2,147 research outputs found

    Multi-Stage Complex Notch Filtering for Interference Detection and Mitigation to Improve the Acquisition Performance of GPS

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    Continuous Wave Interferences (CWIs) can degrade the accuracy of a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver and moreover it can completely deteriorate receiver’s normal operation. In this paper a low-cost anti-jamming system design is presented for the mitigation and detection of CWIs for GPS receivers. The anti-jamming system comprises of parameterizable Complex Adaptive Notch Filter (CANF) module which is able to detect and excise single or multiple CWIs. The CANF module is composed of a first, second and third order infinite-impulse response filter with an Auto-Regressive Moving Averager structure. The proposed CANF detects the existence of the CWI and estimates JNR level of incoming signal by using the statistical value of the adaptive parameter b0. The impact of the CANF module on the acquisition is analyzed. Moreover, a simple and innovative system level model is proposed which can utilize each CANF efficiently with threshold setting of JNR estimation within the adaptation block. Threshold setting parameters provide trade-off between effective excision of CWI, order of the filter and power consumption. This results in a parameterizable CANF module and provide effective solution for the mitigation of interferences with a high-power profile for GPS based applications

    A Gossip Algorithm based Clock Synchronization Scheme for Smart Grid Applications

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    The uprising interest in multi-agent based networked system, and the numerous number of applications in the distributed control of the smart grid leads us to address the problem of time synchronization in the smart grid. Utility companies look for new packet based time synchronization solutions with Global Positioning System (GPS) level accuracies beyond traditional packet methods such as Network Time Proto- col (NTP). However GPS based solutions have poor reception in indoor environments and dense urban canyons as well as GPS antenna installation might be costly. Some smart grid nodes such as Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs), fault detection, Wide Area Measurement Systems (WAMS) etc., requires synchronous accuracy as low as 1 ms. On the other hand, 1 sec accuracy is acceptable in management information domain. Acknowledging this, in this study, we introduce gossip algorithm based clock synchronization method among network entities from the decision control and communication point of view. Our method synchronizes clock within dense network with a bandwidth limited environment. Our technique has been tested in different kinds of network topologies- complete, star and random geometric network and demonstrated satisfactory performance
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