7 research outputs found

    Osteoblastic and Vascular Endothelial Niches, Their Control on Normal Hematopoietic Stem Cells, and Their Consequences on the Development of Leukemia

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    Stem cell self-renewal is regulated by intrinsic mechanisms and extrinsic signals mediated via specialized microenvironments called “niches.” The best-characterized stem cell is the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC). Self-renewal and differentiation ability of HSC are regulated by two major elements: endosteal and vascular regulatory elements. The osteoblastic niche localized at the inner surface of the bone cavity might serve as a reservoir for long-term HSC storage in a quiescent state. Whereas the vascular niche, which consists of sinusoidal endothelial cell lining blood vessel, provides an environment for short-term HSC proliferation and differentiation. Both niches act together to maintain hematopoietic homeostasis. In this paper, we provide some principles applying to the hematopoietic niches, which will be useful in the study and understanding of other stem cell niches. We will discuss altered microenvironment signaling leading to myeloid lineage disease. And finally, we will review some data on the development of acute myeloid leukemia from a subpopulation called leukemia-initiating cells (LIC), and we will discuss on the emerging evidences supporting the influence of the microenvironment on chemotherapy resistance

    Les altérations génétiques et transcriptomiques des métastases du cancer de l'ovaire.

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    Le cancer de l ovaire est le cancer gynécologique avec la plus grande mortalité due à un diagnostique tardif au stade de maladie extensive péritonéale. Malgré les progrès de la chirurgie radicale et de la chimiothérapie les récurrences abdominales demeurent la cause la plus fréquente de mortalité. Il existe peu d études de la maladie métastatique péritonéale. Notre hypothèse de travail est que les différences entre la maladie métastatique et la tumeur primaire sont primordiales dans la survenue d une maladie résiduelle ou récurrente. Nous avons utilisé une approche exhaustive comprenant des études du transcriptome, des variations du nombre de copie (VNC) et des sequençages des exomes pour caractériser les différences entre lésions primaires, métastases péritonéales et métastases lymphatiques.Résultats: Notre étude démontre que les VNC varient de façon significative entre la tumeur primaire et la métastase peritonéale. Les différences d expressions géniques bien que mineures permettent de retrouver les voies de signalisation primordiales pour le développement des métastases. Le séquençage des exomes montre très peu de différences en terme de polymorphisme. Par ailleurs la majorité des polymorphismes présents dans les métastases se retrouvent à une faible fréquence dans la tumeur primaire de façon concordante avec la théorie clonale. Conclusion: L ensemble des résultats montre la possibilité d une origine clonale de la maladie métastatique des cancers de l ovaire comportant la majorité des anomalies au niveau des variations du nombre de copie. L intégration de ces données permettrait d optimiser les thérapeutiques ciblées.Ovarian cancer is the most deadly gynecological cancer. The high rate of mortality is due to the large tumor burden with extensive metastatic lesion of the abdominal cavity. There are few studies on genetic alterations and their consequences in peritoneal metastatic tumors when compared to their matched ovarian primary tumors. Our hypothesis is that differences between the metastatic and primary lesions might be the cause of residual disease and, most importantly may have a role in post-chemotherapeutic recurrences. Methods: We conducted integrated genomics analysis on matched primary and metastatic tumors from 9 patients. In the papers presented here we analyze genome-wide Copy Number Variations (CNVs) using SNP Arrays targeting peritoneal metastasis differences, Gene expression differences using Microarrays also targeting peritoneal metastasis differences, and for some patients, Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes through Exome sequencing.Results: Here we show that CNVs vary significantly between primary and metastatic tumors and include genes that have been considered potential chemotherapeutic targets based on primary tumor only data. Gene expression differences, while minor, showed highly statistically significant enrichment of genes in ovarian cancer critical pathways. In agreement with findings in other cancers, exome sequencing data revealed very few SNP differences of which most metastasis enriched SNPs were present at very low levels in the primary tumor. The results presented here should allow better design of therapies to target residual ovarian cancer disease.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Implication of Microenvironment on the Onset of Metastasis & Initiation of Residual Disease in Breast Adenocarcinoma

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    Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus fréquemment diagnostiqué et la deuxième cause de décès par cancer dans les pays développé. Récemment le rôle du microenvironnement a été mis en évidence dans l oncogenèse et la progression tumorale. Plusieurs études ont montré que le microenvironnement tumoral est un élément dynamique en constant dialogue avec les cellules tumorales. Parmi les éléments du microenvironnement les cellules endothéliales jouent un rôle particulier. Effectivement ces cellules constituent la paroi des vaisseaux et permettent l acheminement des nutriments et de l oxygène vers la tumeur. Ainsi ces dernières années des thérapies visant a détruire les vaisseaux sanguins ont vu le jour mais n ont pas permis d atteindre les progrès thérapeutiques escomptés. Notre groupe ainsi que d autres ont mis en évidence des rôles des cellules endothéliales indépendant de la perfusion tumorale. Dans ce travail de thèse nous avons caractérisé l interaction entre cellules endothéliales et tumorales et mis en évidence le rôle pro-tumoral de la niche vasculaire. Nous avons tout d abord pu montrer en utilisant une stratégie de souris transgénique où nous annulons l expression de Jag1 des cellules endothéliales la réduction drastique de l occurrence des métastases. Nous avons pu montrer que cela n est pas dépendant de la perfusion tumorale mais dépend de la modification de nombreux gènes pro-métastatiques dont Id1 dans les cellules tumorales par les cellules endothéliales. Parallèlement nous avons montré que le dialogue entre cellules tumorales et endothéliales induit une transition mésenchymateuse des cellules endothéliales avec pour conséquence une augmentation de leur survie ainsi que de leur migration et de leur capacité angiocrine.Ainsi nous avons montré comment le dialogue entre cellules tumorales et endothéliales induit une modification du phénotype tumoral et endothéliale et le rôle de la voie Notch dans ce dialogue. Notre travail suggère la possibilité de moduler l agressivité tumorale en interrompant le dialogue entre cellules endothéliales et tumorales.Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease, which is characterized by distinct morphological features and clinical behaviors and is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in the United States and worldwide and the second cause of cancer-related mortality in women. Several years of investigation have demonstrated that tumor initiation, progression and metastasis are closely regulated by the adjacent non-neoplastic tissues that are collectively referred to as tumor microenvironment (stroma). The components of tumor stroma such as mesenchymal stem cells have been shown to enhance cancer stem cell population in breast tumor. Also, the endothelial cells (ECs) conventional role in tumor angiogenesis is crucial in determining the tumor fate as microscopic and asymptomatic versus aggressive. This outstanding characteristic of ECs has set them as promising targets in cancer therapy. However, failure of anti-angiogenic therapies despite vessel disruption suggests the blood flow-independent ability of ECs to facilitate tumor growth. In this study, we show that ECs promoted breast cancer cell self-renewal, stemness, migratory characteristic and lung metastasis through Jagged1/Notch dependent Id1 modulation. ECs with Jag1 knock down (ECsJag1-) failed to sustain breast cancer cell proliferation and stemness in vitro and during xenografted tumor growth. Furthermore, we established a breast tumor mouse model with EC specific Jag1 mutation, by crossing the MMTV-PyMT mice with Cdh5-Cre+/-Jag1loxP/loxP mice. It demonstrated significant decrease in primary tumor growth and dramatic reduction in lung metastasis in Cdh5-Cre+/-Jag1loxP/loxPPyMT+ mice. Transcriptome sequencing analysis of the sorted primary tumor cells identified Notch downstream targets, specifically, Id1, which was reported to be essential for lung metastasis of breast tumors. Additionally, we were interested in determining the mechanisms that derive the activation of ECs toward supporting tumor growth and expansion. Previous studies have shown that ECs show tremendous degree of plasticity when placed under different conditions. Here, we showed that ECs show EndMT phenotypes upon having contact with tumor cells. Interestingly, the EndMT transforms the ECs into activated entities with increased proliferation, migration and angiogenesis properties. Our results demonstrated that the EndMT was reversible and dependent on EC-tumor cell contacts. Moreover, we were able to show that the tumor-induced EndMT in ECs is synergistically regulated by TGFb and notch signaling pathways. Overall, our findings implicate the significance of endothelial-tumor cells perfusion-independent interaction in cancer progression, stemness, and metastasis. Besides, this study might have determined novel targets in combating cancer in a more effective way.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF