7 research outputs found

    Analisis Kadar Kolesterol Low Density Lipoproteinsebagai Faktor Risiko Komplikasi pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

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    Dyslipidemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) can be increased the cardiovascular risk and this condition was equivalent with the elevated of LDL-cholesterol. In type 2 diabetes, LDL was small, dense and more aterogenic. This research was an observational study used cross sectional approach. The samples were 50 samples consist of twenty five of T2DM with non-CHD patient (50%) and twenty five of T2DM with CHD patient (50%) with age 45 years old or more. The level of serum LDL was measured by photometry used ABX Pentra 400. The data was analyzed by statistical method. The result study was conducted that normal LDL level was 9 (18%) patients and abnormal LDL level was 16 (32%) in T2DM with non-CHD patient. While in patient with T2DM with CHD had abnormal LDL level overall (50%). The high level of LDL in T2DM was accelerated complication occurrence, mainly coronary heart disease (CHD).Keywords: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), dyslipidemia, LDL level, CHD complicatio

    Uji Antioksidan Ekstrak Etanol Buah dan Biji Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.) dengan Metode DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl)

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    ABSTRACT Background: Free radicals and antioxidant were widely discussed in world of health because most of the diseases were initiated by presence of oxidation reaction in the body. The process of free radical formation could be inhibited by the presence of antioxidant. Antioxidant was a compound that can protect the biological system in the body. Research Purpose: This research aimed to analyze the potential of fruits and seeds of Morinda citrifolia L. as antioxidant which could counteract free radicals using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) method. Research Method:This research used experimental method with post test only control design. The research was located in Integrated Laboratory of Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Laboratory of Faculty of Pharmacy of Halu Oleo University. Samples of this research were fruit and seed ethanol extract of Morinda citrifolia L.which were taken in West Kendari, Kendari City. The independent variables from this research were fruit ethanol extract and seed ethanol extract of cheese fruit and dependent variable was antioxidant potential. Potential and antioxidant activity (IC50) were tested by measuring DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) uptake using a spectrophotometer. Antioxidant activity (IC50) was analyzed using a linear regression equation. Research Result:The result of this research showed that there was a color changing of DPPH from purple to yellow on fruits ethanol extract and seeds ethanol extract of Morinda citrifolia L. and had antioxidant activity about IC50 398,99 ppm and 401,37 ppm, respectively.Conclusion: Conclusion from this research revealed that fruit ethanol extract and seed ethanol extract of Morinda citrifolia L.has weak antioxidant activity.Keywords : Antioxidant activity, DPPH method, IC50, Morinda citrifolia L

    Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Hidrolisat Protein Kerang Pasir (Semele cordiformis) dengan Metode DPPH (Antioxidant Activity of Protein Hydrolisate from Semele cordiformis Using DPPH Methode)

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    Background: Sand shell (Semele cordiformis) is commonly found in South East Sulawesi marine area. This species traditionally used for treatment of several disease. Nevertheless, there is less publication about bioactivity of S. cordiformis as asource of drugs. Purpose: The aims of this research is to determine the activity of protein hydrolysate of S. cordiformis as an antioxidant. Methods: This research was conducted by pre-experimetal study with post test only control group design. Antioxidant activity was measure by DPPH method and spectrophotometry. The sample was hydrolyzed by using papain enzyme. The sample was made in to concentration 200 ppm, 400 ppm, 600 ppm, 800 ppm, and 1000 ppm and vitamin C was used as positive control. The IC50 was used to measure antioxidant activity. Results: Concentration of 200 ppm showed 36,68% of inhibition percentage, 400 ppm showed 47,69%, 600 ppm showed 60,19%, 800 ppm showed 65,63%, and 1000 ppm showed 72,69 %. The IC50 value of was obtained for 453,777 ppm. Conclusion: The protein hydrolysate of S. cordiformis have an antioxidant activity and the hydrolisat concentration is directly proportional with inhibition activity.Keyword: antioxidant, protein hydrolysate, Semele cordiformis ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Kerang pasir atau Semele ccordiformis merupakan jenis kerang yang banyak ditemukan di perairan Sulawesi Tenggara. Kerang ini merupakah salah satu jenis kerang yang telah dimanfaatkan secara turun-temurun oleh masyarakat lokal untuk pengobatan. Meskipun demikian, belum ditemukan publikasi ilmiah mengenai bioaktifitas S. ccordiformis dalam bidang kesehatan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktifitas antioksidan hidrolisat protein S. cordiformis. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan desain pra-eksperimental dengan pendekatan post-test only control group. Uji aktivitas antioksidan menggunakan metode DPPH dengan prinsip spektrofotometri. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah S. cordiformis yang diperoleh dari perairan Pulau Bokori, Kabupaten Konawe, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara yang kemudian dihidrolisis menggunakan enzim papain. Sampel dibuat menjadi beberapa konsentrasi yaitu 200 ppm, 400 ppm, 600 ppm, 800 ppm, and 1000 ppm dan vitamin C digunakan sebagai kontrol positif. Nilai IC50 digunakan untuk mengetahui aktifitas antioksidan. Hasil: Konsentrasi 200 ppm menghasilkan persen inhibisi sebesar 36,68%, 400 ppm sebesar 47,69%, 600 ppm sebesar 60,19%, 800 ppm sebesar 65,63%, dan 1000 ppm sebesar 72,69 %. Nilai IC50 yang diperoleh adalah 453,777 ppm. Simpulan: hidrolisat protein S. cordiformis memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dengan konsentrasi hidrolisat berbanding lurus terhadap aktifitas inhibisi.Kata Kunci: antioksidan, hidrolisat protein, Semele cordiformi

    Hubungan Kadar Kolesterol Total dan Trigliserida dengan Kejadian Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 di Daerah Pesisir Kota Kendari

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    Background: Type 2 Diabetes mellitus is a common health problem which may result chronic complications. Risk factors such as dyslipidemia, obesity, family history, and genetics play important role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Study on total cholesterol and trygliseride have been carried out in several countries which show relations between total cholesterol and trygliseride with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between total cholesterol and trigliseride with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the coastal areas of Kendari City. Methods: This study used analytical observational method, with case control approach. The independent variables used in this research is cholesterol total and trigliseride meanwhile the dependent variable is the type2 diabetes mellitus. The location of this research is working area of Public Health Centre located in the coastal area of Kendari City. Result: total cholesterol levels show sig. p value 1,369 based on Chi Square Test, which showed there was no difference in total cholesterol levels. Meanwhile, the triglyceride levels also did not show a significant difference between case and control groups. (p = 0.101). Conclusion: There was no correlation between the increase of total cholesterol level and triglyceride levels with the incidence of DM Type 2 in Kendari City.Keyword: Total Cholesterol, Trigliseride, Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, Coastal Area

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Bawang Putih Terhadap Kadar Serum Kreatinin Tikus Hipertensi Two Kidney One Clipp (Effect of Allium sativum Extract to Serum Creatinine of Two Kidney One Clipp Hypertension Rat)

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    Background: Garlic (Allium sativum) has long been used both as a food and traditional medicine. Several studies have shown  potential of garlic (Allium sativum) as an antihypertensive. In previous in vitro study found that dipeptide on garlic extract after hydrolyzed by the enzyme papain have ACE inhibitory activity. Induction of hypertension with 2 Kidney One Clip (2K1C) methodcauses the kidneys lose their physiological functions. A.sativum is expected to ameliorate kidney function. This study aimed to analyze creatinine levels in rat induced by 2K1C. Method: These study was an in vivo study with Pre-Post Test Only Control group Design. Before treatment, 30 subjects induced hypertension by 2K1C method. Treatment was conducted for four weeks. The recent study was conducted on 36 Rattus norvegicus, Wistar strain were divided into 6 groups. Measurement of creatinine was conducted by spectrophotometry method. Result: The results showed that there were significant differences in creatinine levels between groups (p 0.05). A.sativum 75m/kgBB gave the best decrease in creatinine levels up to 1.75 mg/dL compared to the A.sativum 25mg/kgBB and A.sativum group 50 mg/kgBB. There were significant differences in creatinine levels A.sativum 75 mg/kgBB and captopril (p 0.05). Kelompok A. sativum 75m/kgBB menunjukkan penurunan kadar kreatinin yang sangat signifikan hingga 1.75 mg/dL dibanding kelompok  A. sativum 25mg/kgBB and A. sativum group 50 mg/kgBB. Terdapat perbedaan kadar kreatinin yang signifikan antara kelompok A. sativum 75 mg/kgBB dan captopril (p <0.05). Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan kadar kreatinin yang signifikan antar kelompok dan penurunan kadar kreatinin terbaik yaitu pada dosis  75 mg / kg. Kata Kunci: A.sativum, hipertensi, kreatinin, 2K1

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Tingkat Kecemasan Tenaga Kesehatan Dalam Pelayanan pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Tidore Kepulauan

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    ABSTRAKLatar Belakang. Tenaga kesehatan merupakan kelompok yang sangat rentan terinfeksi COVID-19karena  berada  digarda  terdepan  penanganan  kasus       COVID-19  sehingga  sangat  memungkinkan mengalami kecemasan karena disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti usia, ketersediaan APD dan pengetahuan. Tujuan umum pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat kecemasan tenaga kesehatan dalam pelayanan pada masa pandemi COVID-19 di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Tidore Kepulauan. Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik obsevasional dengan rancangan cross-sectional di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Tidore Kepulauan pada bulan Desember 2020. Penentuan teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan Purposive Sampling  dengan jumlah sampel 165 reponden.  Uji pearson  chi-square dilakukan untuk menilai hubungan antara kecemasan dan usia, status keluarga, ketersediaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) dan pengetahuan.  Hasil. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan pada usia (p=0.035); ketersediaan alat pelindung diri (p=0.006); pengetahuan (p=0.002) terhadap  tingkat  kecemasan   dan  tidak  ada  pengaruh  yang  signifikan  pada  status  berkeluarga (p=0,064)  terhadap  tingkat  kecemasan  tenaga  kesehatan                                               dalam  pelayanan  pada  masa  pandemi COVID-19 di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Tidore Kepulauan.   Kesimpulan. Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara usia, ketersediaan alat pelindung diri dan pengetahuan terhadap tingkat kecemasan tenaga kesehatan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Tidore Kepualauan.Kata Kunci : COVID-19, Pandemi, Tenaga kesehatan, Tingkat kecemasan