3,949 research outputs found

    Improving the 14c dating of marine shells from the Canary Islands for constructing more reliable and accurate chronologies

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    Radiocarbon dating of closely associated marine mollusk shells and terrestrial material (charred wood or bone) collected from archaeological contexts on Tenerife and Fuerteventura islands allowed us to quantify the marine C-14 reservoir effect (Delta R) around the Canary Archipelago. Coastal Fuerteventura has a positive weighted mean Delta R value of +185 +/- 30 C-14 yr, while for Tenerife a range of negative and positive values was obtained, resulting in a Delta R weighted mean value of 0 +/- 35 C-14 yr. These values are in accordance with the hydrodynamic system present off the Canary Islands characterized by a coastal upwelling regime that affects the eastern islands (Fuerteventura and Lanzarote) but not the other islands of the archipelago, namely Tenerife. Because of this oceanographic pattern, we recommend the extrapolation of these results to the remaining islands of the archipelago, i.e. the first value must be used for the eastern islands, while for the central and western islands the acceptable Delta R value is 0 +/- 35 C-14 yr

    Exploring sizable triple Higgs couplings in the 2HDM

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    An important task at future colliders is the measurement of the triple Higgs coupling. Depending on its size relative to the Standard Model (SM) value, certain collider options result in a higher experimental accuracy. Within the framework of Two Higgs Doublet Models (2HDM) type I and II we investigate the allowed ranges for all triple Higgs couplings involving at least one light, SM-like Higgs boson. We take into account theoretical constraints (unitarity, stability), experimental constraints from direct Higgs-boson searches, measurements of the SM-like Higgs-boson properties, flavor observables and electroweak precision data. We find that the SM-type triple Higgs coupling w.r.t. its SM value, λhhh/λSM\lambda_{hhh}/\lambda_{\rm SM}, can range between 0.5\sim -0.5 and 1.5\sim 1.5. Depending on which value is realized, the HL-LHC can compete with, or is clearly inferior to the ILC. We find the coupling λhhH\lambda_{hhH} between 1.5\sim -1.5 and 1.5\sim 1.5. Triple Higgs couplings involving two heavy Higgs bosons, λhHH\lambda_{hHH}, λhAA\lambda_{hAA} and λhH+H\lambda_{hH^+H^-} can reach values up to O(10){\cal O}(10), roughly independent of the 2HDM type. This can lead to potentially strongly enhanced production of two Higgs-bosons at the HL-LHC or high-energy e+ee^+e^- colliders.Comment: 44 pages, 16 figure

    Seizing the present, consolidating the future: educational technology in health

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    A tecnologia educativa possibilita a utilização de metodologias operativas dinâmicas, com a principal finalidade de fomentar a eficácia dos processos de formação, oferecendo uma gama de conhecimentos, coerentes e sólidos, sobre a forma de organizar os processos de ensinoaprendizagem, planear e elaborar ambientes e processos educativos, com o intuito de atingir os objectivos pedagógicos previamente definidos, aspectos que se podem aplicar na educação para a saúde, nomeadamente na saúde escolar. As políticas internacionais de promoção de saúde e a configuração dos próprios sistemas de saúde, tornam importante a análise das concepções subjacentes à tecnologia educativa, convergindo para a reflexão dos seus impactos na actualidade, enquanto peças centrais de dimensionamento das estratégias desenvolvidas no âmbito da saúde. Ampliando as possibilidades do acesso à informação, a sua utilização permite desenvolver estratégias que facultem não só o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos e competências, como a actualização e a capacitação dos indivíduos, englobando-o num processo de aprendizagem ao longo da vida, afirmando-se desta forma como uma importante linha de investigação a considera

    After the experience, what does remain?

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    As novas exigências com as quais se confronta o ensino superior assentam numa formação onde é cada vez mais reconhecido o interesse de envolver na gestão do sistema de ensino/formação, uma maior diversidade de actores sociais, ensaiando modalidades de articulação consubstanciadas em redes de cooperação, onde o estudante é participante activo. Importa por isso analisar, a forma como são articulados os saberes oriundos da escola com as experiências clínicas vivenciadas em contexto real de trabalho ao longo do Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem, para caracterizar os impactos que estas experiências têm na estruturação da percepção dos estudantes, acerca das funções do enfermeiro e das repercussões destas no seu processo de desenvolvimento

    Evolutionary rule-based system for IPO underpricing prediction

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    Genetic And Evolutionary Computation Conference. Washington DC, USA, 25-29 June 2005Academic literature has documented for a long time the existence of important price gains in the first trading day of initial public offerings (IPOs).Most of the empirical analysis that has been carried out to date to explain underpricing through the offering structure is based on multiple linear regression. The alternative that we suggest is a rule-based system defined by a genetic algorithm using a Michigan approach. The system offers significant advantages in two areas, 1) a higher predictive performance, and 2) robustness to outlier patterns. The importance of the latter should be emphasized since the non-trivial task of selecting the patterns to be excluded from the training sample severely affects the results.We compare the predictions provided by the algorithm to those obtained from linear models frequently used in the IPO literature. The predictions are based on seven classic variables. The results suggest that there is a clear correlation between the selected variables and the initial return, therefore making possible to predict, to a certain extent, the closing price.This article has been financed by the Spanish founded research MCyT project TRACER, Ref: TIC2002-04498-C05-04M

    Essays on Momentum Strategies in Finance

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    Rennet merupakan kombinasi dari enzim protease seperti kimosin dan pepsin yang didapatkan dari abomasum anak sapi. Enzim kimosin sendiri merupakan enzim yang memiliki pengaruh dominan terhadap peristiwa koagulasi pada susu menjadi curd dan whey dalam pembuatan keju. Beberapa alternatif dari enzim rennet dapat berasal dari bahan pangan non-hewani, seperti enzim papain (dari ekstrak getah buah pepaya), enzim zingibain (ekstrak rimpang jahe), enzim cucumisin (ekstrak bagian sarkokarp melon), dan bromelin (ekstrak batang dan buah nanas). Parameter yang diamati dari beberapa jurnal berkaitan dengan sumber, pH dan suhu optimum, rasio antara milk clotting activity (MCA) dengan proteolytic activity (PA), persentase cheese yield serta hardness keju. Hasil yang didapatkan dari akumulasi beberapa jurnal dan ditabulasikan untuk mengetahui perbedaan karakteristik dan kualitas dari masing-masing enzim. Keju yang dihasilkan oleh enzim papain memiliki karakteristik aroma manis, floral, dan fruity akibat pembentukan asam asetat dan aldehid, sedangkan penambahan enzim zingibain menghasilkan keju dengan senyawa aromatik yang cukup kuat. Enzim cucumisin yang ditambahkan pada proses pembuatan keju menghasilkan karakteristik hardness yang rendah dengan nilai minimum sebesar 1,97 N, sedangkan penambahan enzim papain mampu menghasilkan hardness yang paling tinggi pada nilai maksimum 13,79 N. Adapun penambahan enzim bromelain mampu menghasilkan keju dengan karakteristik pahit yang rendah pada keju yang dihasilkan

    When Rights Collide: Reconciling the First Amendment Rights of Opposing Parties in Civil Litigation

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    When Rights Collide: Reconciling the First Amendment Rights of Opposing Parties in Civil Litigation

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