10 research outputs found

    Be aware of the allele-specific bias and compositional effects in multi-template PCR

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    High-throughput sequencing of amplicon libraries is the most widespread and one of the most effective ways to study the taxonomic structure of microbial communities, even despite growing accessibility of whole metagenome sequencing. Due to the targeted amplification, the method provides unparalleled resolution of communities, but at the same time perturbs initial community structure thereby reducing data robustness and compromising downstream analyses. Experimental research of the perturbations is largely limited to comparative studies on different PCR protocols without considering other sources of experimental variation related to characteristics of the initial microbial composition itself. Here we analyse these sources and demonstrate how dramatically they effect the relative abundances of taxa during the PCR cycles. We developed the mathematical model of the PCR amplification assuming the heterogeneity of amplification efficiencies and considering the compositional nature of data. We designed the experiment—five consecutive amplicon cycles (22–26) with 12 replicates for one real human stool microbial sample—and estimated the dynamics of the microbial community in line with the model. We found the high heterogeneity in amplicon efficiencies of taxa that leads to the non-linear and substantial (up to fivefold) changes in relative abundances during PCR. The analysis of possible sources of heterogeneity revealed the significant association between amplicon efficiencies and the energy of secondary structures of the DNA templates. The result of our work highlights non-trivial changes in the dynamics of real-life microbial communities due to their compositional nature. Obtained effects are specific not only for amplicon libraries, but also for any studies of metagenome dynamics

    Diversity Indices of Plant Communities and Their Rhizosphere Microbiomes: An Attempt to Find the Connection

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    The rhizosphere community represents an “ecological interface” between plant and soil, providing the plant with a number of advantages. Despite close connection and mutual influence in this system, the knowledge about the connection of plant and rhizosphere diversity is still controversial. One of the most valuable factors of this uncertainty is a rough estimation of plant diversity. NGS sequencing can make the estimations of the plant community more precise than classical geobotanical methods. We investigate fallow and crop sites, which are similar in terms of environmental conditions and soil legacy, yet at the same time are significantly different in terms of plant diversity. We explored amplicons of both the plant root mass (ITS1 DNA) and the microbial communities (16S rDNA); determined alpha- and beta-diversity indices and their correlation, and performed differential abundance analysis. In the analysis, there is no correlation between the alpha-diversity indices of plants and the rhizosphere microbial communities. The beta-diversity between rhizosphere microbial communities and plant communities is highly correlated (R = 0.866, p = 0.01). ITS1 sequencing is effective for the description of plant root communities. There is a connection between rhizosphere communities and the composition of plants, but on the alpha-diversity level we found no correlation. In the future, the connection of alpha-diversities should be explored using ITS1 sequencing, even in more similar plant communities—for example, in different synusia

    RIAM: A Universal Accessible Protocol for the Isolation of High Purity DNA from Various Soils and Other Humic Substances

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    A single universal open protocol RIAM (named after Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology) for the isolation of high purity DNA from different types of soils and other substrates (high and low in humic, clay content, organic fertilizer, etc.) is proposed. The main features of the RIAM protocol are the absence of the sorption–desorption stage on silica columns, the use of high concentrations of phosphate in buffers, which prevents DNA sorption on minerals, and DNA precipitation using CTAB. The performance of RIAM was compared with a reference commercial kit and showed very good results in relation to the purity and quantity of DNA, as well as the absence of inhibitory activity on PCR. In all cases, the RIAM ensured the isolation of DNA in quantities much greater than the commercial kit without the effect of PCR inhibition up to 50 ng DNA per reaction in a volume of 15 µL. The latter circumstance along with the ability of the protocol to extract low molecular weight DNA fractions makes the method especially suitable for those cases where quantitative assessments, detection of minor components of soil microbiota, and completeness of isolation of all DNA fractions are required

    Microbial Composition on Abandoned and Reclaimed Mining Sites in the Komi Republic (North Russia)

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    Restoration of anthropogenically disturbed soils is an urgent problem in modern ecology and soil biology. Restoration processes in northern environments are especially important, due to the small amounts of fertile land and low levels of natural succession. We analyzed the soil microbiota, which is one of the indicators of the succession process is the soil. Samples were obtained from three disturbed soils (self-overgrown and reclaimed quarries), and two undisturbed soils (primary and secondary forests). Primary Forest soil had a well-developed soil profile, and a low pH and TOC (total organic carbon) amount. The microbial community of this soil had low richness, formed a clear remote cluster in the beta-diversity analysis, and showed an overrepresentation of Geobacter (Desulfobacteriota). Soil formation in clay and limestone abandoned quarries was at the initial stage, and was caused by both a low rate of mineral profile formation and severe climatic conditions in the region. Microbial communities of these soils did not have specific abundant taxa, and included a high amount of sparse taxa. Differences in taxa composition were correlated with abiotic factors (ammonium concentration), which, in turn, can be explained by the parent rock properties. Limestone quarry reclaimed by topsoil coverage resulted in an adaptation of the top soil microbiota to a novel parent rock. According to the CCA analysis, the microbial composition of samples was connected with pH, TOC and ammonium nitrogen concentration. Changes in pH and TOC were connected with ASVs from Chloroflexota, Gemmatimonadota and Patescibacteria. ASVs from Gemmatimonadota also were correlated with a high ammonium concentration

    Water Stress, Cadmium, and Plant Genotype Modulate the Rhizosphere Microbiome of Pisum sativum L.

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    Drought and heavy metals seriously affect plant growth and the biodiversity of the associated rhizosphere microbiomes, which, in turn, could be involved in the adaptation of plants to these environmental stresses. Rhizosphere soil was collected from a three-factor pot experiment, where pea line SGE and its Cd-tolerant mutant SGECdt were cultivated under both optimal and limited water conditions and treated with a toxic Cd concentration. The taxonomic structure of the prokaryotic rhizosphere microbiome was analyzed with the high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA amplicon libraries. A permutation test demonstrated statistically significant effects of Cd and water stress but not of pea genotype on the rhizosphere microbiome structure. Phylogenetic isometric log-ratio data transformation identified the taxonomic balances that were affected by abiotic factors and pea genotypes. A small number of significant (log ratio [−3.0:+3.0]) and phylogenetically deep balances characterized water stress, while a larger number of weak (log ratio [−0.8:+0.8]) phylogenetically lower balances described the influence of the plant genotype. Stress caused by cadmium took on an intermediate position. The main conclusion of the study is that the most powerful factor affecting the rhizosphere microbiome was water stress, and the weakest factor was plant genotype since it demonstrated a very weak transformation of the taxonomic structure of rhizosphere microbiomes in terms of alpha diversity indices, beta diversity, and the log ratio values of taxonomic balances

    Dynamic of the Soil Microbiota in Short-Term Crop Rotation

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    Crop rotation is one of the oldest and most effective methods of restoring soil fertility, which declines when the same plant is grown repeatedly. One of the reasons for a reduction in fertility is the accumulation of pathogenic and unfavorable microbiota. The modern crop rotation schemes (a set of plant species and their order in the crop rotation) are highly effective but are designed without considering soil microbiota dynamics. The main goal of this study was to perform a short-term experiment with multiple plant combinations to access the microbiological effects of crop rotation. It could be useful for the design of long-term crop rotation schemes that take the microbiological effects of the crop rotation into account. For the analysis, five plants (legumes: vetch, clover, and cereals: oats, wheat, and barley) were used. These five plants were separately grown in pots with soil. After the first phase of vegetation, the plants were removed from the soil and a new crop was planted. Soil samples from all 25 possible combinations of primary and secondary crops were investigated using v4-16S rDNA gene sequencing. It was shown that the short-term experiments (up to 40 days of growing) are effective enough to find microbial shifts in bulk soil from different plants. Both primary and secondary cultures are significant factors for the microbial composition of microbial soil communities. Changes are the most significant in the microbial communities of vetch soils, especially in the case of vetch monoculture. Growing clover also leads to changes in microbiota, especially according to beta-diversity. Data obtained can be used to develop new crop rotation schemes that take into account the microbiological effects of various crops

    The Structure of Stable Cellulolytic Consortia Isolated from Natural Lignocellulosic Substrates

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    Recycling plant matter is one of the challenges facing humanity today and depends on efficient lignocellulose degradation. Although many bacterial strains from natural substrates demonstrate cellulolytic activities, the CAZymes (Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes) responsible for these activities are very diverse and usually distributed among different bacteria in one habitat. Thus, using microbial consortia can be a solution to rapid and effective decomposition of plant biomass. Four cellulolytic consortia were isolated from enrichment cultures from composting natural lignocellulosic substrates—oat straw, pine sawdust, and birch leaf litter. Enrichment cultures facilitated growth of similar, but not identical cellulose-decomposing bacteria from different substrates. Major components in all consortia were from Proteobacteria, Actinobacteriota and Bacteroidota, but some were specific for different substrates—Verrucomicrobiota and Myxococcota from straw, Planctomycetota from sawdust and Firmicutes from leaf litter. While most members of the consortia were involved in the lignocellulose degradation, some demonstrated additional metabolic activities. Consortia did not differ in the composition of CAZymes genes, but rather in axillary functions, such as ABC-transporters and two-component systems, usually taxon-specific and associated with CAZymes. Our findings show that enrichment cultures can provide reproducible cellulolytic consortia from various lignocellulosic substrates, the stability of which is ensured by tight microbial relations between its components

    The Succession of the Cellulolytic Microbial Community from the Soil during Oat Straw Decomposition

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    The process of straw decomposition is dynamic and is accompanied by the succession of the microbial decomposing community, which is driven by poorly understood interactions between microorganisms. Soil is a complex ecological niche, and the soil microbiome can serve as a source of potentially active cellulolytic microorganisms. Here, we performed an experiment on the de novo colonization of oat straw by the soil microbial community by placing nylon bags with sterilized oat straw in the pots filled with chernozem soil and incubating them for 6 months. The aim was to investigate the changes in decomposer microbiota during this process using conventional sequencing techniques. The bacterial succession during straw decomposition occurred in three phases: the early phase (first month) was characterized by high microbial activity and low diversity, the middle phase (second to third month) was characterized by low activity and low diversity, and the late phase (fourth to sixth months) was characterized by low activity and high diversity. Analysis of amplicon sequencing data revealed three groups of co-changing phylotypes corresponding to these phases. The early active phase was abundant in the cellulolytic members from Pseudomonadota, Bacteroidota, Bacillota, and Actinobacteriota for bacteria and Ascomycota for fungi, and most of the primary phylotypes were gone by the end of the phase. The second intermediate phase was marked by the set of phylotypes from the same phyla persisting in the community. In the mature community of the late phase, apart from the core phylotypes, non-cellulolytic members from Bdellovibrionota, Myxococcota, Chloroflexota, and Thermoproteota appeared. Full metagenome sequencing of the microbial community from the end of the middle phase confirmed that major bacterial and fungal members of this consortium had genes of glycoside hydrolases (GH) connected to cellulose and chitin degradation. The real-time analysis of the selection of these genes showed that their representation varied between phases, and this occurred under the influence of the host, and not the GH family factor. Our findings demonstrate that soil microbial community may act as an efficient source of cellulolytic microorganisms and that colonization of the cellulolytic substrate occurs in several phases, each characterized by its own taxonomic and functional profile

    The difference between cellulolytic 'culturomes' and microbiomes inhabiting two contrasting soil types.

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    High-throughput 16S rRNA sequencing was performed to compare the microbiomes inhabiting two contrasting soil types-sod-podzolic soil and chernozem-and the corresponding culturome communities of potentially cellulolytic bacteria cultured on standard Hutchinson media. For each soil type, soil-specific microorganisms have been identified: for sod-podzolic soil-Acidothermus, Devosia, Phenylobacterium and Tumebacillus, and for chernozem soil-Sphingomonas, Bacillus and Blastococcus. The dynamics of differences between soil types for bulk soil samples and culturomes varied depending on the taxonomic level of the corresponding phylotypes. At high taxonomic levels, the number of common taxa between soil types increased more slowly for bulk soil than for culturome. Differences between soil-specific phylotypes were detected in bulk soil at a low taxonomic level (genus, species). A total of 13 phylotypes were represented both in soil and in culturome. No relationship was shown between the abundance of these phylotypes in soil and culturome

    The Role of Symbiotic Microorganisms, Nutrient Uptake and Rhizosphere Bacterial Community in Response of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Genotypes to Elevated Al Concentrations in Soil

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    Aluminium being one of the most abundant elements is very toxic for plants causing inhibition of nutrient uptake and productivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of microbial consortium consisting of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF), rhizobia and PGPR for counteracting negative effects of Al toxicity on four pea genotypes differing in Al tolerance. Pea plants were grown in acid soil supplemented with AlCl3 (pHKCl = 4.5) or neutralized with CaCO3 (pHKCl = 6.2). Inoculation increased shoot and/or seed biomass of plants grown in Al-supplemented soil. Nodule number and biomass were about twice on roots of Al-treated genotypes after inoculation. Inoculation decreased concentrations of water-soluble Al in the rhizosphere of all genotypes grown in Al-supplemented soil by about 30%, improved N2 fixation and uptake of fertilizer 15N and nutrients from soil, and increased concentrations of water-soluble nutrients in the rhizosphere. The structure of rhizospheric microbial communities varied to a greater extent depending on the plant genotype, as compared to soil conditions and inoculation. Thus, this study highlights the important role of symbiotic microorganisms and the plant genotype in complex interactions between the components of the soil-microorganism-plant continuum subjected to Al toxicity