442 research outputs found

    The Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics

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    A quaternionic wavefunction consisting of real and scalar functions is found to satisfy the quaternionic momentum eigenvalue equation. Each of these components are found to satisfy a generalized wave equation of the form 1c2βˆ‚2ψ0βˆ‚t2βˆ’βˆ‡2ψ0+2(m0ℏ)βˆ‚Οˆ0βˆ‚t+(m0cℏ)2ψ0=0\frac{1}{c^2}\frac{\partial^2\psi_0}{\partial t^2} - \nabla^2\psi_0+2(\frac{m_0}{\hbar})\frac{\partial\psi_0}{\partial t}+(\frac{m_0c}{\hbar})^2\psi_0=0. This reduces to the massless Klein-Gordon equation, if we replace βˆ‚βˆ‚tβ†’βˆ‚βˆ‚t+m0c2ℏ\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\to\frac{\partial}{\partial t}+\frac{m_0c^2}{\hbar}. For a plane wave solution the angular frequency is complex and is given by Ο‰βƒ—Β±=im0c2ℏ±ckβƒ—\vec{\omega}_\pm=i\frac{m_0c^2}{\hbar}\pm c\vec{k} , where kβƒ—\vec{k} is the propagation constant vector. This equation is in agreement with the Einstein energy-momentum formula. The spin of the particle is obtained from the interaction of the particle with the photon field.Comment: 13 Latex pages, no figure

    The Equivalence between Different Dark (Matter) Energy Scenarios

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    We have shown that the phenomenological models with a cosmological constant of the type Ξ›=Ξ²(RΒ¨R)\Lambda=\beta(\frac{\ddot R}{R}) and Ξ›=3Ξ±H2\Lambda=3\alpha H^2, where RR is the scale factor of the universe and HH is the Hubble constant, are equivalent to a quintessence model with a scalar (Ο•\phi) potential of the form VβˆΟ•βˆ’n,nV\propto \phi^{-n}, n = constant. The equation of state of the cosmic fluid is described by these parameters (Ξ±,Ξ²,n\alpha, \beta, n) only. The equation of state of the cosmic fluid (dark energy) can be determined by any of these parameters. The actual amount of dark energy will define the equation of state of the cosmic fluid. All of the three forms can give rise to cosmic acceleration depending the amount of dark energy in the universe
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