30 research outputs found
Eksistensi budidaya ikan sistem keramba jaring apung di Waduk Cirata terus berlangsung, meskipun banyak hasil penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa lingkungan perairan waduk sudah menurun. Keberadaan budidaya ikan sistem keramba jaring apung (KJA) tetap bertahan tidak terlepas dari dukungan berbagai macam sarana produksi ikan (saprokan). Namun demikian, pada tingkat pengelolaan budidaya yang tidak terkendali tentu akan berdampak buruk bagi lingkungan perairan waduk. Penelitian bertujuan mengkaji pola budidaya sistem keramba jaring apung yang dapat meminimalisasi beban sisa pakan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survai lapang dan wawancara, serta pengisian kuisioner dengan responden pembudidaya ikan sebanyak 103 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sisa pakan dari aktivitas budidaya ikan sistem KJA yang terbuang ke lingkungan perairan waduk sebesar 23 kg fosfor (P) per petak KJA atau sebesar 900 ton P per tahun. Besarnya sisa pakan yang terbuang disebabkan oleh tingkat penggunaan pakan yang tinggi (FCR 1,51%), kandungan P pakan yang tinggi dan tingkat penyerapanpakan yang rendah terutama pada ikan mas.
Utilization of Cirata Reservoir for fisheries aquaculture with floating net cage system has been increasing rapidly. Industrial waste existed along watershed brings significant heavy metal pollutant that flows and difficult to control. Consequences of such activities were reflected in the degradation of reservoir environment indicated by sedimentation, water quality degradation and fish mass mortality because of up welling. The objectives of this research were: 1) to obtain data and information on heavy metal content in Cirata Reservoir waters, and 2) to observe and understand the effect of heavy metal to the fish cultured in floating net cage to support aquaculture in floating net cage system. Water quality and fish histology analyses were the methodologies used in this research. Descriptive and laboratory analysis were carry out to analysis the data. Based on observation and descriptive analyses, the content of heavy metal in Cirata Reservoir was classified as worse. Concentration of Pb, Cr, Hg, and Cd in the sample of water and tilapia digestive organ becomes fragile. Infiltration of hemoglobin cell, necrosis, degeneration and pigmentation occurred in body organs when up welling happened. Beside that, during up-welling digestive organ become easily breakable resulted in fish mass mortality in floating net cage. The affinity of hemoglobin to the toxic gas was higher than to oxygen, therefore aeration was not affective and mass mortality cannot be avoided. This was because of various events that occured to the fish and the other water biota that encompassed regular diffusion, bio-magnification, and bio-concentration to fish
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an analytical tool used primarily for evaluating environmental conditions. The sources of decomposed organic matters in Cirata Reservoir originate from industrial activities, household waste, agricultural waste, and effluent from floating fish net cages. The wastes consist mainly of fat, protein, and carbohydrate. Bacteria are responsible for aerobic decomposition process of organic matters in the sediment. As bacteria consume oxygen during the decomposition processes, significant depletion of dissolved oxygen level in the waters may occur. This happens in Cirata Reservoir where a low level of oxygen in the water leads to anaerobic decomposition processes at the bottom of the reservoir. The porpuse of this study was to evaluate Cirata Reservoir water conditions, in terms of water quality, organic sediment and organic materials level based on the application of LCA. In this study, water and sediment samples were collected. Water quality conditions were measured in-situ. Water and sediment samples were analyzed in the laboratories. The results of the analyses showed that water quality condition in all sampling stations was relatively homogeneous. Based on the level of decomposition of organic matter, water quality conditions in Cirata reservoir could be classified as Class I, II, and III in IKA_STORET scale and categorized as poor. DO, sulfide, phenol, BOD, COD, total phosphate were outside the ranges of acceptable water quality standards
Budidaya ikan air tawar dengan keramba jaring apung (KJA) telah memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar bagi peningkatan produksi perikanan, menyediakan lapangan kerja, dan perbaikan perekonomian masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemetaan distribusi keramba jaring apung ikan air tawar di Waduk Cirata, Jawa Barat. Data utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah multi temporal data satelit Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Advance Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2 (AVNIR-2) tanggal 27 Juni 2008 dan 27 September 2008. Validasi data satelit telah dilakukan melalui survei lapangan pada tanggal 17 April 2009. Hasil klasifikasikan data satelit dan estimasi luasan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan luasan KJA dari 892 ha pada bulan Juni 2008 menjadi 949 ha pada bulan September 2008, sedangkan luasan waduk menunjukkan penurunan yaitu 5.839 ha pada bulan Juni 2008 menjadi 4.818 ha pada bulan September 2008. Hasil pemetaan dan estimasi luasan dari penelitian ini berguna sebagai data dasar yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk perencanaan dan pengelolaan waduk yang lebih baik.Freshwater cage aquaculture is of a great importance to increase aquaculture production, provide employment opportunity and improve rural economy. The aim of this study was to map the distribution of freshwater cage aquaculture in Cirata Reservoir, West Java. The main data source used in this study include a multi temporal satellite data of ALOS AVNIR-2 acquired on Juni 27, 2008 and September 27, 2008. Satellite data were validated through field visit on April 17, 2009. Based on image classification and area estimation, the results show that increasing trend of cage culture area from 892 ha in June 2008 to 949 ha in September 2008. Meanwhile, decreasing trend was observed for reservoir area: 5,839 ha in June 2008 to 4,818 ha in September 2008. Results from this study can be used as a basic information for a better planning and management of the reservoir
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kelayakan lahan budidaya kerang hijau menggunakan metode tancap di Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat. Pengumpulan data lingkungan perairan telah dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2010. Data lapangan dan data sekunder lainnya (peta dan data penginderaan jauh) kemudian dianalisis secara spasial dengan sistem informasi geografis (SIG). Lima parameter penting kelayakan lahan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu faktor lingkungan dan pembatas. Penelitian ini menggunakan sistem skor 1-4, 4 adalah sangat layak dan 1 adalah tidak layak untuk pengembangan budidaya kerang hijau. Hasil analisis SIG menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 46% (23 km2) dari total lokasi potensial (50 km2) tergolong sangat layak. Lokasi ini menyebar sejajar dengan garis pantai dari Kecamatan Kapetakan sampai Kecamatan Suranenggala. Tidak ditemukan lokasi dengan kategori tidak layak. Hasil analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa lokasi penelitian di Kabupaten Cirebon sangat mendukung untuk pengembangan budidaya kerang hijau
The Effectiveness of LED Light Spectrum Exposure on Growth and Color Performance of Orange Clownfish, Amphiprion Percula (Lacèpède, 1802) Juvenile
Ikan badut Amphiprion percula merupakan ikan hias air laut yang diminati pasar global ikan hias karena memiliki daya tarik tersendiri pada warna jingga yang dimilikinya. Ikan badut hasil budi daya memiliki kualitas warna jingga yang cenderung memudar. Penggunaan manipulasi spektrum cahaya dalam sistem budi daya dapat memengaruhi Perubahan jumlah kromatofor yang dapat meningkatkan warna ikan menjadi terang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan spektrum cahaya lampu LED yang tepat terhadap pertumbuhan dan kualitas warna yuwana ikan badut. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pada lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas empat jenis spektrum cahaya lampu LED dengan panjang gelombang berbeda yakni putih (P), merah (M), hijau (H) dan biru (B) dengan lama penyinaran 12 jam dan kontrol. Rerata panjang total awal ikan uji adalah 3,28±0,24 cm dan bobot 0,91±0,19 g. Hasil penelitian selama 60 hari pemeliharaan menunjukkan bahwa parameter respons fisiologis dan pertumbuhan terbaik adalah pada perlakuan lampu LED biru dengan kadar glukosa sebesar 40,00±2,65 mg dL-1, kadar malondialdehyde (MDA) sebesar 9,30±0,29 nmol mL-1, laju pertumbuhan spesifik (LPS) sebesar 1,71±0,05% dan efisiensi pakan (EP) sebesar 78,23±1,97%. Parameter kualitas warna terbaik pada perlakuan lampu LED biru dengan skor dalam Toca color finder (TCF) mencapai warna jingga pada bagian dorsal, caudal dan anal, red,green and blue (RGB) ratio pada warna bagian dorsal, caudal dan anal masing-masing sebesar 64,59±1,00%, 68,12±0,74%, dan 72,56±0,20% serta jumlah kromatofor sebesar 346±10 sel/ 0,1 mm-2. Spektrum cahaya lampu LED biru menghasilkan pertumbuhan dan kualitas warna terbaik pada yuwana ikan badut Amphiprion percula
The success of ornamental coral propagation in Banyuwangi East Java, Indonesia: observation of different depths and species
Ornamental corals have become the main attention objects for many hobbyists and have already become a source for foreign exchange in developing countries. Through ornamental coral propagation, the continuity of ornamental coral trade can be guaranteed and the level of damage is very limited. The propagation technique has been developed by ornamental coral exporters in several locations in Indonesia. This paper has two main objectives: a) to determine the site suitability of ornamental coral propagation locations and b) to provide a detailed description of the development and progress of ornamental coral propagation in Indonesia with first-hand information from 14 companies. The present study showed that the highest growth rate was found on branched specimens of E. glabrescens (2.50 cm) after 5 months, and the lowest growth rate was found on branched specimens of E. paraancora (0.42 cm). Corals with larger branches or with two or three branches of E. glabrescens and E. paraancora have a low mortality and increased the number of branches to three to four branches after 5 months. Small colonies also survive with a mortality of 20%. The cultured corals can grow optimally and have exotic colors when placed at different depths. Best coral growth was obtained from fast-growing coral species at a shallow depth (<10 m). While medium depth (10–15 m) was suitable for corals with moderate growth rates, the deeper depths (> 15 m) were characterized by bright-colored corals with slow-growing rates. Color quality and growth of corals are closely related to some supporting factors such as the suitability of locations that have different physical, biological, and chemical factors in different depths and thus follow different requirements among coral species. Location choices determine the success of coral cultivation both for ornamental and restoration purposes. These results are valuable background information for traded ornamental corals that can be utilized by propagators
The Existence of Ornamental Coral in Different Live Coral Coverage Condition in Saleh Bay, West Nusa Tenggara
Ornamental coral is one of the trading commodities targets with high demand in all of the world because of its color and unique shape. Various types of ornamental corals are usually found in a specific area and out of reach, where one of them situated in water depth that it so difficult to find. West Nusa Tenggara Province is known as one of the ornamental coral suppliers that has not been touched much by research related to the existence of ornamental coral natural resources. This study aims to obtain preliminary data on the existence of ornamental coral, especially in Saleh Bay waters. Observations carried out from 6 to 11 May 2015 at 6 locations, determined based on distance from the mainland with respective representation, which divided into categories such as near, medium and far using the straight-line transect methods for coral reefs condition, while belt transect methods used for ornamental corals assessment. The results showed the health of coral reefs in good condition with the cover above 50% at all stations except station 4 (medium category), where Acropora coral species dominated at stations 5 and 6 (distant category). The bottom substrate dominated by coral fragments and dead corals with algae (DCA), which are found 28 genera of ornamental corals and considered as trade commodities such as Euphyllia glabrescens, Euphyllia cristata, Euphyllia ancora, Echinophora sp, Gonioporasp, Lobophyllia sp, Physogyra sp, Merulina sp, and Turbinaria sp. The research location can be used as a permanent study area for ornamental coral focus subject and as an indicator for sustainable ornamental coral management in the region
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an environmental analytical tool used for evaluating the environmental performance of products by compiling and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and potential environmental impacts of a product system throughout the life cycle of product.Sources of the decomposition at Cirata Reservoir are from industrial activities, household waste, agricultural waste, and the leftover from the activities of floating net fish cages. The wastes are in the form of fat, protein and carbohydrat. In decomposition process and the rate of destruction process of organic matters in the sediment is carried our by bacteria, resulting in the oxygen dissolved in the waters will decrease. This lessens the oxygen at Cirata reservoir so that decomposition process takes place anaerobically at the bottom of the waters. The methodology was conducted by water and sediment sampling, measuring water quality on location and laboratory analysis for samples of water and sediment. Analysis result showed that the data of water quality collected in every station was relatively homogeneous. The quality of water at measuring time approached critical treshold required for fish raising. The result showed that the level of decomposition Sediment Organic Metter, water quality in Cirata reservoir based on IKA_STORET valued class I, II, and III catagorized as worse. Valued DO, sulfide, Fenol, BOD, COD, Total Fosfat byone water quality standar. The destruction will occur by itself, depending on the availability of oxygen on the sediment and interface when there is bacteria serving as heterotraphic aerobic in line with the availability of dissolved oxygen for bacteria to do the decomposition activity in the sediment. The result would be confirmed on dendogram classification hierarchy, result revealed that stations of observation were divided into 2 groups according to affecting characteristics. Group 1 covering stasion 1 and 2, group 2 which covering station 3 was characterized by high concentration of nitrit and orto fosfat with c-organik.Sources of the decomposition at Cirata Reservoir are from industrial activities, household waste, agricultural waste, and the leftover from the activities of floating net fish cages. The wastes are in the form of fat, protein and carbohydrat. In decomposition process and the rate of destruction process of organic matters in the sediment is carried our by bacteria, resulting in the oxygen dissolved in the waters will decrease. This lessens the oxygen at Cirata reservoir so that decomposition process takes place anaerobically at the bottom of the waters. The methodology was conducted by water and sediment sampling, measuring water quality on location and laboratory analysis for samples of water and sediment. Analysis result showed that the data of water quality collected in every station was relatively homogeneous. The quality of water at measuring time approached critical treshold required for fish raising. The result showed that the level of decomposition Sediment Organic Metter, water quality in Cirata reservoir based on IKA_STORET valued class I, II, and III catagorized as worse. Valued DO, sulfide, Fenol, BOD, COD, Total Fosfat byone water quality standar. The destruction will occur by itself, depending on the availability of oxygen on the sediment and interface when there is bacteria serving as heterotraphic aerobic in line with the availability of dissolved oxygen for bacteria to do the decomposition activity in the sediment. The result would be confirmed on dendogram classification hierarchy, result revealed that stations of observation were divided into 2 groups according to affecting characteristics. Group 1 covering stasion 1 and 2, group 2 which covering station 3 was characterized by high concentration of nitrit and orto fosfat with c-organik
Ikan betutu (Oxyeleotris marmorata) termasuk ikan perairan tawar yang memiliki nilai ekonomis penting dan sangat disukai karena memiliki daging yang tebal, tulangnya sedikit, dan gurih. Salah satu faktor lingkungan yang berpengaruh dalam kegiatan budidaya adalah salinitas. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan salinitas optimum dalam pemeliharaan benih ikan betutu yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan sintasan dan pertumbuhannya. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakukan berdasarkan perbedaan salinitas yaitu kontrol ppt, 1 ppt, 3 ppt, dan 5 ppt. Setiap perlakuan dilakukan tiga kali pengulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan nyata (P<0,05) terhadap laju pertumbuhan spesifik, panjang mutlak, bobot mutlak, dan kadar glukosa darah terhadap kontrol (salinitas 0 ppt) setelah dipelihara selama 56 hari. Laju pertumbuhan mutlak, bobot mutlak, dan glukosa darah paling baik dijumpai pada benih yang dipelihara dengan salinitas 3 ppt, yaitu 0,94 ± 0,09%; 2,53 ± 0,35 mm; 37,33 ± 6,28 g; dan 0,06 ± 0,01 g/dL. Pemeliharaan benih betutu membutuhkan air bersalinitas. Untuk mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan dan sintasan air media budidaya disarankan bersalinitas 3 ppt.Sand goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata) is one of freshwater fish that has high economic value and is more desired for its thick meat, bone less, and tasteful. Salinity is one of the most important environmental factors in fish culture. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal salinity concentration on growth and survival of sand goby fish. A completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used in this study with four treatments of salinity levels comprising A) Control; B) 1 ppt; C) 3 ppt; D) 5 ppt. Each treatment was consisted of three replicates. The result showed significant differences (P<0.05) in specific growth rate, absolute length, absolute weight, and blood glucose among the treatments against control after 56 days cultured. Seed reared under the salinity of 3 ppt was better than other treatments in terms of specific growth rate (0.94±0.09%), absolute length (2.53±0.35 mm), absolute weight (37.3±6.28 mg), and blood glucose (0.06±0.01 g/dl). Based on the present result, it was suggested that 3 ppt of salinity is better for optimize the growth and survival of sand goby