11 research outputs found

    Sono-magnetic heating in tumor phantom

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    There exist various types of hyperthermia therapy such as radiofrequency, infrared, microwave, focused ultrasound or magnetic. Recently, a lot of effort has been put into combining more than one mode of heating into one treatment. The multimodal hyperthermia proves a better alternative in comparison with a single one. In this paper, we show that the application of dual sono-magnetic heating (ultrasound and magnetic together) gives better results than using either of them alone. The advantage of this bimodal treatment lies not only in cumulative heating of target volume (tumor) but also in synergistic interaction between the two mechanisms鈥攖he ultrasound sonication can improve the thermal effect of magnetic hyperthermia through the unblocking Brown鈥檚 relaxation. Furthermore, the ultrasound and magnetic heating are complementary to each other. The temperature rise caused by ultrasound is fast changing and by magnetic field slow changing. So the parameters of ultrasound can serve as coarse-tuning settings of heating while the parameters of the magnetic field as fine-tuning enabling more precise hyperthermia

    Magnetic mediators for ultrasound theranostics

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    The theranostics paradigm is based on the concept of combining therapeutic and diagnostic modalities into one platform to improve the effectiveness of treatment. Combinations of multiple modalities provide numerous medical advantages and are enabled by nano- and micron-sized mediators. Here we review recent advancements in the field of ultrasound theranostics and the use of magnetic materials as mediators. Several subdisciplines are described in detail, including controlled drug delivery and release, ultrasound hyperthermia, magneto-ultrasonic heating, sonodynamic therapy, magnetoacoustic imaging, ultrasonic wave generation by magnetic fields, and ultrasound tomography. The continuous progress and improvement in theranostic materials, methods, and physical computing models have created undeniable possibilities for the development of new approaches. We discuss the prospects of ultrasound theranostics and possible expansions of other studies to the theranostic context

    Ultrasound Study of Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Nanoparticle Agglomeration in High Viscous Media

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    Ultrasound attenuation spectroscopy has found wide application in the study of colloidal dispersions such as emulsions or suspensions. The main advantage of this technique is that it can be applied to relatively high concentration systems without sample preparation. In particular, the use of Epstein-Carhart-Allegra-Hawley鈥檚 (ECAH) ultrasound scattering theory, along with experimental data of ultrasound velocity or attenuation, provide the method of estimation for the particle or droplet size from nanometers to millimeters. In this study, suspensions of magnetite and silica nanoparticles in high viscous media (i.e., castor oil) were characterized by ultrasound spectroscopy. Both theoretical and experimental results showed a significant difference in ultrasound attenuation coefficients between the suspensions of magnetite and silica nanoparticles. The fitting of theoretical model to experimental ultrasound spectra was used to determine the real size of objects suspended in a high viscous medium that differed from the size distributions provided by electron microscopy imaging. The ultrasound spectroscopy technique demonstrated a greater tendency of magnetic particles toward agglomeration when compared with silica particles whose sizes were obtained from the combination of experimental and theoretical ultrasonic data and were more consistent with the electron microscopy images

    Influence of Magnetic Nanoparticles on the Focused Ultrasound Hyperthermia

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    Ultrasound hyperthermia is a medical treatment used to increase temperature of tissues. It can be used independently or as a supportive method for an anticancer treatment. The therapeutic efficacy of focused ultrasound hyperthermia can be improved using sonosensitizers, nanoparticles enhancing the attenuation and dissipation of acoustic energy. As sonosensitizers, we propose magnetic nanoparticles owing to their biodegradability, biocompatibility, and simple positioning in tissues using a magnetic field. Focused ultrasound hyperthermia studies were performed using tissue-mimicking phantoms. Temperature changes were measured at various ultrasound powers and distances from the center of the ultrasound focus. Specific absorption rate (SAR) values, describing the power deposition in the tissues during the hyperthermia treatment, were evaluated for the center of the focus point and for various distances from it. The results show that the addition of nanoparticles increases the SAR almost two times compared to that for the pure phantom. The highest SAR is obtained in the ultrasound focus; it decreases with the increase of the distance from the focus

    The potential of magnetic heating for fabricating Pickering-emulsion-based capsules

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    Pickering emulsions (particle-stabilized emulsions) have been widely explored due to their potential applications, one of which is using them as precursors for the formation of colloidal capsules that could be utilized in, among others, the pharmacy and food industries. Here, we present a novel approach to fabricating such colloidal capsules by using heating in the alternating magnetic field. When exposed to the alternating magnetic field, magnetic particles, owing to the hysteresis and/or relaxation losses, become sources of nano- and micro-heating that can significantly increase the temperature of the colloidal system. This temperature rise was evaluated in oil-in-oil Pickering emulsions stabilized by both magnetite and polystyrene particles. When a sample reached high enough temperature, particle fusion caused by glass transition of polystyrene was observed on surfaces of colloidal droplets. Oil droplets covered with shells of fused polystyrene particles were proved to be less susceptible to external stress, which can be evidence of the successful formation of capsules from Pickering emulsion droplets as templates

    The Effect of Tissue-Mimicking Phantom Compressibility on Magnetic Hyperthermia

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    During hyperthermia, magnetite nanoparticles placed in an AC magnetic field become a source of heat. It has been shown that in fluid suspensions, magnetic particles move freely and generate heat easily. However, in tissues of different mechanical properties, nanoparticle movement is limited and leads to a small temperature rise in tissue. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct magnetic hyperthermia experiments in similar conditions to the human body. The effect of tissue-mimicking phantom compressibility on the effectiveness of magnetic hyperthermia was investigated on agar phantoms. Single and cluster nanoparticles were synthesized and used as magnetic materials. The prepared magnetic materials were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and zeta potential measurements. Results show that tissue-mimicking phantom compressibility decreases with the concentration of agar. Moreover, the lower the compressibility, the lower the thermal effect of magnetic hyperthermia. Specific absorption rate (SAR) values also proved our assumption that tissue-mimicking phantom compressibility affects magnetic losses in the alternating magnetic field (AMF)

    Hyperthermia treatment of cancer cells by the application of targeted silk/iron oxide composite spheres

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    Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) are one of the most extensively studied materials for theranostic applications. IONPs can be used for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), delivery of therapeutics, and hyperthermia treatment. Silk is a biocompatible material and can be used for biomedical applications. Previously, we produced spheres made of H2.1MS1 bioengineered silk that specifically carried a drug to the Her2-overexpressing cancer cells. To confer biocompatibility and targeting properties to IONPs, we blended these particles with bioengineered spider silks. Three bioengineered silks (MS1Fe1, MS1Fe2, and MS1Fe1Fe2) functionalized with the adhesion peptides F1 and F2, were constructed and investigated to form the composite spheres with IONPs carrying a positive or negative charge. Due to its highest IONP content, MS1Fe1 silk was used to produce spheres from the H2.1MS1:MS1Fe silk blend to obtain a carrier with cell-targeting properties. Composite H2.1MS1:MS1Fe1/IONP spheres made of silks blended at different ratios were obtained. Although the increased content of MS1Fe1 silk in particles resulted in an increased affinity of the spheres to IONPs, it decreased the binding of the composite particles to cancer cells. The H2.1MS1:MS1Fe1 particles prepared at a ratio of 8:2 and loaded with IONPs exhibited the ability to bind to the targeted cancer cells similar to the control spheres without IONPs. Moreover, when exposed to the alternating magnetic field, these particles generated 2.5 times higher heat. They caused an almost three times higher percentage of apoptosis in cancer cells than the control particles. The blending of silks enabled the generation of cancer-targeting spheres with a high affinity for iron oxide nanoparticles, which can be used for anti-cancer hyperthermia therapy