1 research outputs found

    Molecular pathogenesis and diagnostic imaging of metastatic jaw tumors

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    Metastasis is the spread of malignant cells from a primary tumor to distant sites through lymphatics or blood vessels. Malignant lesions metastasizing to the oral and perioral region are a rarity indeed. Malignant lesions could metastasize to both soft tissue of oral cavity and the hard tissues of the jaws and recent meta-analysis showed that metastasis is more common in the jaws than oral soft tissues because of rich vascular supply. The incidence is very low when compared to the incidence of primary oral cancers; nevertheless, one has to include in the diagnostic workup, metastatic malignant lesions, when an irregular ill-defined radiolucency or radiodensity with ragged edges in noted. It could be a challenging task for a diagnostician, in cases with the presence and location of the primary tumor is unknown. Advanced oral imaging technologies and biochemical markers play a vital role in diagnosing such lesions