19 research outputs found

    The Influence of Human IgG Subclass and Allotype on Complement Activation

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    Complement activation via the classical pathway is initiated when oligomeric Igs on target surfaces are recognized by C1 of the complement cascade. The strength of this interaction and activation of the complement system are influenced by structural variation of the Ab, including Ab isotype, subclass, and glycosylation profile. Polymorphic variants of IgG have also been described to influence Fc-dependent effector functions. Therefore, we assessed complement binding, deposition, and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) of 27 known IgG allotypes with anti-trinitrophenyl specificity. Differences between allotypes within subclasses were minor for IgG1, IgG3, and IgG4 allotypes, and more substantial for IgG2. Allelic variant IGHG2*06, containing a unique serine at position 378 in the CH3 domain, showed less efficient complement activation and CDC compared with other IgG2 polymorphisms. We also observed variable cell lysis between IgG1 and IgG3, with IgG3 being superior in lysis of human RBCs and Ramos cells, and IgG1 being superior in lysis of Raji and Wien133 cells, demonstrating that a long-standing conundrum in the literature depends on cellular context. Furthermore, we compared IgG1 and IgG3 under different circumstances, showing that Ag density and Ab hinge length, but not complement regulators, define the context dependency of Ab-mediated CDC activity. Our results point toward a variation in the capacity of IgG subclasses to activate complement due to single amino acid changes and hinge length differences of allotypes to activate complement, which might give new insights on susceptibility to infectious, alloimmune, or autoimmune diseases and aid the design of Ab-based therapeutics. The Journal of Immunology, 2023, 211: 1725-1735

    The Influence of Human IgG Subclass and Allotype on Complement Activation

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    Complement activation via the classical pathway is initiated when oligomeric Igs on target surfaces are recognized by C1 of the complement cascade. The strength of this interaction and activation of the complement system are influenced by structural variation of the Ab, including Ab isotype, subclass, and glycosylation profile. Polymorphic variants of IgG have also been described to influence Fc-dependent effector functions. Therefore, we assessed complement binding, deposition, and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) of 27 known IgG allotypes with anti-trinitrophenyl specificity. Differences between allotypes within subclasses were minor for IgG1, IgG3, and IgG4 allotypes, and more substantial for IgG2. Allelic variant IGHG2*06, containing a unique serine at position 378 in the CH3 domain, showed less efficient complement activation and CDC compared with other IgG2 polymorphisms. We also observed variable cell lysis between IgG1 and IgG3, with IgG3 being superior in lysis of human RBCs and Ramos cells, and IgG1 being superior in lysis of Raji and Wien133 cells, demonstrating that a long-standing conundrum in the literature depends on cellular context. Furthermore, we compared IgG1 and IgG3 under different circumstances, showing that Ag density and Ab hinge length, but not complement regulators, define the context dependency of Ab-mediated CDC activity. Our results point toward a variation in the capacity of IgG subclasses to activate complement due to single amino acid changes and hinge length differences of allotypes to activate complement, which might give new insights on susceptibility to infectious, alloimmune, or autoimmune diseases and aid the design of Ab-based therapeutics. The Journal of Immunology, 2023, 211: 1725-1735

    When binding is enough: nonactivating antibody formats

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    Most therapeutic antibodies currently used in the clinic are based on the human IgG1 format, which is a bivalent molecule that efficiently interacts with the immune system's effector functions. In clinical applications where binding to the target alone is sufficient for therapeutic efficacy; however, engagement of the immune system is not required and may even cause unwanted side-effects. Likewise, bivalent binding to the target may negatively influence the therapeutic efficacy of an antibody. Here we discuss the state of the art for antibody-based therapeutics, designed to be nonactivating (i.e. do not engage the innate immune system's effector functions), in both monovalent and bivalent format

    Kinetic mechanism of controlled Fab-arm exchange for the formation of bispecific immunoglobulin G1 antibodies

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    Bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) combine the antigen specificities of two distinct Abs and demonstrate therapeutic promise based on novel mechanisms of action. Among the many platforms for creating bsAbs, controlled Fab-arm exchange (cFAE) has proven useful based on minimal changes to native Ab structure and the simplicity with which bsAbs can be formed from two parental Abs. Despite a published protocol for cFAE and its widespread use in the pharmaceutical industry, the reaction mechanism has not been determined. Knowledge of the mechanism could lead to improved yields of bsAb at faster rates as well as foster adoption of process control. In this work, a combination of Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET), nonreducing SDS-PAGE, and strategic mutation of the Ab hinge region was employed to identify and characterize the individual steps of cFAE. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) was used to determine the affinity of parental (homodimer) and bispecific (heterodimer) interactions within the C(H)3 domain, further clarifying the thermodynamic basis for bsAb formation. The result is a clear sequence of events with rate constants that vary with experimental conditions, where dissociation of the K409R parental Ab into half-Ab controls the rate of the reactio

    FcγR Binding and ADCC Activity of Human IgG Allotypes

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    Antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) is an Fc-dependent effector function of IgG important for anti-viral immunity and anti-tumor therapies. NK-cell mediated ADCC is mainly triggered by IgG-subclasses IgG1 and IgG3 through the IgG-Fc-receptor (FcγR) IIIa. Polymorphisms in the immunoglobulin gamma heavy chain gene likely form a layer of variation in the strength of the ADCC-response, but this has never been studied in detail. We produced all 27 known IgG allotypes and assessed FcγRIIIa binding and ADCC activity. While all IgG1, IgG2, and IgG4 allotypes behaved similarly within subclass, large allotype-specific variation was found for IgG3. ADCC capacity was affected by residues 291, 292, and 296 in the CH2 domain through altered affinity or avidity for FcγRIIIa. Furthermore, allotypic variation in hinge length affected ADCC, likely through altered proximity at the immunological synapse. Thus, these functional differences between IgG allotypes have important implications for therapeutic applications and susceptibility to infectious-, allo- or auto-immune diseases

    Quantitative Analysis of the Interaction Strength and Dynamics of Human IgG4 Half Molecules by Native Mass Spectrometry

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    Native mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful technique for studying noncovalent protein-protein interactions. Here, native MS was employed to examine the noncovalent interactions involved in homodimerization of antibody half molecules (HL) in hinge-deleted human IgG4 (IgG4 Delta hinge). By analyzing the concentration dependence of the relative distribution of monomer HL and dimer (HL)(2) species, the apparent dissociation constant (K(D)) for this interaction was determined. In combination with site-directed mutagenesis, the relative contributions of residues at the CH3-CH3 interface to this interaction could be characterized and corresponding K(D) values quantified over a range of 10(-10)-10(-4) M. The critical importance of this noncovalent interaction in maintaining the intact dimeric structure was also proven for the full-length IgG4 backbone. Using time-resolved MS, the kinetics of the interaction could be measured, reflecting the dynamics of IgG4 HL exchange. Hence, native MS has provided a quantitative view of local structural features that define biological properties of IgG4