16,748 research outputs found

    Weak ferromagnetism and spiral spin structures in honeycomb Hubbard planes

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    Within the Hartree Fock- RPA analysis, we derive the spin wave spectrum for the weak ferromagnetic phase of the Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice. Assuming a uniform magnetization, the polar (optical) and acoustic branches of the spin wave excitations are determined. The bipartite lattice geometry produces a q-dependent phase difference between the spin wave amplitudes on the two sub-lattices. We also find an instability of the uniform weakly magnetized configuration to a weak antiferromagnetic spiraling spin structure, in the lattice plane, with wave vector Q along the Gamma-K direction, for electron densities n>0.6. We discuss the effect of diagonal disorder on both the creation of electron bound states, enhancement of the density of states, and the possible relevance of these effects to disorder induced ferromagnetism, as observed in proton irradiated graphite.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Perturbed Spherically Symmetric Dust Solution of the Field Equations in Observational Coordinates with Cosmological Data Functions

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    Using the framework for solving the spherically symmetric field equations in observational coordinates given in Araujo and Stoeger (1999), their formulation and solution in the perturbed FLRW sperically symmetric case with observational data representing galaxy redshifts, number counts and observer area distances, both as functions of redshift on our past light cone, are presented. The importance of the central conditions, those which must hold on our world line C, is emphasized. In detailing the solution for these perturbations, we discuss the gauge problem and its resolution in this context, as well as how errors and gaps in the data are propagated together with the genuine perturbations. This will provide guidance for solving, and interpreting the solutions of the more complicated general perturbation problem with observational data on our past light cone.Comment: Latex 23 pages, no figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    Polyethylene naphthalate film as a wavelength shifter in liquid argon detectors

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    Liquid argon-based scintillation detectors are important for dark matter searches and neutrino physics. Argon scintillation light is in the vacuum ultraviolet region, making it hard to be detected by conventional means. Polyethylene naphthalate (PEN), an optically transparent thermoplastic polyester commercially available as large area sheets or rolls, is proposed as an alternative wavelength shifter to the commonly-used tetraphenyl butadiene (TPB). By combining the existing literature data and spectrometer measurements relative to TPB, we conclude that the fluorescence yield and timing of both materials may be very close. The evidence collected suggests that PEN is a suitable replacement for TPB in liquid argon neutrino detectors, and is also a promising candidate for dark matter detectors. Advantages of PEN are discussed in the context of scaling-up existing technologies to the next generation of very large ktonne-scale detectors. Its simplicity has a potential to facilitate such scale-ups, revolutionizing the field.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Hubbard-model description of the high-energy spin-spectral-weight distribution in La(2)CuO(4)

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    The spectral-weight distribution in recent neutron scattering experiments on the parent compound La2_2CuO4_4 (LCO), which are limited in energy range to about 450\,meV, is studied in the framework of the Hubbard model on the square lattice with effective nearest-neighbor transfer integral tt and on-site repulsion UU. Our study combines a number of numerical and theoretical approaches, including, in addition to standard treatments, density matrix renormalization group calculations for Hubbard cylinders and a suitable spinon approach for the spin excitations. Our results confirm that the U/8tU/8t magnitude suitable to LCO corresponds to intermediate UU values smaller than the bandwidth 8t8t, which we estimate to be 8t≈2.368t \approx 2.36 eV for U/8t≈0.76U/8t\approx 0.76. This confirms the unsuitability of the conventional linear spin-wave theory. Our theoretical studies provide evidence for the occurrence of ground-state d-wave spinon pairing in the half-filled Hubbard model on the square lattice. This pairing applies only to the rotated-electron spin degrees of freedom, but it could play a role in a possible electron d-wave pairing formation upon hole doping. We find that the higher-energy spin spectral weight extends to about 566 meV and is located at and near the momentum [π,π][\pi,\pi]. The continuum weight energy-integrated intensity vanishes or is extremely small at momentum [π,0][\pi,0]. This behavior of this intensity is consistent with that of the spin waves observed in recent high-energy neutron scattering experiments, which are damped at the momentum [π,0][\pi,0]. We suggest that future LCO neutron scattering experiments scan the energies between 450 meV and 566 meV and momenta around [π,π][\pi,\pi].Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    A Comparison of Risk Exposure in Aquaculture and Agricultural Businesses

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    Agriculture and aquaculture have common features associated with their biological nature affecting risk exposure of the businesses. The aim of this paper is to compare risk exposure in salmon farming and agricultural enterprises in Norway by using an implicit error component model to examine the risk structure of yields, prices and economic returns at the farm level. Results indicate a higher farm-level year-to-year variability in yields, prices and economic returns in salmon farming than in agricultural enterprises. The variability in livestock enterprises was generally lower than for crop enterprises. Return on assets was highest in salmon farming with an average annual return of 9.2%. All of the agricultural farm types exhibited a negative average return on assets on average. Stochastic dominance tests of the distribution of economic returns from aquaculture and agricultural farm types showed salmon farming to be the most risk efficient alternative and salmon farming was most attractive from an investor’s perspective.Risk analysis, variability, Norway, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Feynman versus Bakamjian-Thomas in Light Front Dynamics

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    We compare the Bakamjian-Thomas (BT) formulation of relativistic few-body systems with light front field theories that maintain closer contact with Feynman diagrams. We find that Feynman diagrams distinguish Melosh rotations and other kinematical quantities belonging to various composite subsystem frames that correspond to different loop integrals. The BT formalism knows only the rest frame of the whole composite system, where everything is evaluated.Comment: 5 page

    Irreversibility line and low-field grain-boundary pinning in electron-doped superconducting thin films

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    AC magnetic susceptibilities of electron-doped Pr_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_4 (PCCO) and Sm_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_4 (SCCO) granular thin films have been measured as a function of temperature and magnetic-field strength. Depending on the level of homogeneity of our films, two different types of the irreversibility line (IL) defined as the intergrain-loss peak temperature in the imaginary part of susceptibility have been found. The obtained results are described via the critical-state model taking into account the low-field grain-boundary pinning. The extracted pinning-force densities in more granular SCCO films turn out to be four times larger than their counterparts in less granular PCCO films
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