289 research outputs found

    Estado de la investigación de las publicaciones sobre Yield Management en revistas de turismo y hostelería

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    El Yield Management consiste en la asignación a la unidad correcta de capacidad (asiento de un avión, habitación de un hotel, etc.) al precio correcto y al cliente correcto, de forma que se consiga el máximo benefi cio posible (Smith et al., 1992). Se trata de un proceso complejo y dinámico (1) que se desarrolló a fi nales de los años setenta en Estados Unidos como respuesta a la desregulación del tráfi co aéreo. Según un estudio empírico (2) el 92% de los hoteleros sevillanos afi rman conocer la técnica pero ¿cuál es su difusión a nivel académico? En este trabajo recogemos los resultados obtenidos tras analizar las publicaciones sobre Yield Management en 9 revistas internacionales y 6 nacionales de Turismo y Hostelería durante el período 1996-2003. El proceso ha supuesto la revisión de más de 3.700 referencias y ha permitido la localización de 49 artículos sobre la técnica. Yield Management consists of assigning the right unit of capacity (aeroplane seat, hotel room, etc.), to the right customer at the right price in such a way as to maximise profi t (Smith et al., 1992). This is a dynamic and complex process (3) developed in the United States towards the end of the nineteen seventies as a response to the deregulation of air traffi c. According to an empirical study (4), 92% of hoteliers in Seville state that they are aware of the technique, but how extended is knowledge of it on the academic level? This paper gathers together the results of an analysis of publications on Yield Management in 9 international and 6 Spanish Tourism and Hospitality journals during the period 1996-2003. This process has required the reading of 3,700 references and has allowed 49 articles on the technique to be located

    La formación en turismo en España: pasado, presente y futuro en el nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

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    La nueva Universidad española es ya una realidad. En muchas universidades, el Título de Diplomado en Turismo está dejando paso al nuevo Grado, y la oferta de posgrados es cada vez más amplia. En este escenario de cambio, nos ha parecido interesante recoger la evolución de los estudios de Turismo en nuestro país, comenzando por los orígenes y el largo proceso hasta su incorporación al ámbito universitario. Posteriormente, analizamos el presente de la Diplomatura en Turismo, aportando finalmente algunos indicios sobre el nuevo horizonte que se abrirá con el Grado, Máster y Doctorado en Turismo

    Pasado, presente y futuro de los estudios de turismo en la universidad española

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    La nueva Universidad Española (esa del Plan Bolonia) de la que llevamos hablando hace ya algunos años, es cada vez más realidad del presente y menos proyecto del futuro. En muy pocos meses, todos los planes de estudio actuales y, por tanto, también el que posibilita la obtención del Título de Diplomado en Turismo, dejarán paso a los nuevos Títulos de Grado. Por su parte, los postgrados son ya una realidad que viven a diario muchos alumnos de nuestras universidades. En este escenario de cambio real de enfoque, en el que habrá que diseñar forzosamente nuevas estrategias y tácticas para conseguir la formación adecuada de los graduados y postgraduados en turismo, los autores de este trabajo quieren ser fieles a las enseñanzas que recibieron en aquella universidad que ahora estamos dejando atrás; y, de esta forma, mirar al pasado y analizar el presente, como receta necesaria para diseñar una correcta estrategia de futuro. Es por ello que nos ha parecido interesante presentar en este trabajo cuál ha sido la evolución de los estudios de turismo en nuestro país. El recuerdo del pasado comenzará con los orígenes de estos estudios en las instituciones privadas, y el largo proceso que los llevó a estar incluidos en el catálogo de enseñanzas universitarias oficiales. Posteriormente analizaremos el presente de la Diplomatura en Turismo en la universidad española, y, por último, aportaremos todos aquellos indicios que poseemos, más o menos certeros, sobre ese nuevo horizonte que se abrirá de forma general, más allá de las lógicas avanzadillas, con los nuevos estudios de Grado, Máster y Doctorado en Turismo.The new Spanish University (referred to the Bologna Plan), which we have been speaking for a few years ago, is becoming more and more a reality and less a future project. In very few months, all current curriculums in the Spanish University and, therefore, that one which makes possible to obtain the degree of Bachelor in Tourism, it will give way the new degree. Meanwhile, postgraduates are now a reality that many students live daily from our universities. In this scenario of real change, in which would be necessary design new strategies and tactics to get the proper training of graduates and postgraduates in tourism, the authors of this paper want to be faithful in relation with the teachings they received at the university, and thus look at to the past and analyze the present look, like a neccesary prescription for drawing a correct strategy for the future. That is why we have been interested in presenting the evolution of studies of tourism in our country. The memory of the past will start with the origins of these studies in private institutions, and the long process that led them to be included in the list of official university educations. Later, we will analyze the present of the degree of Bachelor in Tourism in the Spanish University, and finally we will contribute with the whole evidence that we possess, more or less accurate, on this new horizon that will be opened in general with new degrees, Master and Doctorate in Tourism

    Colaboración de herramientas mediante interfaces basadas en Servicios Web: la aplicación de videoconferencia Marte

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    El documento detalla la arquitectura ideada dentro del proyecto europeo ECOSPACE para la interoperabilidad de las herramientas de los e-Profesionales, empleando una aproximación orientada a servicios. Cada aplicación de un entorno de trabajo colaborativo debe ofrecer interfaces basadas en servicios web; en particular aquí se contempla el caso de la videoconferencia, como ejemplo representativo de sistema de funcionalidades avanzadas. Adicionalmente, los distintos servicios pueden componerse y orquestarse para ofrecer otros de mayor complejidad; para demostrar la flexibilidad y potencia de esta solución, se incluye un ejemplo que involucra múltiples herramientas. Finalmente, se contempla la posibilidad de usar otro tipo de interfaces, más extendidas actualmente, pero que implicarían un cambio profundo en la arquitectura y, por tanto, en las aplicaciones

    A WS-Agreement Extension for Specifying Temporal Properties in SLAS

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    Service level agreements (SLA) in service oriented architectures allow to regulate the service trading from providers to consumers. So SLAs must describe the agreement properties in a precise manner. WS-Agreement proposes a standard for describing SLAs to specify “which” service will offer and “how” it is offered. However there is another important question about services which is “when”. Temporality affects orthogonally to all aspects of a SLA (i.e. the entire SLA, functional or non-functional properties) and it is necessary to express more precisely the SLAs. WSAgreement identifies the necessity of specifying temporality on agreement terms but it does not describe how temporality must be expressed and, to the best of our knowledge, there is no extension of WS-Agreement that deals with that problem. Therefore we propose to extend the standard with a temporal XML schema to describe several validity periods that could be disjoint, non-disjoint, and/or periodical

    Towards Compensable SLAs

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    In Cooperative Information Systems, service level agreements (SLA) can be used to describe the rights and obligations of parties involved in the transaction (typically the service consumer and the service provider); amongst other information, SLA could define guarantees associated with the idea of service level objectives (SLOs) that normally represent key performance indicators of either the consumer or the provider. in case the guarantee is under-fulfilled or over-fulfilled SLAs could also define some compensations (i.e. penalties or rewards). in such a context, during the last years there have been important steps towards the automation of the management of SLAs, however the formalization of compensations in SLAs still remains as an important challenge. in this paper we aim to provide a characterization model to create SLAs with compensations; specifically, the main contributions are twofold: (i) the conceptualization of the Compensation Function to express consistently penalties and rewards and (ii) a model for Compensable Guarantees that associate SLOs with Compensation Functions. This formalization models aims to establish a foundation to elaborate tools that could provide an automated support to the modeling and analysis of SLAs with compensations. Additionally, in order to validate our approach, we model and analyze a set of guarantee terms from three real world examples of SLAs and our formalization proves to be useful for detecting mistakes that are ty

    Supporting Compensations with WS-greement

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    During the last years the use of service level agreements (SLA) is rising uncontrollably to describe the rights and obligations of parties involved in service provisioning (typically the service consumer and the service provider); amongst other information, SLA could de ne guarantees associated with the idea of service level objectives (SLOs) that normally represent key performance indicators of either the consumer or the provider. In case the guarantee is under or over ful lled SLAs could also de ne some compensations (i.e. penalties or rewards). In such a context, there have been important steps towards the automation of the analysis of SLAs. One of these steps is a characterization model of SLAs with compensations proposed by the authors in a previous work; and another step is the standardisation e ort in the SLAs notation made by WS{Agreement. However, real-world SLAs includes complex concepts that must be considered, namely: (i) SLA terms that specify compensations without an explicit SLO; and (ii) a limit for the compensations. In this paper we extend our prior characterization model considering these complex concepts. Speci cally, (i) we provide up to ve real-world scenarios whose SLAs incorporate aforementioned new concepts; (ii) we extend our model for compensable guarantees considering terms without an explicit SLO; and (iii) we provide a novel WS{Agreement-based syntax to model SLAs with compensations considering these concepts. These contributions aim to establish a foundation to elaborate tools that could provide an automated support to the modelling and analysis of SLAs with compensations.Junta de Andalucía P12--TIC--1867Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BELI (TIN2015-70560-R

    Automated Validation of Compensable SLAs

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    A Service Level Agreement (SLA) regulates the provisioning of a service by defining a set of guarantees. Each guarantee sets a Service Level Objective (SLO) on some service metrics, and optionally a compensation that is applied when the SLO is unfulfilled or overfulfilled. Currently, there are software tools and research proposals that use the information about compensations to automate and optimise certain parts of the service management. However, they assume that compensations are well defined, which is too optimistic in some circumstances and can lead to undesirable situations. In this article we discuss about the notion of validity of guarantees with a compensation, which we refer to as compensable guarantees (CG). We describe an abstract model of CGs and we provide a technique that leverages constraint satisfaction problem solvers to automatically validate them. We also present a materialisation of the model of CGs in iAgree, a language to specify SLAs and a tooling support that implements our whole approach. An assessment over 319 CGs taken from 24 real-world SLAs suggests that the expressiveness and effectiveness of our proposal can pave the way for using CGs in a safer and more reliable way.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BELI (TIN2015-70560-R)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades TIN2016-81978-REDTJunta de Andalucía P12--TIC--186