3 research outputs found

    Interactive effects of Potato virus Y and Potato leafroll virus infection on potato yields in Uganda

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    Potatoes are prone to attack by multiple viruses, which contribute greatly to yield and quality decline depending on the cultivar and the virus involved. This study investigated the effect of co-infection involving Potato virus Y (potyvirus) and Potato leafroll Virus (pelero virus) on productivity of five potato cultivars in Uganda and the nature of virus interaction during co-infection process. Variety response to virus infection by PVY, PLRV and co-infection (PVY + PLRV) varied across different varieties. The plants that were infected with PLRV had leaf rolling, stuntedness, leaf distortion, reduction in leaf size and mottling and light yellow mosaics, and in some cases, purple or red margins were observed, while single infection of PVY induced necrosis, leaf rugosity, crinkling, stunting, interveinal necrosis, blotching of the margins, leaf distortion and mottling. When the two viruses were combined during co-infection with PVY + PLRV, the symptoms were characterized by bright blotching and necrotic leaf margins with purpling of the leaf tips and leaf margins, stuntedness and leaf distortions. The virus disease severity was higher under mixed infected plants than single infected plants. The high disease severity culminated in a significant effect on yield, marketable tuber number per plant, plant growth height and plant vigor, which were different across the varieties. Co-infection involving PVY and PLRV caused a reduction in the marketable yield of 95.2% (Kinigi), 94% (Victoria), 89.5 (Rwagume), 45.3% (Royal) and 23.7% (Sifra). Single infection by PLRV caused a reduction in a marketable yield in Victoria (91.8%), Kinigi (84.8%), Rwagume (73.3%), Royal (47.2%) and Sifra 22.1%, while PVY caused a marketable yield reduction in Victoria (87.2%), Rwagume (85.9.7%), Kinigi (85.1%), Royal (37.4%) and Sifra (14.1%). The effects associated with the co-infection of PVY and PLRV were lower than the combined value of the single infections, suggesting that the two viruses were interacting to affect the potato productivity. The high yield loss suggested that effective resistance strategy targeting PVY, PLRV and their combination was required to save the potato industry in Uganda

    Comparative Phenotypic and Agronomic Assessment of Transgenic Potato with 3R-Gene Stack with Complete Resistance to Late Blight Disease

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    Transgenic potato event Vic.172, expressing three naturally occurring resistance genes (R genes) conferring complete protection against late blight disease, was evaluated for resistance to late blight, phenotypic characterization, and agronomic performance in field conditions at three locations during three seasons in Uganda. These trials were conducted by comparison to the variety Victoria from which Vic.172 derives, using identical fungicide treatment, except when evaluating disease resistance. During all seasons, the transgenic event Vic.172 was confirmed to have complete resistance to late blight disease, whereas Victoria plants were completely dead by 60–80 days after planting. Tubers from Vic.172 were completely resistant to LB after artificial inoculation. The phenotypic characterization included observations of the characteristics and development of the stems, leaves, flowers, and tubers. Differences in phenotypic parameters between Vic.172 and Victoria were not statistically significant across locations and seasons. The agronomic performance observations covered sprouting, emergence, vigor, foliage growth, and yield. Differences in agronomic performance were not statistically significant except for marketable yield in one location under high productivity conditions. However, yield variation across locations and seasons was not statistically significant, but was influenced by the environment. Hence, the results of the comparative assessment of the phenotype and agronomic performance revealed that transgenic event Vic.172 did not present biologically significant differences in comparison to the variety Victoria it derives from

    How big is the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) yield gap in Sub-Saharan Africa and why? A participatory approach

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    According to potato experts from ten Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries working together in a community of practice (CoP) over a 3-years period, potato farmers across SSA can increase their current annual production of 10.8 million metric tons by 140% if they had access to high quality seed along with improved management practices. This paper describes this innovative new methodology tested on potato for the first time, combining modelling and a comprehensive online survey through a CoP. The intent was to overcome the paucity of experimental information required for crop modelling. Researchers, whose data contributed to estimating model parameters, participated in the study using Solanum, a crop model developed by the International Potato Center (CIP). The first finding was that model parameters estimated through participatory modelling using experts’ knowledge were good approximations of those obtained experimentally. The estimated yield gap was 58 Mg ha-1, of which 35 corresponded to a research gap (potential yield minus research yield) and 24 to farmers’ gap (research yield minus farmer’s yield). Over a 6-month period, SurveyMonkey, a Web-based platform was used to assess yield gap drivers. The survey revealed that poor quality seed and bacterial wilt were the main yield gap drivers as perceived by survey respondents