8 research outputs found
Utilization Of Cassava Peel Activated Carbon (Manihot esculenta Crantz) To Reduce Surfactant Levels And Chemical Oxygen Demand In Laundry Waste
Kulit singkong mengandung senyawa selulosa, lignin, dan hemiselulosa yang dapat
dimanfaatkan sebagai karbon aktif. Pencemaran lingkungan merupakan salah satu masalah yang krusial, salah satu sumber pencemarannya yaitu limbah laundry. Pencemaran lingkungan akibat limbah laundry dapat diatasi dengan metode adsorpsi menggunakan karbon aktif dari kulitsingkong (KAKS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan karakter KAKS, menentukan kajian kinetika dan isoterm adsorpsi surfaktan dan penurunan level COD pada limbah laundry, serta menentukan kapasitas dan efektivitas adsorpsi KAKS terhadap surfaktan dan penurunan level COD. Dalam penelitian ini KAKS disintesis melalui proses karbonisasi (T= 500 ℃, t= 1 jam) lalu
diimpregnasi dengan rasio karbon H3PO4 30% (1:5, b/b) dan diaktivasi secara fisika pada suhu 600 ℃ selama 1 jam. Proses adsorpsi KAKS dalam penurunan kadar surfaktan dan level COD dikaji secara pemodelan kinetika pada rentang 10 – 70 menit dan isoterm adsorpsi dengan variasi massa 0,025 – 1,2 gram. Hasil analisis FTIR menunjukkan KAKS memiliki gugus fungsi C=C, CH, O-H, dan P=O. Analisis SEM mengonfirmasi terbentuknya rongga pada KAKS dan analisis komposisi unsur dengan EDX, KAKS mengandung unsur P sebesar 7,29%. Hasil analisis SAA, KAKS memiliki luas permukaan sebesar 153,018 m2/g. Pemodelan kinetika adsorpsi KAKS terhadap surfaktan dan level COD mengikuti pemodelan Pseudo Orde 2. Pemodelan isoterm
adsorpsi KAKS terhadap surfaktan mengikuti pemodelan Redlich Peterson, sedangkan isotermKAKS terhadap penurunan level COD mengikuti pemodelan Elovich. Kapasitas adsorpsi untuk surfaktan dan penurunan level COD berturut-turut sebesar 0,07 mg/g dan 41,25 mg/g dengan efektivitas penjerapan surfaktan 98,59% dan penurunan level COD 78,57%.Cassava peel contains cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose compounds that can be used as activated carbon. Environmental pollution is one of the crucial problems, where the one source of pollution is laundry waste. Environmental pollution by laundry waste can be solved by the adsorption method using activated carbon from cassava peel (KAKS). This study aims to determine the character of KAKS, determine the kinetics and isotherm studies of surfactant adsorption and COD level reduction in laundry waste, and determine the capacity and effectiveness of KAKS adsorption on surfactants and COD level reduction. In this study, KAKS was synthesized through
a carbonization process (T = 500 ℃, t = 1 hour) then impregnated with a carbon ratio of 30% H3PO4 (1:5, w/w) and physically activated at a temperature of 600 ℃ for 1 hour. The adsorptionprocess of KAKS in reducing surfactant levels and COD levels was studied using kinetic modeling in the range of 10-70 minutes and adsorption isotherms with mass variations of 0.025-1.2 grams. The results of FTIR analysis showed that KAKS has functional groups C=C, C-H, O-H, and P=O. SEM analysis confirmed the formation of cavities in KAKS and elemental composition analysis with EDX, KAKS contains P elements of 7.29%. The results of SAA analysis, KAKS has a surface area of 153.018 m2/g. The kinetic modeling of KAKS adsorption on surfactants and COD levels follows the Pseudo Order 2 modeling. The modeling of KAKS adsorption isotherms on surfactants follows the Redlich Peterson modeling, while the KAKS isotherm on reducing COD levels follows the Elovich modeling. The adsorption capacity for surfactants and the reduction in COD levels were respectively 0.07 mg/g and 41.25 mg/g with surfactant adsorption effectiveness of 98.59% and COD level reduction of 78.57%
Utilization Of Cassava Peel Activated Carbon (Manihot esculenta Crantz) To Reduce Surfactant Levels And Chemical Oxygen Demand In Laundry Waste
Kulit singkong mengandung senyawa selulosa, lignin, dan hemiselulosa yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai karbon aktif. Pencemaran lingkungan merupakan salah satu masalah yang krusial, salah satu sumber pencemarannya yaitu limbah laundry. Pencemaran lingkungan akibat limbah laundry dapat diatasi dengan metode adsorpsi menggunakan karbon aktif dari kulit singkong (KAKS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan karakter KAKS, menentukan kajian kinetika dan isoterm adsorpsi surfaktan dan penurunan level COD pada limbah laundry, serta menentukan kapasitas dan efektivitas adsorpsi KAKS terhadap surfaktan dan penurunan level COD. Dalam penelitian ini KAKS disintesis melalui proses karbonisasi (T= 500 ℃, t= 1 jam) lalu diimpregnasi dengan rasio karbon H3PO4 30% (1:5, b/b) dan diaktivasi secara fisika pada suhu 600 ℃ selama 1 jam. Proses adsorpsi KAKS dalam penurunan kadar surfaktan dan level COD dikaji secara pemodelan kinetika pada rentang 10 – 70 menit dan isoterm adsorpsi dengan variasi massa 0,025 – 1,2 gram. Hasil analisis FTIR menunjukkan KAKS memiliki gugus fungsi C=C, CH, O-H, dan P=O. Analisis SEM mengonfirmasi terbentuknya rongga pada KAKS dan analisis komposisi unsur dengan EDX, KAKS mengandung unsur P sebesar 7,29%. Hasil analisis SAA, KAKS memiliki luas permukaan sebesar 153,018 m2/g. Pemodelan kinetika adsorpsi KAKS terhadap surfaktan dan level COD mengikuti pemodelan Pseudo Orde 2. Pemodelan isoterm adsorpsi KAKS terhadap surfaktan mengikuti pemodelan Redlich Peterson, sedangkan isoterm KAKS terhadap penurunan level COD mengikuti pemodelan Elovich. Kapasitas adsorpsi untuk surfaktan dan penurunan level COD berturut-turut sebesar 0,07 mg/g dan 41,25 mg/g dengan efektivitas penjerapan surfaktan 98,59% dan penurunan level COD 78,57%.Cassava peel contains cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose compounds that can be used as activated carbon. Environmental pollution is one of the crucial problems, where the one source of pollution is laundry waste. Environmental pollution by laundry waste can be solved by the adsorption method using activated carbon from cassava peel (KAKS). This study aims to determine the character of KAKS, determine the kinetics and isotherm studies of surfactant adsorption and COD level reduction in laundry waste, and determine the capacity and effectiveness of KAKS adsorption on surfactants and COD level reduction. In this study, KAKS was synthesized through a carbonization process (T = 500 ℃, t = 1 hour) then impregnated with a carbon ratio of 30% H3PO4 (1:5, w/w) and physically activated at a temperature of 600 ℃ for 1 hour. The adsorption process of KAKS in reducing surfactant levels and COD levels was studied using kinetic modeling in the range of 10-70 minutes and adsorption isotherms with mass variations of 0.025-1.2 grams. The results of FTIR analysis showed that KAKS has functional groups C=C, C-H, O-H, and P=O. SEM analysis confirmed the formation of cavities in KAKS and elemental composition analysis with EDX, KAKS contains P elements of 7.29%. The results of SAA analysis, KAKS has a surface area of 153.018 m2/g. The kinetic modeling of KAKS adsorption on surfactants and COD levels follows the Pseudo Order 2 modeling. The modeling of KAKS adsorption isotherms on surfactants follows the Redlich Peterson modeling, while the KAKS isotherm on reducing COD levels follows the Elovich modeling. The adsorption capacity for surfactants and the reduction in COD levels were respectively 0.07 mg/g and 41.25 mg/g with surfactant adsorption effectiveness of 98.59% and COD level reduction of 78.57%
Optimization of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) Gas Cylinder Distribution Route with Saving Matrix Method
This study aims to optimize the route traveled so that the transportation costs incurred by the company can be much less. This is done because the company as an agent of 3 kg LPG gas cylinders in distributing LPG gas to each base is still not optimal with irregular routes so that the costs incurred by the company are quite large. One solution that can be done in solving this distribution problem is to apply the Saving Matrix method. The Saving Matrix method is one method that can be used to determine the distribution route of a product to the area to be marketed by determining which route to take by looking at the capacity of the vehicle and the number of goods carried in order to get the shortest route and the cost for transportation incurred is small. Based on the results of the study, a distance of 100.73 km was obtained with a total initial distance of 144.29 km, with transportation costs incurred initially of Rp. 98,117.1 to Rp. 68,496.4. So, this shows that the saving matrix method can minimize distance and transportation costs
Peran Penting Orang Tua dan Lingkungan Sosial terhadap Kenakalan Remaja di Dusun Xix, Desa Sampali
The problem in this study is the importance of the role of parents and the social environment on juvenile delinquency in Sampali Village, precisely in XIX Hamlet, Sampali Village, Percut Sei Tuan District. This research is presented using descriptive qualitative research, namely observations to explore, interview or photograph how the problem situation of the community there will be studied thoroughly and in depth. This research was conducted in XIX Hamlet, Sampali Village, with resource persons consisting of several communities in XIX Hamlet to help collect information and data for this research. From the results of observations in Hamlet XIX, Sampali Village, Percut Sei Tuan District, it is known that there are several cases committed by local teenagers, namely drugs, brawls, and motorcycle gangs. After a deeper review, the researchers found out the reason why the teenager in Hamlet XIX, Sampali Village, Percut Sei Tuan District, did juvenile delinquency, namely because the teenager had a family that did not provide love and attention, a poor social environment, and weak self-control. Therefore, the role of parents is needed, such as building good relationships, instilling faith in the heart so that it becomes a stronghold in oneself so that it is not easy to fall into actions that are not commendable. If various solutions and coaching are carried out, it is hoped that the possibility of juvenile delinquency will decrease and be resolved. From the discussion on efforts to overcome juvenile delinquency, it should be emphasized that all efforts to control juvenile delinquency must be aimed at achieving a stable, harmonious, and mature adolescent personality. Adolescents are expected to become adults with strong personalities, physically and mentally healthy, firm in belief (faith) as a society, nation, and homeland
Peran gizi dan motivasi terhadap prestasi atlet futsal
Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada para atlet futsal bahwa untuk memenangkan sebuah kompetisi dan meraih prestasi tidak cukup jika hanya didukung oleh latihan yang keras, namun terdapat beberapa faktor yang mendukung. Tujuan untuk melihat apa saja faktor yang dapat mendukung kemenangan para atlet dalam sebuah kompetisi, peneliti melakukan penelitian dengan metode diskusi dengan para atlet dan sejawatnya. Upaya memperoleh hasil yang lebih valid dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan kuesioner yang diisi oleh 20 orang atlet futsal. Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan menggunakan aplikasi matematika yaitu IBM SPSS Statistic 26. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwasanya faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi prestasi para atlet futsal ialah gizi dan motivasi. Kedua faktor tersebut memiliki pengaruh yang sama untuk membuat para atlet memperoleh kemenangan. Hasil dari penelitian serta pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat ditanggapi dengan sangat baik oleh para atlet. Peneliti berharap para atlet dapat terbantu dengan informasi yang diusulkan dan ikut mengaplikasikan nya dalam kegiatan berkompetisi
PBL is a teaching method that can help students understand the subject matter and improve their problem-solving abilities. The purpose of this study is to see how the problem-based learning (PBL) model affects students' problem-solving abilities with reproductive system material. This is a pre-experimental study with a one-group pretest-posttest design. Non-probability sampling is used, along with total sampling. The research sample consisted of 39 students from Class XI. The data collection technique used pretest and posttest instruments, and the data analysis technique used was the One-Sample KS Test, with an average pretest result of 23.08 with a significance of 0.00, a posttest average of 85.18 with a significance of 0.03, and an average N-Gain of 0.81 with a significance of 0.01 as evidenced by statistical analysis, which states that the data significance is 0.05, indicating that Problem Based Learning has an effect