67 research outputs found

    Transcriptomic and metabolomic profiles of Zea mays fed with urea and ammonium

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    The simultaneous presence of different N-forms in the rhizosphere leads to beneficial effects on nitrogen (N) nutrition in plants. Although widely used as fertilizers, the occurrence of cross connection between urea and ammonium nutrition has been scarcely studied in plants. Maize fed with a mixture of urea and ammonium displayed a better N-uptake efficiency than ammonium- or urea-fed plants (Buoso et al., Plant Physiol Biochem, 2021a; 162: 613\u2013623). Through multiomic approaches, we provide the molecular characterization of maize response to urea and ammonium nutrition. Several transporters and enzymes involved in N-nutrition were upregulated by all three N-treatments (urea, ammonium, or urea and ammonium). Already after 1 day of treatment, the availability of different N-forms induced specific transcriptomic and metabolomic responses. The combination of urea and ammonium induced a prompt assimilation of N, characterized by high levels of some amino acids in shoots. Moreover, ZmAMT1.1a, ZmGLN1;2, ZmGLN1;5, ZmGOT1, and ZmGOT3, as well transcripts involved in glycolysis-TCA cycle were induced in roots by urea and ammonium mixture. Depending on N-form, even changes in the composition of phytohormones were observed in maize. This study paves the way to formulate guidelines for the optimization of N fertilization to improve N-use efficiency in maize and therefore limit N-losses in the environment

    Nitrogen nutrition and xylem sap composition in Zea mays: effect of urea, ammonium and nitrate on ionomic and metabolic profiles

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    In plants the communication between organs is mainly carried out via the xylem and phloem. The concentration and the molecular species of some phytohormones, assimilates and inorganic ions that are translocated in the xylem vessel play a key role in the systemic nutritional signaling in plants. In this work the composition of the xylem sap of maize was investigated at the metabolic and ionomic level depending on the N form available in the nutrient solution. Plants were grown up to 7 days in hydroponic system under N-free nutrient solution or nutrient solution containing N in form of nitrate, urea, ammonium or a combination of urea and ammonium. For the first time this work provides evidence that the ureic nutrition reduced the water translocation in maize plants more than mineral N forms. This result correlates with those obtained from the analyses of photosynthetic parameters (stomatal conductance and transpiration rate) suggesting a parsimonious use of water by maize plants under urea nutrition. A peculiar composition in amino acids and phytohormones (i.e. S, Gln, Pro, ABA) of the xylem sap under urea nutrition could explain differences in xylem sap exudation in comparison to plants treated with mineral N forms. The knowledge improvement of urea nutrition will allow to further perform good agronomic strategies to improve the resilience of maize crop to water stress

    Measurement and comparison of individual external doses of high-school students living in Japan, France, Poland and Belarus -- the "D-shuttle" project --

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    Twelve high schools in Japan (of which six are in Fukushima Prefecture), four in France, eight in Poland and two in Belarus cooperated in the measurement and comparison of individual external doses in 2014. In total 216 high-school students and teachers participated in the study. Each participant wore an electronic personal dosimeter "D-shuttle" for two weeks, and kept a journal of his/her whereabouts and activities. The distributions of annual external doses estimated for each region overlap with each other, demonstrating that the personal external individual doses in locations where residence is currently allowed in Fukushima Prefecture and in Belarus are well within the range of estimated annual doses due to the background radiation level of other regions/countries

    Membedah Pemikiran Islam

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    Kondisi Kewanitaan dalam Konteks Islam

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    Dalam konteks di mana kekerasan struktural bertengger di dalam mentalitas selama beberapa abad taklid buta yang jauh dari segala krtik, kaum wanita yang tidak tahan terhadap segala bentuk dominasi, sesekali memperlihatkan sejauh mana mereka menjadi "hamba di hamba" di dalam kemodernan yang diimpikan.Sesungguhnyaa, terdapat cukup banyak literatur yang lebih-kurang membahas secam kritis tentang status wanita di dalam Qur\u27an, hukum dan tradisi muslim. Kita akan melihat pendekatan ini lebih cocok dengan tujuan-tujuan apologetik, ideologis dan militan ketimbang kebutuhan untuk menjelaskan persoalan yang membingungkan ini. Dengan memperhatikan aneka ragam konteks sosial politis, budaya dan hirtoris di mana Islam berada sebagai faktor di antara berbagai faktor lain, tetapi sama sekali tidak eksklusif, kita terpaksa memperluas analisa kepada beberapa data sosiologis dan antropologis.Kita akan menguji satu problematika historis dan antropologis tentang kaum wanita dalam rangka menggeser berbagai diskusi polemis, sikap militan, pengulangan setia untuk mendekontruksi mentalitas yang senantiasa menguasai wacana kewanitaan.Para pembaca, terutama para pembaca wanita, yang hidup dalam lingkungan Islami akan dapat menilai sedemikian rupa ketepatan beberapa fakta yang diberikan untuk suatu pendekatan antropologis, dan bukan saja pendekatan keislaman yang sempit, tentang persoalan wanita.Artikel ini merupakan jawaban terhadap desakan atas penulis untuk mengupas secara tuntas problema tentang emansipasi kaum wanita dalam konteks Islam. Dengan pendekatan antropologis dan historis dalam lima tataran (antropologis, semiologis, sosiologis, politis, historis) penulis berkesimpulan bahwa jalan menuju emansipasi yang optimal bagi kondisi kaum wanita dalam konteks Islam masih panjang dan berat

    En Route toward a More Inclusive Civil Society

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    Адаптивные робастные методы для зависимых моделей больших данных

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    In this paper we study high dimension statistical autoregressive models on the basis of the sequential analysis approach. To this end we use the model selection procedures developed in [4]. For such models we find conditions under which we show that these estimation procedures are efficient in the minimax sense. It should be emphasized that the efficiency property is shown without knowing either the regularity properties or the noise distribution in the models, i.e. in an adaptive and robust setting

    Последовательный метод выбора модели для непараметрической авторегрессии

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    В работе рассматривается задача непараметрического оценивания авторегрессии для квадратичных рисков. Разрабатывается новый адаптивный последовательный метод выбора модели, основанный на эффективных последовательных ядерных оценках, предложенных Аркун и Пергаменщиковым (2016). Кроме того, разрабатывается новый аналитический инструмент для общих моделей регрессии для получения несимптотических точных оракульных неравенств как для обычных квадратичных, так и для робастных квадратичных рисков. Устанавливается, что построенная процедура последовательного выбора модели оптимальна в смысле оракульных неравенств