, in different savannah and forested biotopes, with strong predominance inforest, suggest a probable risk of transmission of trypanosomes in the Ndende region. Thus, the forested biotope would be the priority areas for implementing a vector control in order to limit the risks of HAT transmission. Therefore, these results require studies aiming at identifying spatial and temporal dynamics of tsetse flies and their role in the eventual transmission of HAT in the NdendĂ© region, southern of Gabon.Keywords: Human African trypanosomiasis, tsetse fly, species composition, savannah, forest, Gabo

    Chorologie des Familles de Cochenilles (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) dans la Parcelle Permanente de Rabi (Sud-ouest Gabon)

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    Au Gabon, les connaissances portant sur les cochenilles (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) demeurent encore insuffisantes. Pourtant, ces insectes, en raison de leur phytophagie reprĂ©sentent un flĂ©au majeur pour la prĂ©servation des espĂšces vĂ©gĂ©tales. C’est dans ce cadre qu’une enquĂȘte entomologique a Ă©tĂ© conduite Ă  Rabi, province de l’OgoouĂ©-Maritime, en juillet 2015 (saison sĂšche), afin de connaĂźtre les familles de cochenilles auxquelles sont exposĂ©s les arbres. Toutes les cochenilles ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es directement Ă  la main ou en s‘aidant d’un Ă©lagueur. Au total 366 cochenilles ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©coltĂ©es sur les 249 espĂšces d’arbres reparties en 45 familles et examinĂ©es dans cette parcelle. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont montrĂ© que trois familles de cochenilles parasitent les arbres prospectĂ©s ; il s’agit des Diaspididae: 297 (81,15%), des Coccidae: 62 (16,94 %) et des Pseudococcidae: 7 (1,91 %). Les Diaspididae ont Ă©tĂ© statistiquement la famille des cochenilles la plus abondante dans cette parcelle permanente (p<0,05). Par ailleurs, les familles d’arbres les plus infestĂ©es statistiquement par les cochenilles Ă©taient les familles d‘Euphorbiaceae (p<0,05), de Fabaceae (p<0,05) et celle de Rubiaceae (p<0,05). Au niveau de l’espĂšce, la famille de Fabaceae n’a pas Ă©tĂ© statistiquement infestĂ©e par les cochenilles (p>0,05) contrairement aux espĂšces de famille d‘Euphorbiaceae et de Rubiaceae, avec respectivement Klaineanthus gaboniae ( p<0,05), Synsepalum cf. stipulatum (p<0,05), Pausinystalia macroceras (p<0,05) et Beilschmiedia pierreana (p<0,05). Ces niveaux d’infestation enregistrĂ©s chez les espĂšces arborĂ©es de Rabi mettent en exergue la nĂ©cessitĂ© de tenir compte des cochenilles dans le processus de conservation des forĂȘts gabonaises. In Gabon, knowledge of scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) is still insufficient. However, these insects, because of their phytophagy, represent a major scourge for the preservation of plant species. It is in this context that an entomological survey was carried out in Rabi, OgoouĂ©-Maritime province, in July 2015 (dry season), in order to know the families of scale insects to which the trees are exposed. All scale insects were collected directly by hand or using pruning shears. A total of 366 scale insect were collected from 249 tree species divided into 45 families. The results obtained showed that three families of scale insects parasitize the surveyed trees; these are Diaspididae: 297 (81.15%), Coccidae: 62 (16.94%) and Pseudococcidae: 7 (1.91%). Diaspididae were statistically the most abundant scale insect family in this forest plot (p<0.05). In addition, tree families most statistically infested by scale insects were Euphorbiaceae (p<0.05), Fabaceae (p<0.05) and Rubiaceae (p<0.05) families. At the specific level, the Fabaceae family is statistically not infested by scale insects (p>0.05) unlike the species of Euphorbiaceae and Rubiaceae families, with respectively Klaineanthus gaboniae (p<0.05), Synsepalum cf. stipulatum (p<0.05), Pausinystalia macroceras (p<0.05) and Beilschmiedia pierreana (p<0.05). These levels of infestation recorded in Rabi tree species underline the need to take scale insects into account in the conservation process of Gabonese forests

    Chorologie des Familles de Cochenilles (Hemiptera) dans la Parcelle Permanente de Rabi (Sud – ouest Gabon)

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    Au Gabon, les connaissances portant sur les cochenilles demeurent encore fragmentaires et mal connues. Pourtant ces insectes, en raison de leur phytophagie reprĂ©sentent un flĂ©au majeur pour la prĂ©servation des espĂšces vĂ©gĂ©tales. C’est dans ce cadre qu’une Ă©tude entomologique transversale a Ă©tĂ© conduite dans la parcelle permanente de Rabi, province de l’OgoouĂ©-Maritime, en juillet 2015 (saison sĂšche), afin de connaĂźtre les familles de cochenilles auxquelles sont exposĂ©s les arbres. Pour ce faire, deux techniques d’échantillonnage ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es : la collecte manuelle et la collecte Ă  l’aide d’un Ă©lagueur. Au total 366 cochenilles ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©coltĂ©es sur les 249 espĂšces d’arbres reparties en 45 familles et examinĂ©es dans cette parcelle. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont montrĂ© que trois familles de cochenilles parasites les arbres prospectĂ©s ; il s’agit des Diaspididae : 297 (81,15%), des Coccidae : 62 (16,94 %) et des Pseudococcidae : 7 (1,91 %). Les Diaspididae ont Ă©tĂ© statistiquement la famille des cochenilles la plus abondante dans cette parcelle forestiĂšre (statistic=246,96; p-value = 2,35e-54). Par ailleurs, les familles d’arbres les plus infestĂ©es statistiquement par les cochenilles Ă©taient les familles des Euphorbiaceae (statistic=57,9; p-value=0,015), des Fabaceae (statistic=111,98; p-value=1,8e-09) et celle des Rubiaceae (statistic=109,2; p-value=4,72e-09). Au niveau de l’espĂšce, la famille des Fabaceae n’a pas Ă©tĂ© statistiquement infestĂ©es par les cochenilles contrairement aux espĂšces des famille des Euphorbiaceae et des Rubiaceae, avec respectivement Klaineanthus gaboniae (statistic=15,37; p-value=0,008), Synsepalum cf. stipulatum (statistic=56,41; p-value=6,67e-11), Pausinystalia macroceras (statistic=67,71; p-value=4,27e-07) et Beilschmiedia pierreana (statistic=31,53; p-value=0,035). Ces niveaux d’infestation enregistrĂ©s chez les espĂšces arborĂ©es de Rabi mettent en exergue la nĂ©cessitĂ© de tenir compte des cochenilles dans le processus de conservation des forĂȘts gabonaises.   In Gabon, knowledge about cochineals is still fragmentary and poorly known. Yet these insects, because of their phytophagy, represent a major scourge for the preservation of plant species. It is within this framework that a cross-sectional entomological study was conducted in the permanent plot of Rabi, Ogooue-Maritime province, in July 2015 (dry season), in order to know the families of cochineals to which the trees are exposed. To do this, two sampling techniques were used: manual collection and collection with a pruner. A total of 366 scale insects were collected from the 249 tree species divided into 45 families and examined in this plot. The results obtained showed that three families of scale insects parasitize the surveyed trees: Diaspididae: 297 (81.15%), Coccidae: 62 (16.94%) and Pseudococcidae: 7 (1.91%). Diaspididae was statistically the most abundant cochineal family in this forest plot (statistic=246.96; p-value=2.35e-54). On the other hand, the tree families statistically most infested with mealybugs were Euphorbiaceae (statistic=57.9; p-value=0.015), Fabaceae (statistic=111.98; p-value=1.8e-09) and Rubiaceae (statistic=109.2; p-value=4.72e-09). At the species level, the Fabaceae family was not statistically infested by cochineals unlike the species of the Euphorbiaceae and Rubiaceae families, with Klaineanthus gaboniae (statistic=15.37; p-value=0.008), Synsepalum cf. stipulatum (statistic=56.41; p-value=6.67e-11), Pausinystalia macroceras (statistic=67.71; p-value=4.27e-07) and Beilschmiedia pierreana (statistic=31.53; p-value=0.035) respectively. These levels of infestation recorded in Rabi tree species highlight the need to consider scale insects in the conservation process of Gabonese forests

    Ecological Aspects of Tabanids (Diptera: Tabanidae) in a Gabonese Cattle Ranch

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    To embark on an anti-vectorial fight against mechanical vectors of animal trypanosomosis, investigations were undertaken in order to determine the abundance, species diversity and daily activity of tabanids in a cattle ranch in Gabon. The nzi and vavoua traps were used to catch tabanids in three divisions of this ranch. In this study, 616 tabanids were captured: 349 (56.66%) in Division 1, 226 (36.69%) in Division 2 and 41 (6.66%) in Division 3. In the first Division, T. taeniola was the most abundant species with an Apparent Density (ADT) of 2.2, followed by H. pluvialis (ADT = 1.05). In the second Division, H. pluvialis was most abundant with ADT of 1.6, followed by T. taeniola (ADT = 0.38). In the last Division, the most abundant species was H. pluvialis (ADT = 0.15). Comparing the relative abundance of catches with sites (Divisions), we realized that there was no statistically significant difference in catches with trapping sites. It was noticed that Division 3 recorded the highest diversity index values. We realized that the nzi trap recorded higher tabanid catches than the vavoua trap. The diurnal activity rhythm of the most frequent species encountered slightly differed with prospection sites

    Utilisation des Insecticides Anti-Moustiques et Risques pour la Santé dans la Région de Libreville et ses Environs (Gabon)

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    RĂ©sumĂ© - Une Ă©tude basĂ©e sur deux enquĂȘtes a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e Ă  Libreville et sa pĂ©riphĂ©rie d’aoĂ»t Ă  novembre 2019. La premiĂšre enquĂȘte a consistĂ© Ă  identifier les vendeurs des insecticides anti-moustiques tandis que la deuxiĂšme, visait Ă  interroger les populations sur le type d’insecticide qu’ils utilisent couramment chez eux. Aussi, deux questionnaires ont Ă©tĂ© administrĂ©s : l’un aux gĂ©rants de 106 espaces commerciaux et l’autre Ă  1 447 mĂ©nages sĂ©lectionnĂ©s au hasard. Les espaces commerciaux ont Ă©tĂ© gĂ©o-localisĂ©s Ă  l’aide du GPSMAP 62s de marque Garmin et une cartographie thĂ©matique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans ArcGIS 10.4.1. De ces enquĂȘtes, il ressort que, les commerces recensĂ©s sont inĂ©galement rĂ©partis dans la zone d’étude. Les Ă©tablissements d’approvisionnement les mieux reprĂ©sentĂ©s Ă©taient les boutiques (n=62 ; 29,38%), les Gaboprix, les CKDO et les stations Total (n=39 ; 18,48%). Par ailleurs, les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont montrĂ© que prĂšs de 51% des mĂ©nages de la rĂ©gion de Libreville utilise prioritairement l’aĂ©rosol de marque Rambo et que 25% de ces foyers apprĂ©ciaient les fumigĂšnes en spirale (appelĂ© ‘’mosquito’’). Toutefois, les insecticides chimiques utilisĂ©s pourraient prĂ©senter des dangers pour la santĂ© des membres de ces mĂ©nages. Aussi, une Ă©tude toxicologique et mĂ©dicale devrait ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©e dans la rĂ©gion de Libreville afin d’évaluer les niveaux de risque de santĂ© associĂ© Ă  l’usage de ces insecticides chimiques et les consĂ©quences sur les populations locales. Abstract - A study based on two surveys was conducted in Libreville and its environs from August to November 2019. The first survey consisted of identifying the sellers of mosquito repellents and the second, to interrogate people on the type of insecticide that they commonly use in their households. So, two questionnairies were administered: one to the managers of 106 commercial spaces and the other to 1,447 households selected at random. The commercial spaces were geo-localized using the Garmin GPSMAP 62s and a thematic mapping was carried out in ArcGIS 10.4.1. From these surveys, it appears that, the commercial spaces identified are unevenly distributed in the study area. The best represented supply establishments were shopkeepers (n = 62; 29.38%), Gaboprix, CKDO and Total stations (n = 39; 18.48%). Moreover, the obtained results show that, more than half (51%) of households in the study area, use firstly the Rambo aerosol and that, a quarter of these households (25%) appreciate spiral smoke (called ‘’mosquito'’). However, the chemical insecticides used could imperil members of these households. So, a toxicological and medical study would be realize in the Libreville region in order to assess levels of health risk associated with the use of these chemical insecticides and the consequences for local populations.Keywords - Insecticide, mosquito, health risk, household, seller, Libreville, Gabo

    Occurrence, Distribution and Farmers' Perceptions of Cassava Diseases in Gabon, Central Africa

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    Aims: In order to identify and assess the level of cassava diseases in farms present in Gabon, disease surveys were carried out across the country in 2021 and 2022. Methodology: The method used is based on administration of questionnaire to cassava growers, supplemented by the recognition of disease symptoms on 30 randomly selected plants in farms. Results: Some 201 cassava growers were interviewed, 84.04% (n=169) of them were women and 15.92% (n=32) men. Nearly 65.41% of the farmers interviewed had a primary school education and were aged between 51 and 55. The majority of these producers had farming as their main activity (89.73%). The results showed the occurrence of five cassava diseases in the study area: cassava mosaic (Im = 60.22%; Sm = 2.95), anthracnose (Im = 19.45%; Sm = 3), leaf necrosis (Im= 9.95%; Sm = 2.71), bacteriosis (Im = <1%; Sm = 3), and root rot (Im = <1%; Sm = 2.61). Among these diseases, mosaic was the most frequently observed in the provinces surveyed. Its incidence was lowest in Estuaire (38.40%) and highest in Ogooué-Ivindo (71.36%) and Ogooué-Maritime (71.76%). Anthracnose incidence was lowest in Moyen-Ogooué (4.05%) and highest in Haut-Ogooué (36.50%). For leaf necrosis, Woleu-Ntem (0.71%) and Ogooué-Ivindo (31.11%) recorded the lowest and highest incidence respectively. Conclusion: In order to control these cassava diseases, it is important to initiate and implement awareness campaigns and training workshops for growers to encourage them to adopt good farming practices