57 research outputs found

    Türkiye'nin Kalkınma Sorunu ve Çözüm Noktasında Özel Finans Kurumları

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    One of the most important problems of developing countries like Turkey is economic development. In order to continue well-balanced development, developing countries should increase their saving-deposit and use them effectively. Because, capital accumulation providing economic development can be realized only by manipulation the saving-deposits to the investment. If it is wanted to realize economic development in a country one of the most effective institutions in increasing saving-deposits and turning them in to capital and for both of them which is thought to be motivating is non-governmental (private) financial institutions. So, in this study, the non-governmental financial institutions are being investigated for good solutions on development problem, which is one of the basic problem of Turkey and importance of saving-deposit in this problem

    Effect of the Global Economic Crisis on Turkish Banking Sector

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    The global economic crisis began in 2008 has had major negative effects the economies of all countries in the world. Turkey is also one of the very seriously affected countries by the crisis. However, effects of the global crisis on Turkish Banking Sector remained relatively limited compared to its peers in developed and other developing countries. Turkish Banking Sector has been less affected by the global crisis because of after November-2000 and February-2001 crises, gaining the banking sector stronger capital structure and stronger equity capital structure as a result of taken structural measures and improvements; effective supervision and regulation of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency; the absence of a functioning mortgage sector such as America; several structural and fundamental features of the sector itself; the macroeconomic policies of the Central Bank of Turkey; and some additional measures taken by banks in the process of the global economic crisis

    Effect of the Global Economic Crisis on Turkish Banking Sector

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    The global economic crisis began in 2008 has had major negative effects the economies of all countries in the world. Turkey is also one of the very seriously affected countries by the crisis. However, effects of the global crisis on Turkish Banking Sector remained relatively limited compared to its peers in developed and other developing countries. Turkish Banking Sector has been less affected by the global crisis because of after November-2000 and February-2001 crises, gaining the banking sector stronger capital structure and stronger equity capital structure as a result of taken structural measures and improvements; effective supervision and regulation of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency; the absence of a functioning mortgage sector such as America; several structural and fundamental features of the sector itself; the macroeconomic policies of the Central Bank of Turkey; and some additional measures taken by banks in the process of the global economic crisis

    Türkiye'nin Kalkınma Sorunu ve Çözüm Noktasında Özel Finans Kurumları

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    One of the most important problems of developing countries like Turkey is economic development. In order to continue well-balanced development, developing countries should increase their saving-deposit and use them effectively. Because, capital accumulation providing economic development can be realized only by manipulation the saving-deposits to the investment. If it is wanted to realize economic development in a country one of the most effective institutions in increasing saving-deposits and turning them in to capital and for both of them which is thought to be motivating is non-governmental (private) financial institutions. So, in this study, the non-governmental financial institutions are being investigated for good solutions on development problem, which is one of the basic problem of Turkey and importance of saving-deposit in this problem

    The Effect of the Macroeconomic Determinants on Sovereign Credit Rating of Turkey

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    The effects of the main macroeconomic determinants on the sovereign credit rating of Turkey assigned by Standard & Poor’s are analyzed in this paper. As the main macroeconomic determinants, inflation rate, economic growth rate, foreign direct investment, external debt, current account debt and savings are taken into account in this study. The data related to Turkey in this study covers between 1992-2016. In this study, the Granger causality test and the OLS regression model are used for that correlations of the variables. Outcomes of the analysis show that just two in six macroeconomic determinants are effective on the sovereign credit rating. According to the results of the study, external debt and inflation rate have a statistically significant relationship with the sovereign credit rating of Turkey. The outcomes show that external debt and the inflation rate have negative effects on the sovereign credit rating of the country. The coefficient of the external debt and the inflation is negative which means that if the inflation or external debt increases the rating decreases in appropriate with the theory. On the other hand, the effects of the other four macroeconomic variables are not significant. The results of the study indicate that some factors other than the primary macroeconomic determinants are effective on the sovereign credit ratings of Turkey. The results also unveil the door for the criticism that the decisions of the credit rating agencies are biased

    1929 və 2008 böhranlarının makroiqtisadi səbəb və nəticələr baxımından müqayisəsi

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    This study comprises the comparative analysis of macro economic reasons and consequences of world economic crisis happened in 2008 which affected the economy of the world and the 1929 crisis the biggest that ever happened in the world. It is obvious that both of crises have common and different features from the macro economic reason and consequence point of view. It is seen that the common features are based on the same mistakes concerning market economy. The differences between these crises are lying on the volume, type and meaning of economic relations from 1920 to 2008

    Reel Ekonomiye Katkıları Bakımından katılım Bankalarının Kullandırdığı Fonların Analizi

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    Participation banks have been operating as a third kind of banks as well as deposit banks and development/investment banks in Turkish Banking System since 1985. Participation banks are operating according to Islamic principles. Therefore, they do not use interest in collecting and utilizing funds processes instead use profit/loss sharing model in these processes. The amount of allocated funds by participation banks and the share of participation banks in allocated funds have increased in the banking sector especially since 2002. The profıt/loss method that is one of the methods on allocated funds by participation banks in the banking sector is the most important method contribution to the real economy. Nevertheless, the share of allocated funds on the basis of the profıt/loss method is very low in the total allocated funds. In this case shows that participation banks despite of passing 30 years after its founding could not provide yet the expected contribution to the real sector of Turkish economy

    Constitutional Economics, Fiscal Policy Rules, and The Case of Turkey

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    Discretionary fiscal policies have arisen because of dominant Keynesian economic policies from 1930’s to 1970’s. Public expenditures intensively and excessively increased in order to ensure macroeconomic stability during this period. Many countries faced the emergence of macroeconomic problems such as affectively using public resources, budget deficit and inflation. As a result, Keynesian economic policies and the stagnation experienced in following high inflation years have faced economies with stagflation process in the 1970’s. However, Keynesian approach did not solve the problem. Therefore, new economic approaches developed for solving the problem. One of the new economic approaches was Constitutional Economic Theory. The theory includes economic policy rules including fiscal rules as well as monetary rules. Fiscal rules have been one of the main stabilization tools in obtaining budget and public finance balance. Many countries have implemented specific fiscal policy rules to struggle with economic instabilities, budget deficits and public financial imbalances. A specific form of fiscal policy rule has been started to implement in Turkey since 1999. Several fiscal policy rules have been adopted in Turkey’s public financial management system as part of the economic program which was conducted with the collaboration of IMF since 1999. These rules are called as implicit fiscal policy rules. These fiscal rules have become a draft legal text in 2010 as “Fiscal Rule Draft Law”. Although the fiscal rule was planned to start the application period as of 2011, it is delayed to fiscal year 2012 because of some economic reasons

    Foreign Capital Investment and Economic Crises in Turkey

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    1970’s financial liberalization has been followed by the liberalization of commercial markets in the process of globalization. Liberalization of financial markets has caused the acceleration of capital flows and the increase of their volume. Capital that flows to developing countries suffering from saving gaps has positive effects on the economies when they entered into these countries and lead to destabilizations on their economies when they went out. The influences of capital flows, especially the ones of speculative capital, have been observed in the financial crises erupted in international level since the 1990s. By performing the financial liberalization, Turkey has tried to resolve the capital gap problem with the entrance of foreign capital since 1989. Unfortunately, by increasing its vulnerabilities, liberalization caused Turkish economy, which has macroeconomic weaknesses; to become open to destabilizing effects of capital flows and global financial crises. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of capital flows on Turkish Economy

    The Impact of Globalization on Manufacturing Output: The Case of Nigeria

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    Nigerian government has put in considerable effort at improve bilateral relation in the economy; its net effect is yet unclear. This raises concerns about the tradeoff benefit between trade openness as a proxy to globalization and contributions to the manufacturing output in Nigeria. This study examines the impact of globalization on manufacturing output in Nigeria. Using structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) approaches, from 2010Q1 to 2018Q4, the findings reveal that manufacturing output and transportation responded significantly to the foreign shocks emanating from globalization. The study established that the manufacturing output reacted negatively to exchange rate fluctuations, implying that exchange rate is very important to manufacturing sector in Nigeria. On the same vein, transportation, financial integration and globalization respectively were affected positively and significantly by exchange rate fluctuations to manufacturing sector