26 research outputs found

    An Equation-Free Approach for Second Order Multiscale Hyperbolic Problems in Non-Divergence Form

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    The present study concerns the numerical homogenization of second order hyperbolic equations in non-divergence form, where the model problem includes a rapidly oscillating coefficient function. These small scales influence the large scale behavior, hence their effects should be accurately modelled in a numerical simulation. A direct numerical simulation is prohibitively expensive since a minimum of two points per wavelength are needed to resolve the small scales. A multiscale method, under the equation free methodology, is proposed to approximate the coarse scale behaviour of the exact solution at a cost independent of the small scales in the problem. We prove convergence rates for the upscaled quantities in one as well as in multi-dimensional periodic settings. Moreover, numerical results in one and two dimensions are provided to support the theory

    Atomistic-continuum multiscale modelling of magnetisation dynamics at non-zero temperature

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    In this article, a few problems related to multiscale modelling of magnetic materials at finite temperatures and possible ways of solving these problems are discussed. The discussion is mainly centred around two established multiscale concepts: the partitioned domain and the upscaling-based methodologies. The major challenge for both multiscale methods is to capture the correct value of magnetisation length accurately, which is affected by a random temperature-dependent force. Moreover, general limitations of these multiscale techniques in application to spin systems are discussed.Comment: 30 page

    Exponential decay of the resonance error in numerical homogenization via parabolic and elliptic cell problems

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    This paper presents two new approaches for finding the homogenized coefficients of multiscale elliptic PDEs. Standard approaches for computing the homogenized coefficients suffer from the so-called resonance error, originating from a mismatch between the true and the computational boundary conditions. Our new methods, based on solutions of parabolic and elliptic cell-problems, result in an exponential decay of the resonance error

    Efficient low rank approximations for parabolic control problems with unknown heat source

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    An inverse problem of finding an unknown heat source for a class of linear parabolic equations is considered. Such problems can typically be converted to a direct problem with non-local conditions in time instead of an initial value problem. Standard ways of solving these non-local problems include direct temporal and spatial discretization as well as the shooting method, which may be computationally expensive in higher dimensions. In the present article, we present approaches based on low-rank approximation via Arnoldi algorithm to bypass the computational limitations of the mentioned classical methods. Regardless of the dimension of the problem, we prove that the Arnoldi approach can be effectively used to turn the inverse problem into a simple initial value problem at the cost of only computing one-dimensional matrix functions while still retaining the same accuracy as the classical approaches. Numerical results in dimensions d=1,2,3 are provided to validate the theoretical findings and to demonstrate the efficiency of the method for growing dimensions

    Analysis of HMM for Long Time Multiscale Wave Propagation Problems in Locally Periodic Media

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    Abstract Multiscale wave propagation problems are difficult to solve numerically due to the interaction of different scales inherent in the problem. Extracting information about the average behaviour of the system requires resolving small scales in the problem. This leads to a tremendous computational burden if the size of microscopic variations are much smaller than the size of scales of interest. Heterogeneous multiscale methods (HMM) is a tool to avoid resolving the small scales everywhere. Nevertheless, it approximates the average part of the solution by upscaling the microscopic information on a small part of the domain. This leads to a substantial improvement in the computational cost. In this article, we analyze an HMM-based numerical method which approximates the long time behaviour of multiscale wave equations. In particular, we consider theoretically challenging case of locally-periodic media where fast and slow variations are allowed at the same time. We are interested in the long time regime (T Δ = O(Δ −1 )), where Δ represents the wavelength of the fast variations in the media. We first use asymptotic expansions to derive effective equations describing the long time effects of the multiscale waves in multi-dimensional locally-periodic media. We then show that HMM captures these non-trivial long time effects. All the theoretical statements are general in terms of dimension. Two dimensional numerical examples are considered to support our theoretical arguments