58 research outputs found

    Between-group comparison of the right posterior insula pattern before and after drug/placebo treatment.

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    <p>Image depicts the map obtained after contrast T1 (drug>placebo) >T0 (drug>placebo) for the right posterior insula (PIrh). The map is overimposed on a Talairach atlas and in radiological convention (p<0.02 FDR corrected). Differences are assessed by means of a mixed model voxel wise ANOVA with a between-group factor (Drug vs Placebo) and a repeated measure factor (T0 vs. T1).</p

    CONSORT Diagram.

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    <p>Flow diagram graphically describes the design of the study: enrollment, intervention, follow-up and data analysis.</p

    Between-group comparison of the four insula subregions before drug/placebo treatment.

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    <p>Image depicts maps obtained after contrast T0 (Drug>Placebo) for the four subregions of bilateral insulae as assessed with rs-fMRI. Maps are overimposed on a Talairach atlas and in radiological convention (p<0.02 FDR corrected). Differences are assessed by means of a mixed model voxel wise ANOVA with a between-group factor (Drug vs Placebo) and a repeated measure factor (T0 vs. T1) and specific contrast T0 (Drug>Placebo). AIlh = anterior insula left hemisphere; AIrh = anterior insula right hemphere; Pilh = posterior insula left hemisphere; PIrh = posterior insula right hemisphere.</p

    Insula subregional seed-based correlation.

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    <p>Table indicates brain regions showing seed-based functional connectivity [with significance level set at P<0.05 (Bonferroni corrected)] for the left anterior (AIlh) right anterior (AIRh) left posterior (PIlh) and right posterior (PIrh) at T0 or T1 respectively. Brain regions are listed according to mean Talairach coordinates (x: left-right; y: anterior-posterior; z: dorsal ventral) and corresponding number of voxels.</p><p>Abbreviations: BA: Brodmann's area; L: left; R: right. PCC: Posterior Cingulate Cortex; MFG: Middle frontal gyrus; STG:Superior Temporal gyrus; IFG: Inferior Frontal gyrus; ACC: Anterior Cingulate cortex; SPL: Superior Parietal Lobe; SFG: Superior Frontal gyrus.</p><p>Insula subregional seed-based correlation.</p

    Insula functional connectivity patterns before drug/placebo treatment.

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    <p>Image depicts functional connectivity patterns of the four subregions of bilateral insulae as assessed with rs-fMRI. Maps are overimposed on a Talairach atlas and in radiological convention with a statistical significance set at p<0.05 Bonferroni corrected. AIlh = anterior insula left hemisphere; AIrh  = anterior insula right hemphere; Pilh = posterior insula left hemisphere; PIrh =  posterior insula right hemisphere.</p

    Insula functional connectivity patterns after drug/placebo treatment.

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    <p>Image depicts functional connectivity patterns of the four subregions of bilateral insulae as assessed with rs-fMRI. Maps are overimposed on a Talairach atlas and in radiological convention with a statistical significance of p<0.05 Bonferroni corrected. AIlh = anterior insula left hemisphere; AIrh = anterior insula right hemphere; Pilh = posterior insula left hemisphere; PIrh = posterior insula right hemisphere.</p

    Between-group comparison for right posterior insula for the contrast T1>T0.

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    <p>Table indicates brain regions showing significant differences when considering T1 (drug >placebo)>T0 (drug>placebo) for the right Posterior Insula (PIrh). Brain regions are listed with the mean Talairach coordinates (x: left-right; y: anterior-posterior; z: dorsal ventral) and the corresponding number of voxels.</p><p>Abbreviations: BA: Brodmann's area; L: left; R: right. PCC: Posterior Cingulate Cortex; MTG: Middle Temporal gyrus; ACC: Anterior Cingulate cortex; SFG: Superior Frontal gyrus.</p><p>Between-group comparison for right posterior insula for the contrast T1>T0.</p

    Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis of individual MRI variables.

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    <p>Significance of the area under curve (AUC) was determined by the Student’s t-test taking as the null hypothesis that AUC = 0.500. IC-rADC is the only potential classifier with an AUC significantly greater then 0.500 (95% confidence level).</p

    Relation between the T<sub>1</sub>W and between MRS and histological outcomes respectively.

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    a,b<p>for Pearson's and Spearman's correlation respectively.</p><p><i>Abbreviations</i>: T<sub>1</sub>-WI TSE = T<sub>1</sub>-weighted Image Turbo-Spin-Echo; STIR = Short Time Inversion Recovery sequences; <sup>1</sup>H-MRS = Proton MR Spectroscopy (<sup>1</sup>H-MRS).</p
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