9 research outputs found
Impact of Implementation of Nusantara Module Activities Independent Student Exchange Program Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
This type of research uses a quantitative approach. The quantitative approach is the approach used in research by measuring the indicators of the research variables in order to obtain an overview between these variables. Quantitative research is used to examine the population or sample. Data is collected using instruments or measuring instruments, then analyzed statistically or quantitatively. The Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya runs the Independent Student Exchange program by accepting 32 inbound students and sending outbound students as many as 167 students throughout Indonesia outside Java, where the archipelago module is a compulsory subject offered by the Ministry of Education and Research and Technology. In this activity, there were several recipient universities that only provided online learning, so students couldn't directly explore the knowledge gained during the PMM program. However, this doesn't dampen the enthusiasm of students to continue learning about the diversity that exists in Indonesia
Analysis of flame stabilization limit in a cylindrical of step micro-combustor with different material through the numerical simulation
The flame stabilization limit on micro-combustor had studied to support the micro power generator system. Micro-combustion became the crucial components in a micro power generation system as heat resource that will be converted into electricity. However, the unstable flame in micro-combustor became the main problem that faced by researchers, especially the excess of heat losses. The objective of this study is to observe the flame stabilization limit in a rearward facing step micro-combustor. This study was focused on the effect of micro-combustor material and flame stabilization through the numerical simulation. The micro-combustor material that was used in this study is quartz glass and stainless steel. Micro-combustor was divided into unburned region and burned region. The dimensions of micro-combustor are 3.5 mm inner diameter of unburned region, 4.5 mm inner diameter of burned region and 1 mm thickness. The results have shown that the material of micro-combustor and model of the flame holder have direct relationship with the characteristics of flame stabilization in the micro-combustors. The effects of the flame holder designs and micro-combustors dimensions on the flame stabilization were discussed in detail in this paper
Analysis of flame stabilization limit in a cylindrical of step micro-combustor with different material through the numerical simulation
The flame stabilization limit on micro-combustor had studied to support the micro power generator system. Micro-combustion became the crucial components in a micro power generation system as heat resource that will be converted into electricity. However, the unstable flame in micro-combustor became the main problem that faced by researchers, especially the excess of heat losses. The objective of this study is to observe the flame stabilization limit in a rearward facing step micro-combustor. This study was focused on the effect of micro-combustor material and flame stabilization through the numerical simulation. The micro-combustor material that was used in this study is quartz glass and stainless steel. Micro-combustor was divided into unburned region and burned region. The dimensions of micro-combustor are 3.5 mm inner diameter of unburned region, 4.5 mm inner diameter of burned region and 1 mm thickness. The results have shown that the material of micro-combustor and model of the flame holder have direct relationship with the characteristics of flame stabilization in the micro-combustors. The effects of the flame holder designs and micro-combustors dimensions on the flame stabilization were discussed in detail in this paper
Ekonomi mikro sebagai ilmu yang mempelajari perilaku produsen dan konsumen serta menentukan kuantitas faktor input, serta barang atau jasa apa yang kemudian akan diperdagangkan dengan mengacu pada harga pasar.
Beberapa aspek analisis dalam ekonomi mikro sendiri antara lain model pasar, industri, analisis manfaat, teori permintaan, analisis biaya dan penawaran, elastisitas, teori produksi hingga teori harga. Selain itu, ekonomi mikro juga berperan dalam membuat kebijakan perusahaan mengenai pengelolaan sumber daya seperti pengelolaan harga.
Adanya kebijakan dalam perusahaan juga dapat menjadikan perusahaan lebih strategis dan inovatif. Ekonomi mikro memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam memprediksi dan merancang strategi masa depan perusahaan. Ekonomi mikro akan memudahkan perusahaan untuk memahami perilaku, keinginan, dan kebutuhan konsumen
Istilah Marketing diartikan sebagai suatu perpaduan antara rangkaian aktivitas-aktivitas yang saling berhubungan untuk dapat mengetahui apa yang dibutuhkan oleh konsumen sehingga perusahaan dapat mengembangkan produk, harga, pelayanan dan melakukan promosi supaya kebutuhan konsumen dapat terpenuhi serta perusahaan mendapatkan keuntungan. Marketing memang sangat erat kaitannya dengan aktivitas kehidupan kita sehari-hari sebab objeknya ialah Konsumen. Biasanya kita sebagai konsumen sering dihadapkan pada beberapa pilihan seperti memilih merek dari produk tertentu yang hendak kita beli, dimana kita akan membelinya dan menentukan waktu maupun kualitas saat melakukan pembelian. Jadi kita sebagai konsumen dapat dijadikan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh para Marketer dalam melakukan kegiatan marketing. Dengan adanya marketing para konsumen tidak perlu memenuhi kebutuhannya secara sendiri-sendiri. Karena dengan melakukan pertukaran dengan para pelaku marketing, konsumen dapat memenuhi kebutuhan maupun kepuasannya dengan mendapatkan produk ataupun jasa. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka, buku ini menyajikan segala yang dibutuhkan oleh para pengelola pelaku usaha dalam menjalankan roda perputaran perusahaannya agar dapat menciptakan kualitas dan kuantitasnya