10 research outputs found

    Un atelier de prĂ©paration de l’alun Ă  partir de l’alunite dans l’üle de Lesbos

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    Lesbos est la troisiĂšme Ăźle de la GrĂšce en superficie, aprĂšs la CrĂšte et l’EubĂ©e. Elle forme un pont entre deux mondes, l’Europe et l’Asie, et se trouve au carrefour des voies maritimes de l’Est Ă  l’Ouest et du Nord au Sud. Les cinq villes antiques de Lesbos, de l’AntiquitĂ© lointaine jusqu’au XXe siĂšcle, tiraient leur grand dynamisme et leur richesse de la fertilitĂ© de leurs terres cultivables, de leurs forĂȘts et de leur exceptionnelle situation gĂ©ographique. Les deux baies de l’üle, celle de..

    Un trésor d'époque impériale à MytilÚne

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    Abstract. - The MytilÚne hoard (Sourlanga, 1988) consists of 50 Greek and Roman coins minted between 138 and 253 AD. The circumstances of the burial of this hoard remain unknown, but may be a result of the monetary depreciation of the mid 3rd century and of insecurity linked to the raids of the Goths. The presence of Roman silver coins and four bronze coins from Asian cities may be related to legionary movements in the East. The majority of coins of Lesbos date from the Antonine period. They continued to circulate because of the absence of newer issues, which would have been expensive to strike. The iconography of the issues minted by the koinon of Lesbos contributes additional information about the architecture of the koinon temple and its consecration to the Imperial cult. The iconography of two bronze medallions (from MytilÚne and Julia Gordos) reflects ideological themes important to the cities and the Imperial authority.Archontidou-Argyri Aglaia, Labarre Guy. Un trésor d'époque impériale à MytilÚne. In: Revue numismatique, 6e série - Tome 151, année 1996 pp. 119-140

    Observations techniques et archĂ©omĂ©triques sur l’atelier d’Apothika (Lesbos)

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    La prĂ©sentation du site d’Apothika et des rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires des fouilles effectuĂ©es sous la Direction de Madame Aglaia Archontidou, Éphore des AntiquitĂ©s, a fait l’objet d’une communication Ă  Naples, reprise et complĂ©tĂ©e dans les Actes du Colloque (Archontidou 2005). S’y trouvaient bien mis en Ă©vidence, l’intĂ©rĂȘt exceptionnel de ces ateliers de fabrication d’alun d’alunite, mais aussi leur relative complexitĂ©. Il avait Ă©tĂ© dĂ©cidĂ© que cette prĂ©sentation serait complĂ©tĂ©e par quelques obse..

    Expression of matrix metalloproteinases 1, 3, and 9 in degenerated long head biceps tendon in the presence of rotator cuff tears: an immunohistological study

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    Abstract Background Long head biceps (LHB) degeneration, in combination with rotator cuff tears, can be a source of chronic shoulder pain. LHB tenotomy reduces pain and improves joint function although the pathophysiological context is not well understood. Tendon integrity depends on the extracellular matrix (ECM), which is regulated by matrix metalloproteinases (MMP). It is unclear which of these enzymes contribute to LHB but we chose to study MMP 1, 3, and 9 and hypothesized that one or more of them may be altered in LHB, whether diagnosed preoperatively or intraoperatively. We compared expression of these MMPs in both LHB and healthy tendon samples. Methods LHB samples of 116 patients with degenerative rotator cuff tears were harvested during arthroscopic tenotomy. Patients were assigned to 4 groups (partial thickness tear, full thickness tear, cuff arthropathy, or control) based upon intraoperative findings. Partial and full thickness tears were graded according to Ellman and Bateman's classifications, respectively. MMP expression was determined by immunohistochemistry. Results MMP 1 and 9 expression was significantly higher in the presence of rotator cuff tears than in controls whereas MMP 3 expression was significantly decreased. MMP 1 and 9 expression was significantly higher in articular-sided than bursal-sided partial thickness tears. No significant association was found between MMP 1 and 9 expression and full thickness tears, and the extent of the cuff tear by Bateman's classification. Conclusion Increased MMP 1 and 9 expression, and decreased MMP 3 expression are found in LHB degeneration. There is a significant association between the size and location of a rotator cuff tear and MMP expression.</p

    L'alun de Méditerranée

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    « La grande histoire a longtemps oubliĂ© l’alun, parce qu’il Ă©tait un personnage discret, comme elle a longtemps nĂ©gligĂ© de s’intĂ©resser au blĂ©, Ă  l’huile, et en gĂ©nĂ©ral Ă  tout ce qui est indispensable Ă  la vie quotidienne » dĂ©clarait Jean Delumeau au dĂ©but de la conclusion de son ouvrage L’alun de Rome, paru en 1962. C’est qu’une fois identifiĂ©e la place centrale de cette substance pour l’industrie textile, et dans une moindre mesure pour la mĂ©gisserie, voire la mĂ©tallurgie, il Ă©tait relativement aisĂ©, grĂące Ă  une abondante documentation archivistique, d’en retracer les fluctuations Ă©conomiques et politiques durant les pĂ©riodes mĂ©diĂ©vales et modernes