373 research outputs found


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    Village-owned enterprises (BUMDes) are village business institutions managed by the community and village government in an effort to strengthen the village economy and are formed based on the needs and potential of the village. In Kupang district, especially South Amfoang sub-district, which consists of 6 villages, there are several BUMDes programs implemented, namely savings and loans, village kiosks and cattle fattening. These villages are still lagging behind in terms of poor infrastructure, inadequate access to information, minimal human resources and population income that is still below average. This of course will affect the development of the village economy. This study aims to determine the description of village policy data. This study aims to determine the description of village policy data, community participation, and the capacity of BUMDes managers in the context of village economic development, to analyze the direct effect of village policies, community participation and the capacity of BUMDes managers on village economic development in South Amfoang sub-district. The method used in this research is quantitative research which is regressive in nature, namely research conducted to find the influence of policies, community participation and the capacity of BUMDes managers on economic development in 6 villages located in Amfoang Selatan sub-district, Kupang district. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant effect. It can be seen from the indicators of village policies, the better the policies are made, the village economy will develop, community participation has a positive and significant effect on economic development. It can be seen from the indicators of community participation, the higher the level of community participation, the efforts to develop the village economy will run as planned, the capacity of BUMDes managers has a positive and significant effect on economic development. Village policies, community participation and the capacity of BUMDes managers collectively have a positive and significant impact on economic development

    Keanekaragaman Ikan Karang di Perairan Lombok Timur, Nusa. Tenggara Barat [Coral Reef Diversity In East Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat]

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    Studi tentang keanekaragaman ikan di Gili Lawang, Gili Sulat dan Gili Bidara, Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat dilakukan pada bulan September 2002. Pengamatan terhadap ikan karang diiakukan dengan metode Rapid Ecological Assessment. Pengamatan ikan karang meliputi jenis, penyebaran dan pola hidup secara umum setiap famili. Selama penelitian telah diidentifikasi sebanyak 17 famili yang mencakup 53 spesies ikan karang

    Stabilisasi Tanah Lempung Lunak Dengan Kapur Pada Kondisi Kadar Air Lapangan

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    This paper discusses the soft clay soil stabilization with lime on the condition of the water content of the field. The sample used is soft clay of Marabahan, Barito Kuala, South Kalimantan. The water content of the sample is initially 76.2%. Samples were mixed with natural limestone that has been crushed and screened through a sieve No. 20 the percentage of 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 percent based on the dry weight of the sample. Samples were mixed with lime cured for 7 and 14 days. Some of the tests performed in the laboratory include testing soil plasticity, direct shear tests, unconfined compression test, vane shear test, consolidation, and CBR. The results showed a decrease in the values of soil plasticity (liquid limit and plasticity index) and soil compression parameters (cc and cs) with the increased percentage of lime. While the values of cohesion, friction angle in, qu and qr, and CBR increases with increasing percentage of lime. The results also showed that the curing time effect on soil parameters were mixed lime

    Analisis Kesesuaian dan Variasi Pola Pengambilan Mata Kuliah terhadap Kurikulum dengan Teknik Penggalian Proses

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    Perbedaan antara pengambilan mata kuliah pada kurikulum dengan pengambilan mata kuliah mahasiswa dapat diketahui dengan menggunakan teknik penggalian proses. Penelitian ini menggunakan pengambilan mata kuliah mahasiswa salah satu jurusan di ITS yang sudah lulus dan tidak terkena dampak ekivalensi. Kurikulum yang digunakan adalah kurikulum 2004 dan 2009. Metdologi pengerjaan dalam penggalian proses ini memiliki empat tahap yang pertama adalah tahap persiapan yaitu dari pemahaman teori sampai pembentukan event log yang ada pada sistem informasi INTEGRA ITS dengan cara melakukan ekstrasi data. Tahap kedua adalah melakukan pembentukan model dengan menggunakan algoritma inductive miner. Tahap ketiga adalah melakukan analisis terhadap model yang dihasilkan yaitu pola pengambilan mata kuliah mahasiswa untuk melihat kesesuaiannya dengan kurikulum yang berlaku. Tahap terakhir adalah rekomendasi dan pembuatan buku tugas akhir.Hasil dari penggalian proses ini adalah model dari pola pengambilan mata kuliah mahasiswa. Ada enam model yang berbeda yaitu kurikulum 2004 dan 2009, pada setiap kurikulum dipisahkan menjadi tiga yaitu mahasiswa dengan predikat terpuji, sangat memuaskan dan lulus tidak tepat waktu. Setelah dilakukan analisis terhadap keenam model didapatkan hasil bahwa penyebab perbedaan antara kurikulum dengan pola pengambilan mata kuliah mahasiswa adalah terdapat mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah di semester atas dan ada mata kuliah yang diulang kembal

    Pleistocene Coral Reef Facies in Bira, South Sulawesi

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    Pleistocene coral reefs in eastern part of Indonesia formed terraces and commonly have a narrow size such as the reef in Bulukumba region. They expresses highly tectonized or uplifted area. This research is located at Bira District of Bulukumba Regency or in the southern tip of South Sulawesi Peninsula. The objective of this research is to define depositional environment based on coral reef development and to interpret palaenvironment during the reef development. Several methods were applied such as intersect lines which are perpendicular to the cliff, petrographic analyses, as well as palaeoenvironment interpretation. Three facies are described at the Pleistocene reef showing he environmental development, namely 1) Reef Fron Facies, 2) Reef Core Facies, 3) Back Reef Facies. Based on facies association and organism accumulation, the depositional environment of Pleistocene reefis interpreted to be developed in a reef complex

    Determining Direction Flow of Landfill Leachate (Case Study: Antang Tamangapa Landfill) Makassar, South Sulawesi Province

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    Landfill at Antang Tamangapa, Makassar is still an active landfill nowadays. It was constructed in 1995 as an open dumping landfill system. However, due to the huge volume of waste disposal from time to time the system is not used anymore. Volume of disposal in Antang landfill until 2014 reachs 13640 M3/day. This condition become an environmental problem that must be handled. The aim of this study is to figure out the influence of environmental and groundwater system in Tamangapa area. Geoelectric method with Wenner’s and Schlumberger’s configurations is applied and furthermore in RES2DINV 5.54 program in order to analyze in 3- D view. Chemical analysis is used to understand the distribution and quality of groundwater. Groundwater flow analysis shows that the flow direction is Northwest to Southwest. The leachate accumulation is found at the depth of 2 to 8 m. The chemical composition of leachate is nitrate (NO3-N), BOD, COD, and sulfate (SO4)
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