28 research outputs found

    Adversarial Black-Box Attacks on Automatic Speech Recognition Systems using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization

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    Fooling deep neural networks with adversarial input have exposed a significant vulnerability in the current state-of-the-art systems in multiple domains. Both black-box and white-box approaches have been used to either replicate the model itself or to craft examples which cause the model to fail. In this work, we propose a framework which uses multi-objective evolutionary optimization to perform both targeted and un-targeted black-box attacks on Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems. We apply this framework on two ASR systems: Deepspeech and Kaldi-ASR, which increases the Word Error Rates (WER) of these systems by upto 980%, indicating the potency of our approach. During both un-targeted and targeted attacks, the adversarial samples maintain a high acoustic similarity of 0.98 and 0.97 with the original audio.Comment: Published in Interspeech 201

    Model-based annotation of coreference

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    Humans do not make inferences over texts, but over models of what texts are about. When annotators are asked to annotate coreferent spans of text, it is therefore a somewhat unnatural task. This paper presents an alternative in which we preprocess documents, linking entities to a knowledge base, and turn the coreference annotation task -- in our case limited to pronouns -- into an annotation task where annotators are asked to assign pronouns to entities. Model-based annotation is shown to lead to faster annotation and higher inter-annotator agreement, and we argue that it also opens up for an alternative approach to coreference resolution. We present two new coreference benchmark datasets, for English Wikipedia and English teacher-student dialogues, and evaluate state-of-the-art coreference resolvers on them.Comment: To appear in LREC 202

    A Visual Programming Paradigm for Abstract Deep Learning Model Development

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    Deep learning is one of the fastest growing technologies in computer science with a plethora of applications. But this unprecedented growth has so far been limited to the consumption of deep learning experts. The primary challenge being a steep learning curve for learning the programming libraries and the lack of intuitive systems enabling non-experts to consume deep learning. Towards this goal, we study the effectiveness of a no-code paradigm for designing deep learning models. Particularly, a visual drag-and-drop interface is found more efficient when compared with the traditional programming and alternative visual programming paradigms. We conduct user studies of different expertise levels to measure the entry level barrier and the developer load across different programming paradigms. We obtain a System Usability Scale (SUS) of 90 and a NASA Task Load index (TLX) score of 21 for the proposed visual programming compared to 68 and 52, respectively, for the traditional programming methods

    Sanskrit Sandhi Splitting using seq2(seq)^2

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    In Sanskrit, small words (morphemes) are combined to form compound words through a process known as Sandhi. Sandhi splitting is the process of splitting a given compound word into its constituent morphemes. Although rules governing word splitting exists in the language, it is highly challenging to identify the location of the splits in a compound word. Though existing Sandhi splitting systems incorporate these pre-defined splitting rules, they have a low accuracy as the same compound word might be broken down in multiple ways to provide syntactically correct splits. In this research, we propose a novel deep learning architecture called Double Decoder RNN (DD-RNN), which (i) predicts the location of the split(s) with 95% accuracy, and (ii) predicts the constituent words (learning the Sandhi splitting rules) with 79.5% accuracy, outperforming the state-of-art by 20%. Additionally, we show the generalization capability of our deep learning model, by showing competitive results in the problem of Chinese word segmentation, as well.Comment: Accepted in EMNLP 201

    Ellipsis Resolution as Question Answering: An Evaluation

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    Most, if not all forms of ellipsis (e.g., so does Mary) are similar to reading comprehension questions (what does Mary do), in that in order to resolve them, we need to identify an appropriate text span in the preceding discourse. Following this observation, we present an alternative approach for English ellipsis resolution relying on architectures developed for question answering (QA). We present both single-task models, and joint models trained on auxiliary QA and coreference resolution datasets, clearly outperforming the current state of the art for Sluice Ellipsis (from 70.00 to 86.01 F1) and Verb Phrase Ellipsis (from 72.89 to 78.66 F1).Comment: To appear in EACL 202