852 research outputs found

    Parity of the spin structure defined by a quadratic differential

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    According to the work of Kontsevich-Zorich, the invariant that classifies non-hyperelliptic connected components of the moduli spaces of Abelian differentials with prescribed singularities,is the parity of the spin structure. We show that for the moduli space of quadratic differentials, the spin structure is constant on every stratum where it is defined. In particular this disproves the conjecture that it classifies the non-hyperelliptic connected components of the strata of quadratic differentials with prescribed singularities. An explicit formula for the parity of the spin structure is given.Comment: Published by Geometry and Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol8/paper12.abs.htm

    The surgery obstruction groups of the infinite dihedral group

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    This paper computes the quadratic Witt groups (the Wall L-groups) of the polynomial ring Z[t] and the integral group ring of the infinite dihedral group, with various involutions. We show that some of these groups are infinite direct sums of cyclic groups of order 2 and 4. The techniques used are quadratic linking forms over Z[t] and Arf invariants.Comment: Published by Geometry and Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol8/paper29.abs.htm

    Clarice Lispector and the Brazilian literature in the European literary context

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    Esse pequeno inventário da produção literária brasileira na Espanha, impulsionada pela forte presença de Clarice Lispector, demonstra que a literatura anteriormente conhecida como muito próxima à oralidade e vinculada a uma realidade sociológica, passa a se destacar por suas características estéticas. Longe do folclore e da oralidade, a obra clariciana é edificada na linguagem e nas relações humanas, mais especificamente na alma feminina, o que permite inverter os processos de apropriação literária feita pelo Brasil enquanto ex-colônia. A produção clariciana penetrará uma elite européia, que inclui a espanhola, que passará a discutir e analisar as formas de recepção relacionadas às instâncias de produção, circulação e apropriação literárias.This small inventary of the Brazilian literary production in Europe, propelled by the string presence of Clarice Lispector, shows how Brazilian literature, formerly known as being close to orality and linked to a sociological reality, is now appreciated thanks to its aesthetic features. Lispector’s work is built on human language and relationships, as well as the feminine soul; her work will penetrate the European elite –including the Spanish one

    Scaled boundary isogeometric analysis with C1 coupling for Kirchhoff plate theory

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    Although isogeometric analysis exploits smooth B-spline and NURBS basis functions for the definition of discrete function spaces as well as for the geometry representation, the global smoothness in so-called multipatch parametrizations is an issue. Especially, if strong C1 regularity is required, the introduction of function spaces with good convergence properties is not straightforward. However, in 2D there is the special class of analysis-suitable G1 (AS-G1) parametrizations that are suitable for patch coupling. In this contribution we show that the concept of scaled boundary isogeometric analysis fits to the AS-G1 idea and the former is appropriate to define C1-smooth basis functions. The proposed method is applied to Kirchhoff plates and its capability is demonstrated utilizing several numerical examples. Its applicability to non-trivial and trimmed shapes is demonstrated

    Upland rice under tillage as affected by early fertilization of nitrogen.

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    The objective was to determine the effect of timing of nitrogen application on plant height and lodging, yield components, grain yield and industrial quality of rice grains


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    Esta proposta tem como foco o estudo das representações espaciais da cidade de Corumbá, fronteira com a Bolívia, encontradas na obra de Pedro Paulo de Medeiros. Seus poemas e crônicas apresentam o espaço como um lugar de muitos significados, uma vez que é perpassado pela vivência e pelo registro poético de seus costumes, preferências, rotinas e trajetos no município fronteiriço. Amparam a pesquisa os estudos voltados a questões entre a literatura e o espaço como os de Bachelard (1993 e 2001), Paz (2012), Jobim (2005), Cândido (1995) e Cordeiro (2008)
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