8 research outputs found

    Lelantus: A New Design for Anonymous and Confidential Cryptocurrencies

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    For cryptocurrency payments to be truly private, transactions have to have two properties: confidentiality, i.e., hiding the transferred amounts, and anonymity, i.e. hiding the identities of the sender and/or receiver in a transaction. In this paper, we propose Lelantus, a new decentralized anonymous payment (DAP) protocol that ensures confidential and anonymous blockchain transactions with small transaction sizes, short verification times, and without requiring a trusted setup. It efficiently supports large anonymity sets of size hundred thousand and beyond by providing logarithmic proof sizes and efficient sub-linear verification time of the transactions. We implement Lelantus to measure its performance and show that it is very efficient to support scalable privacy cryptocurrencies. We also formally prove the security of the proposed protocol characterized by three security properties referred to as ledger indistinguishability, transaction non-malleability, and balance. Lelantus design concepts can be used in combination with the MimbleWimble and Confidential Transactions protocols, two other popular blockchain privacy schemes for confidential transactions. A hybrid scheme of Lelantus-MimbleWimble has been developed and implemented into a fully-fledged privacy cryptocurrency which enables confidential and unlinkable blockchain payments. As part of our protocol, we also introduce an extension of one-out-of-many proofs for generalized Pedersen commitments and provide formal security proofs for the proposed design, which can be of own interest

    Aura: private voting with reduced trust on tallying authorities

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    Electronic voting has long been an area of active and challenging research. Security properties relevant to physical voting in elections with a variety of threat models and priorities are often difficult to reproduce in cryptographic systems and protocols. Existing work in this space often focuses on the privacy of ballot contents, assurances to voters that their votes are tabulated, and verification that election results are correct; however, privacy of voter identity is often offloaded to trust requirements on election organizers or tallying authorities, or implies other kinds of trust related to cryptographic construction instantiation. Here we introduce Aura, an election protocol that reduces trust on tallying authorities and organizers while ensuring voter privacy. Ballots in Aura are dissociated from voter identity cryptographically, use verifiable encryption and threshold decryption to diffuse trust in tallying authorities, require no trusted setup for cryptographic primitives, and use efficient proving systems to reduce computation and communication complexity. These properties make Aura a competitive candidate for use in a variety of applications where trust minimization is desirable or necessary

    Spats: confidential assets and non-fungible tokens

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    In privacy-preserving transaction protocols, confidential asset designs permit transfer of quantities of distinct asset types in a way that obscures their types and values. Spark is a protocol that provides flexible privacy properties relating to addressing, transaction sources and recipients, and value transfer; however, it does not natively support the use of multiple confidential asset types or non-fungible tokens. Here we describe Spats, a new design for confidential assets and serialized tokens compatible with Spark that focuses on efficient and modular implementation. It does so by extending coin value commitments to bind and mask an asset type and identifier, and asserting in zero knowledge that they are maintained throughout transactions. We describe the cryptographic components and changes to the Spark protocol necessary for the design of Spats

    New Receipt-Free E-Voting Scheme and Self-Proving Mix Net as New Paradigm

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    The contribution of this paper is twofold. First we present a new simple electronic voting scheme having standard re-encryption mix net back-end, which allows to cast a ballot and verify its correctness in a new way. Then we extend the proposed scheme to represent a new very efficient mix network construction. We called our mix network to be self-proving mix, because it is shown how mix process correctness can be verified without demanding from mix party a special proof. Our proposed mix network allows to reveal all the cheating occurred during a mix process at verification of decryption parties work

    Hierarchical One-out-of-Many Proofs With Applications to Blockchain Privacy and Ring Signatures

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    The one-out-of-many proof is a cryptographic zero-knowledge construction enabling the prover to demonstrate knowledge of a secret element among the given public list of cryptographic commitments opening to zero. This method is relying on standard Decisional Diffie-Hellman security assumptions and can result in efficient accountable ring signature schemes [4] and proofs of set memberships [5] with a signature size smaller than all existing alternative schemes relying on standard assumptions. This construction also serves as a fundamental building block for numerous recent blockchain privacy protocols including Anonymous Zether, Zerocoin, Lelantus, Lelantus-MW, Triptych and Triptych-2. One-out-of-many proofs require O(logN)-sized communication and can be implemented in O(N) time for the verifier and O(NlogN) time for the prover. In this work, we introduce a new method of instantiating one-out-of-many proofs which reduces the proof generation time by an order of magnitude. In certain practical applications our method also helps to fasten the verification process of multiple simultaneously generated proofs. Our approach still results in shorter proofs comprised of only a logarithmic number of commitments and does not compromise the highly efficient batch verification properties endemic to the original construction. We believe this work can also foster further research towards building more efficient one-out-of-many proofs which are extremely useful constructions in the blockchain privacy space and beyond

    Lelantus Spark: Secure and Flexible Private Transactions

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    We propose a modification to the Lelantus private transaction protocol to provide recipient privacy, improved security, and additional usability features. Our decentralized anonymous payment (DAP) construction, Spark, enables non-interactive one-time addressing to hide recipient addresses in transactions. The modified address format permits flexibility in transaction visibility. Address owners can securely provide third parties with opt-in visibility into incoming transactions or all transactions associated to the address; this functionality allows for offloading chain scanning and balance computation without delegating spend authority. It is also possible to delegate expensive proving operations without compromising spend authority when generating transactions. Further, the design is compatible with straightforward linear multisignature operations to allow mutually non-trusting parties to cooperatively receive and generate transactions associated to a multisignature address. We prove that Spark satisfies formal DAP security properties of balance, non-malleability, and ledger indistinguishability

    Efficient Oblivious Transfer Protocols based on White-Box Cryptography

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    Oblivious transfer protocol is an important cryptographic primitive having numerous applications and particularly playing an essential role in secure multiparty computation protocols. On the other hand existing oblivious transfer protocols are based on computationally expensive public-key operations which remains the main obstacle for employing such protocols in practical applications. In this paper a novel approach for designing oblivious transfer protocols is introduced based on the idea of replacing public-key operations by white-box cryptography techniques. As a result oblivious transfer protocols based on white-box cryptography run several times faster and require less communication bandwidth compared with the existing protocols

    MERCAT: Mediated, Encrypted, Reversible, SeCure Asset Transfers

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    For security token adoption by financial institutions and industry players on the blockchain, there is a need for a secure asset management protocol that enables condential asset issuance and transfers by concealing from the public the transfer amounts and asset types, while on a public blockchain. Flexibly supporting arbitrary restrictions on financial transactions, only some of which need to be supported by zero-knowledge proofs. This paper proposes leveraging a hybrid design approach, by using zero-knowledge proofs, supported by restrictions enforced by trusted mediators. As part of our protocol, we also describe a novel transaction ordering mechanism that can support a flexible transaction workflow without putting any timing constraints on when the transactions should be generated by the users or processed by the network validators. This technique is likely to be of independent interest