42 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, Persepsi Harga, dan Word of Mouth terhadap Minat Beli Ulang dengan Kepuasan Konsumen Muslim sebagai Pemediasi

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    This study aims to provide an empirical explanation of the effect of service quality, price perceptions and word of mouth on repurchase intention through Muslim consumer satisfaction as an intervening variable. The type of research in this research is survey research with quantitative methods used. With a sample of 97 respondents, Muslim consumers of Pondok Makan Sambal Djawa were determined by using incidental sampling technique. Researchers used a questionnaire as an instrument to obtain data. Data were analyzed using SPSS 25 in the form of path analysis, the results showed that service quality and word of mouth had a positive and significant effect on Muslim consumer satisfaction, price perceptions had no effect on Muslim consumer satisfaction, word of mouth and Muslim customer satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on interest repurchase, service quality and perceived price have no effect on repurchase intention and Muslim consumer satisfaction mediates between the effect of service quality and word of mouth on repurchase intention, and Muslim consumer satisfaction does not mediate between the effect of perceived price on Muslim consumer repurchase intentio

    Monitoring Kondisi Ruangan Berbasis Iot

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    Every person in their daily lives is always connected to the surrounding environment. Environmental conditions will greatly affect every activity that a person does. To get optimal performance, it takes space that supports the activities of the people in it. Room conditions are needed to achieve ideal conditions for activities. Room conditions that are not suitable, especially for storing goods or equipment, can accelerate the damage to equipment or items in the room. This also has an impact if you are leaving the room empty, it will cause your own panic about dangerous things that will occur, for example a fire. To reduce the level of risk that will occur when leaving the room empty, a realtime monitoring system is needed. This journal will discuss the IoT-based room condition monitoring system as a realtime monitoring tool. Monitoring data is transferred to the blynk application server via internet media in a Wi-Fi network. Room conditions including temperature, air humidity, gas levels, fire and smoke predictions are read using sensors and processed using a microcontroller and then displayed through the Blynk application

    Comparative Analysis of the Performance of the Thermal Pasteurization System Using Ohmic Heating Method with an Electric Heater on Mango Puree

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    This study explains the comparative analysis of performance in the thermal pasteurization system of the ohmic heating method with the electric heater in mango puree. The goal is to find out which thermal pasteurization method is better and more efficient. The method used for this study is to compare the two thermal pasteurization methods from the performance obtained, heating time, electrical power and electricity consumption costs. In the pasteurization process, the product is heated not exceeding 70 oC in the ohmic tube with an electric current on an electrode with a thickness of 4 mm attached to the end of the ohmic tube, while pasteurization of the product electric heater is heated in a double jacket tube equipped with an electric heater. The results of the analysis were obtained for the ohmic heating method the efficiency value was 78%, while for the method with an electric heater the efficiency value was 4%, the heating time of the ohmic heating method is 555 seconds, while the heating time of the electric heater method is 1500 seconds, for electric power in the ohmic heating method is 224.59 watts, while in the electric heater method an electric power of 1730.2 watts is obtained, and the cost of electricity consumption of the ohmic heating method is Rp.1,498.33,-/month, while the electric heater method costs electricity consumption of Rp.31,407.26,-/month

    Tindak Pidana dengan Sengaja dan Tanpa Hak atau Melawan Hukum Mengakses Komputer dan/atau Sistem Elektronik Milik Orang Lain

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    Skripsi ini membahas tentang perbuatan mengakses komputer dan/atau sistem elektronik milik orang lain dengan modus operandi skimming. Skimming adalah tindakan pencurian informasi kartu ATM dengan cara mengambil informasi yang terdapat di magnetic stripe secara illegal. Pembuktian Skimming belum diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia. Isu hukum yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pembuktian kejahatan skimming dikaitkan dengan Pasal 46 ayat (1) Jo. Pasal 30 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif, karena sasaran dari penelitian ini adalah kaidah hukum, asas hukum, sistem hukum, dan penemuan hukum untuk menjawab isu hukum. Selain itu penilitian ini menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Sumber bahan hukum dari penilitian ini menggunakan peraturan perundang-undangan, Putusan Pengadilan Nomor 30/Pid.Sus/2019/PN.Slr., buku- buku atau jurnal, dan kamus besar Bahasa Indonesia

    Pendampingan Pelestarian Budaya sebagai Objek Wisata melalui Festival Kampung

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    The tourism potential in Senaung village has a character because there are history and culture as a representation of the past life of the Jambi people. However, the tourism potential has not well managed and has not developed as a source of income for the community. Through the community engagement program, the team formulated solutions in the form of cultural preservation by identifying tourist objects that have not detected, recording and documenting historical objects, old buildings, and objects, and set tourist objects for performances at village festivals. Mentoring conducted through the provisioning, training, and mentoring programs. Then, the promotion of attractions is spread through social media. The results of the mentoring activities show that there is an increase in awareness, knowledge, concern, and cultural preservation skills that have an impact on the new sources of community income. Cultural preservation through village festival activities in Senaung village is useful for inheriting culture, traditions, and diverse historical heritage.

    Embeddability of centrosymmetric matrices capturing the double-helix structure in natural and synthetic DNA

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    In this paper, we discuss the embedding problem for centrosymmetric matrices, which are higher order generalizations of the matrices occurring in Strand Symmetric Models. These models capture the substitution symmetries arising from the double helix structure of the DNA. Deciding whether a transition matrix is embeddable or not enables us to know if the observed substitution probabilities are consistent with a homogeneous continuous time substitution model, such as the Kimura models, the Jukes-Cantor model or the general time-reversible model. On the other hand, the generalization to higher order matrices is motivated by the setting of synthetic biology, which works with different sizes of genetic alphabets.Comment: 34 pages, 9 table

    Model embeddability for symmetric group-based models

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    We study model embeddability, which is a variation of the famous embedding problem in probability theory, when apart from the requirement that the Markov matrix is the matrix exponential of a rate matrix, we additionally ask that the rate matrix follows the model structure. We provide a characterisation of model embeddable Markov matrices corresponding to symmetric group-based phylogenetic models. In particular, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of the eigenvalues of symmetric group-based matrices. To showcase our main result on model embeddability, we provide an application to hachimoji models, which are eight-state models for synthetic DNA. Moreover, our main result on model embeddability, enables us to compute the volume of the set of model embeddable Markov matrices relative to the volume of other relevant sets of Markov matrices within the model

    Pengaruh sertifikasi halal, kualitas produk, dan harga terhadap loyalitas konsumen gerai es krim Mixue : studi kasus pada konsumen es krim Mixue Penjawi, Pati

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    Persaingan bisnis yang sekain ketat mengharuskan perusahaan memiliki strategi bisnis yang tepat, perusahaan yang memiliki perkembangan pesat salah satunya yaitu Mixue Ice Cream & Tea. Mixue Ice Cream & Tea menempati posisi 5 di top 7 perusahaan F&B dengan gerai waralaba terbanyak global. Mixue Ice Cream & Tea berekspansi di Indonesi sejak tahun 2020 di Bandung, sekarang jumlah Mixue Ice Cream & Tea sudah mencapai 300 gerai yang tersebar diseluruh Indonesia. Dengan perkembangan perusahaan yang relatif pesat tersebut timbul minat untuk meneliti faktor-faktor utama yang memengaruhi keloyalan konsumen yang mengunjungi gerai Mixue seperti sertifikasi halal produk, kualitas produk dan harga yang dijual yang menjadi penilaian utama dari konsumen mengenai bisnis yang terjadi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 100 orang responden yang merupakan konsumen yang sedang mengunjungi atau yang pernah berkunjung di Gerai es krimm Mixue Penjawi Pati. Metode yang digunakan pada pengambilan sampel adalah teknik non probability sampling dengan pendekatan puposive sampling. Data pada penelitian ini diperoleh melalui penyebaran google form yang diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan alat SPSS. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukan bahwa Sertifikasi Halal tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Tetapi pada variabel Kualitas Produk dan Harga memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen

    Penggunaan Media Sosial sebagai Sarana Kampanye dan Partisipasi Digital dalam Pilkada Kota Depok Tahun 2020

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan fenomena politik kampanye dan bentuk partisipasi digital melalui penggunaan media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, dan Instagram pada penyelenggaraan Pilkada Serentak 2020. Penelitian ini berfokus di Kota Depok dengan melihat media sosial masing-masing pasangan calon Pilkada Kota Depok 2020 yakni antara Pradi-Afifah dan Idris-Imam. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan yang melibatkan isu kampanye di media sosial beserta bentuk partisipasi digital. Beberapa data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari temuan pemantauan mengenai kampanye pasangan calon melalui narasi percakapan di media sosial pada tahapan kampanye Pilkada Kota Depok Tahun 2020. Narasi di media sosial diperoleh menggunakan Social Network Analysis (SNA) terutama pada media sosial Facebook dan Twitter. Sementara pada media sosial Instagram dilakukan dengan cara melihat postingan dan percakapan kampanye secara manual di setiap minggunya. Pandangan Dan Nimmo mengenai kampanye dipilih dan didukung dengan pandangan ZĂșñiga et al. mengenai partisipasi politik secara digital bagi kedua pasangan calon. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam penggunaan media sosial, setiap pasangan calon memiliki preferensi isu kampanye yang berbeda-beda. Kendati pasangan calon memiliki isu kampanye yang dominan serta partisipasi digital yang begitu tinggi, hal tersebut tidak serta merta menjadi faktor determinan dalam memenangkan kontestasi Pilkada Kota Depok 2020