13 research outputs found

    Physico-Chemical Stability Studies of Neem (Azadirachta indica) Seed Oil Cream

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    Neem oil cream is a semi solid formulation that is being developed for its therapeutic activity dermatologically. The need for stability of the new formulation over the period of its shelf life remains a sacred factor. In the present study, neem oil had been extracted from the ripe seed of Azadirachta indica (A. juss) plant. The oil was formulated using vanishing cream base because of its cosmetic advantage at concentrations (0%w/w – 10.0% w/w) with 0% w/w serving as control formulation. The formulations at storage temperature 250C – 300C were observed for physical changes using basic parameters over a period of 12 months representing long term stability studies approach. Chemically, the formulations were investigated for changes in pH, viscosity and specific gravity during the period of study. The result shows that neem oil cream formulations maintain its physical and chemical integrity throughout the entire period of study concern. Hence, stability is not a problem for neem oil in a vanishing cream base formulation. Keywords:Neem oil, Stability, Shelf life, Formulation

    Repellent Action of Neem (Azadirachta indica) Seed Oil Cream against Anopheles Gambiae Mosquitoes

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    This paper conducted an evaluation of repellent effect of neem seed oilformulated in a vanishing type cream base against Anopheles gambiaemosquito under laboratory conditions using human volunteers. The seed oil was extracted and then prepared in five different concentrations of 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0% w/w respectively in a vanishing cream base. Acommercially available repellent Deet was used as control. The result shows that concentrations 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0% w/w and Deet (control) all repelled night-biting Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes at three consecutive 10mins interval for every 5-min exposure time. The duration of protection of various concentrations of neem seed oil cream and control (Deet) was of the order 10.0% > Deet> 7.5%> 5.0% >2.5%.The present study demonstrates potential of neem seed oil cream as mosquito repellent particularly at higher concentrations of 7.5 and 10.0%w/w respectively. This finding may lead tonew and more effective strategies for protection from and control of mosquitoes.Keywords: Neem, Mosquitoes, Human, Concentration

    Evaluation of Beilschmiedia Seed Gum as a Tablet Binder

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    Beilschmiedia gum derived from the edible seeds of Beilschemiedia mannii (family Lauraceae) was evaluated for its binding properties at a concentration range of 0.5-10 % w/w in paracetamol tablets with official gelatin as a control. A comparative analysis showed that the granules bound with Beilschmiedia gum were relatively bigger and harder than the ones obtained with gelatin gum. The hardness, disintegration time and dissolution rate increased with increase in concentration of Beilschmiedia gum. Tablets containing 5 % w/w of Beilschmiedia gum had a binding capacity approximately twice that of gelatin with a dissolution rate of 91 % after 30 min. The results obtained suggest that Beilschmiedia gum possesses potential as a commercial binding agent.Keywords: Beilschmiedia gum, gelatin, disintegration, dissolution, hardnessEast and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol. 12 (2009) 15-1

    Effects of Irrigation Frequency and Manure on Growth Parameters, Crop Coefficient and Yield of Okro (Abelmoscus Esculeutus)

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    It is essential to maintain readily available water in the soil if crops are to make satisfactory growth and give optimum yield. This work studied the response of Okro to the application of different regimes of irrigation water (W1, W2 and W3) in order to determine its growth performance and yield. Twenty seven (27) bucket of the volumetric capacity of 10litres each, Okro was planted in each bucket equal treatment of animal and organic fertilizer was applied in the ratio 6:1 while response to plant height observed were 13 cm, 10.8 cm and 15 cm, also, stem diameter observed were 0.06 mm, 0.12 mm, and 0.17 mm.The effects of irrigation frequency, average plant height (cm), average number of leaves; average Stem (diameter, mm) and yield (g) were studied.  W1 gave 13, 4, 0.06, 11.4; W2:  10.8, 6, 0.12, 18.1; W3: 15, 7, 0.17, 23.3. Plants under W3 recorded the highest plant height and it also produced the highest number of leaves at 7 stem diameter (0.17mm) and consequently the highest mean yield. The study showed that with readily available nutrients present in soil, the most desirable frequency of irrigation gives an optimum crop yield as nutrients is easily taken up by plants. It is recommended that a standard model green house be constructed to study various crop coefficients and consumptive use for this zone. Keywords: irrigation frequency, growth parameters, crop coefficient, yield, Okr

    Foreign Bodies in the Upper Aerodigestive Tract of Nigerian Children

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    Aim/Background This is an audit of number, nature, sites of impaction and methods of removals and treatment outcome of upper aero-digestive foreign bodies among children in an urban University hospital in Nigeria. Patients and Methods This is an 8year retrospective review of foreign body in upper aero-dgestive tract of children (January 2001 to December 2007) was conducted at the ENT department of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria . Case notes of the patients were retrieved and the following were data extracted: demographic, clinical, operative and outpatient visits outcome. Results 81 children aged 9months to 16years were seen (mean 4.28, SD 2.95) with 49 males and 32 females and a male: female ratio of 1.5: 1.0.The commonest age group was 9months to 4years (76.5%). Most common of impaction sites were nasal cavity in 31 cases (38.3%), oesophagus in 23 cases (28.4%), oropharynx in 16 (19.8%) and larynx in 6 (7.4%)).The commonest FBs was coins in 33 (40.7 %) in the oesophagus and 37.5% of pharyngeal FBs .Inanimate FBs in the nose constituted 31(38.3%) [Non vegetative 27(87.1%), vegetative 4(12.9 %)]. Fish bones were seen in 11 cases (13.6%) [6 in the larynx and 5 around the tonsillar fauces] and miscellaneous objects in 6 cases. Conclusion Upper aero-digestive foreign bodies are common especially among the under fours', commonest sites being the nose and pharyngooesophageal region with coins and inanimate FBs constituting about four-fifth. There is the need for parental health education on object placements, and a high index of suspicion among practitioners to facilitate early referral and avoid preventable complications

    Antifungal effect of topically administered neem(Azadirachta indica) seed oil cream against Pytiriasis versicolour

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    The study was carried out to evaluate the antifungal effect of Neem seed oil cream against Pytiriasis versicolour infection of the skin. Fifteen samples of 20 g each i.e. three samples each of concentrations, 2.5% w/w, 5.0% w/w,7.5% w/w/ and10.0% w/w neem seed oil cream and a commercial preparation (Whitfield Ointment) were given out to patients randomly. Double blind approach was adopted in prescribing the samples to the patients diagnosed to have Pityriasis vesicolour fungal infection of the skin; double blind in the sense that both clinician and patients were blinded as to the identity of the samples. The clinical responses to neem seed oil cream concentrations 2.5% w/w and 5.0 w/w were not encouraging. However, at concentrations 7.5% w/w and 10.0% w/w , neem seed oil cream showed excellent improvement in clinical conditions of the patients infected with Pityriasis versicolour on their skins. They compared favourably with the commercial control sample

    Use of honey as a viscosity modifier in the formulation of cotrimoxazole suspension

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    A study has been carried out on honey from comb of bee, Apis mellifera.  L. (Family, Apidae) as a viscosity modifier in conjunction with certain suspending agents in the formulation of cotrimoxazole suspension, to solve the problem of caking associated with most brands in the market. Six formulations including control, with or without suspending agents were compared to commercial brands by determining sedimentation volume, flow rate and rheological properties of all the preparations. The results show that two out of five commercial brands had satisfactory suspendability characteristics (

    Effect of Formulation Methods on the Mechanical and Release Properties of Paracetamol Tablets

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    This work compared the compressional, mechanical and drug release properties of paracetamol tablets produced through direct compression with those obtained from wet granulation. Compressional properties were analyzed using density measurements, angle of repose, Carr’s index and Hausner’s ratio. The mechanical properties of the tablets were assessed using the crushing strength (CS), friability(F) and crushing strength-friability ratio (CSFR) of the tablets, while drug release properties were assessed using disintegration time and dissolution profile. The granules possessed better flow properties than the powder mixtures for direct compression. Paracetamol tablets prepared by wet granulation were harder than those prepared by direct compression as shown by the CS. The evaluation of the release properties showed that the amount of paracetamol released at any given time was higher for tablets prepared by direct compression than those prepared by wet granulation. Thus, wet granulation with carefully selected drug excipients may be a better method over direct compression in paracetamol tablets formulation.Keywords: Paracetamol tablets, direct compression, wet granulation, mechanical properties, drug release propertie